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Law In Pennsylvania

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A leUer from a fnend n Washington ! tv, irives an account of a caso rerenlly decided i by JuíIlo Ewjng, '.he President Jude ofibat district. Aman was seized. by a Virginj.i bKive-catcher. who vvas aboul lo carry bim uff by his own nvithority sccording lo Jiirge S:ory's law, was preveníed by a writ i! i habeas corpns, issiioü by and returnahle beforcl J'it'ge Ewin, at Unioníown. The case wíií ; cúi'.icstly coritested by counycl,on thrco poirt 1. 'iirt by tlic decisión of I ho Suoreme Conrt, a Slato Jutige could not examine lito case en habeas curpuF. 2. An ofior by the clrmart ío idontify iho rcípoüilerit by an eir-iT:nk. S. A motion to postpone the cose to crivo lime for the cíaimant to procure ariJitioual evujrncc. 'l'ho result is given in 'Aords of our corresponde ni : "Ti.e Judgo decided tliaí l was too late in ! i thcdayto pértnit aman tobo identified by I ear-mark?, üke sheep and dog-s. t the prcat poiní (ccided was Ihatevery human liet j was eniitledto the benefila of the writ. nnd no law it decisión pf Cotirfs could deprivo Q ' mtin in Perjs Ivanin oí tlie rig-lit to it. A1í?o, í'iat time wouW no, be given to claimanr, as rjvory üiiin ho!ding anoliier n dnress or ciisto dy, mofrtí5!iow n iiis rettiri),, his Jgal title to ; iiold him, nnd in the absence of this, the pris cnei mnst be difcítflrged Tiins wc have a decisión i) necordance wirh thatpart of t!ie 1 Cü3siiíuíion, wliicii snyp, 'liie writ of habíascorpus Jisll not he suspended e.xcept


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