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_- _- m(í i A M K info the inc'osurc of the CSp P -ul'S'.Tibvr. tibout the irst of' jjfifjffiTBfff iNoveniticr Insi, a light red hci'er. Vi J& with sonic white under the I cl'.y. foiir ;arso!(J,nr artificial marks The own er is desired to provo property. pay charges, and luke her awav. EtVVARD PHELPg. Ypsilan;, Feb: lst, 1343. 8w-43 CME into the inclnsure of :he subscriber.on iho fiiteenth day ÖÏOctober last, tic cotos, one is a palé red. r.ither bfowutsh around the lic.iii; ilio oiher is a brown. wiih a stnr in the lorchcaii. Theowner is nq-iested to prove propir:v, pay ebhrges, and tnke them away: BE.NJAMJN PRTÉR. Salein, Ftb. 8, 1S-J3. 8w-43 C L IÑTOIV sÜniïiARY. STR1NG TERjT. rjMlV. sixth rcffulnr.term of 12 weeks will eotnJL on JMond.-iy. February i, ltii-l. TuiTrox. For commot) Knlih-h branches, 3 00 For lii;hest Bngtlsíi braricl'es, 4 (II) For Latín and (íicek. 500 Board, richting Room, Fürniture, oud Wasiiing. ai ."Jl 25. Tuítíori tu Ce pül in advnnce. L-nlios nnd gentlemerr rrom nbrond wil) be i quired to present a cprtilie.üe of good tnoral I clüirncter; and by a stnndir.jr rtilo of tku ' ry. no BChölar who pers:ss in the its ol ' hun (ir obscene languüÉïe." 13 nlluwt-d to continua his connection with u. 'Jhis rule, witíi o uuniber of oihers, have been adopted by a vo:e ot the school. Tbe F-lisïi text boks thnt nre ndor.tcd nre enerally Mioh ns are in use in the best .Ae.-idemies nnd High School. The Clns.eical bo.iku nre sueh us are required for adniission to Colle:n. ♦ Cónsidsrabha has been dono o fnrnish mnnuni nbor for thoso who wih, in this way, to nay for a piirt or all of their board. Student enn enter , al nny time during tiie term. thourrh i; is mtiuh to their advantno to enter at the l.erinmii". GEO. W. HANCROFT. Frcaptor. MRS. BAN'CROFT, Prc:e, Tw. Clinton, Jan. 25. 184?. 41-tf. 'AXK All HOU STEAM FOUNDRY. XEAR THE R Mí, KOAD DEPOT.) PARTltlDGES, K&ÑT Sí CO. h'uve i nnl put ñ opcralíon a fíry, nrrid are ñow prepnred to furnish i order most Kindí ings lor M'ii.s. olher Mnetiinefy. Sugar and Cauldron Kettíes. Putish Conk-rs. mos: kin l Hoiltiw VVnre, Sleigh Simes, r Ve Doge, Wa&. on and Bugpy j; ingaof the Smtf. and I the most approvfd pritíjjniR i-sed h ''hio, all of whicll iluy rc.í(M:tl'ully invito ihe l'ublio tr examino. Tliey aro prepared to lurnish Tanucrs and oíliers v.ith PLOUGHS asenrly in llio season as tli.'y iii.iy he vvan'eú 'fot usoj md wlúcji ! will be inirrantcl ro:J. AU Uastings inodci b : them will be so!u tJHKAP. and Kt READY PAY on!y. .ƒ íf"O7?ú jnox TUnxiX , :" FW Ví. í dtHie i ord'T. nnü m siiort níHC( , St ibe Machine Shop üt il. $ R. ' R1D3ES & CO.. tütlip L'apeí .Mil!. First Arrival ; Ii IS43. Id conn"c:i ni wjüi tí)o Foundry and Mnchiaf Shop, UARRiS. l'ARTiniXÍKS &CO. Imve : just oponed n wel! sdecu-d ptook ot" NEW 'GOODSÜ Í?UCÍ !'9 - Brond Cl.jths, Sliertings, Merino, Sniinettfl. Sliiniíiys, IWti&ün ! Lains Beavcr Ctóths, Curiéis, Show la, Kuntticky Jt-ans, Flanm-lj. Calióos, i Alapncn linnia & Shnps, Culi Ski lis. SOLEd.YD UPPER Í.EATliER, A good nssortmeiit of Hardwnra tfnd íiiuccres, a!l ni' whicli will be sild as iow or ('a... . any oiher store in Ann Albor. H. P. &. Co. wiü take i cxchnno for GrOfldír, Hidis, Purh. T.ín!. Bnïter, h'lux S'cci!, 'L"vi,lrj, TnHo-r. fyu on as favorablo terme as anv Store liere or ] whert1. Any iyinntSty of VHÉAT vvánted, and the ' h _; lit at prico piiíd. Iower Town, Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, ISJT.. 42-r3mIps'J'A . E of Charlea Tuzer. laie of Websicr, J in ihoCfuntjr of Wosluemtw, deceased. - i h " RttuVraigned have been duly Rppointed by the Hon. Geo. SéJgwick, Judgc ot Probate of ihe ounty aforesnid. Conira's3Íoncr3, to receive, eximine, nrlj ist, and allow ;he claims of the crorthors to sa(! estáte, which is represmted in8ulveni, nnd avt hiortths are nllowëd by s;iil judyB, ;o siid ei editora to present and prove thcir plnims, be'ure said comniissiu.eis, who will moot fortlie purpose .-iforesfiiil. at the fnn kept by Jolm Waldo. in the villoge of Dexter.on t'ip (irs: Monditvs of IVInroli and April, nnd nt tlie 'Iwelflng house of Srephen Cnswell in snii) Webster, on ihc 22nd dry of Jun; next, at 1 o'cloc!;, P. M. on cach dny respeeityelj'. MU.WKS Kt]XV. ) JOH.T AL!.I;Y, ConiVs. JAMES IJAIiL, Jr. ) Webster, Dec. 22, IS l. YPS1LANTI ACADKmF" AND Te.uth lts Stmmortf. THE lenth term of tliis (nsiiuuiun wil] cnrtimence on Monday, Féfa. ÍI7, and comitiuo 1 1 weeks. Hfiviii; procured the assisinncc of two competent nr.d soccésful Tenche?s. tlio principul is prepnred to givv a ihorougb F.nclish and 'hs&icaï edncniion. lle will devoie hiewhole aitention to 'lie KtiLÜsh depnrtmeu: us hcrt-toliMe. Fjom 2Ü io 3) minutes is dailv occu'pied by the principal in eciurinir. wtlh the ad of ihe appaititha and Bunernis, oroerwise. Apptirutus. - The lns'i:uii.)n is fur:iislcd witli Chemical, Philosopliical. and Astíoiiomical íipparatns. Surveying Instrumenls. Geottï?tricalsolids. &c. to the amount of .-S.100: also, n good Cibinei oí Mínenla wortfa 5). ToUittvin tiiu' Enirlish branches, from $2.51 io 90.1)0 per term ; Iniin and Greek, .3.l)(): French. $3.00; Knglish nnd CUsIcql studies united, $'',0;) only: Mczzotinto anrl Clunésc or Tiieoreni pnintin?, $3,60 èach lor 12 lesiona, taiiijlji by Mrs. Grüfin. The tuit ion is lo be paúl at tlie middie o! fhr term. Noileduetixi fur absence will be made, except for proiractcd sickiicsj!. nnd im one wili be rceived for less tlian fivu and n hnlf wceftsi tl'wrd. inclndiii room and washinr:. for%l,5r) per wfieii. For furthor pm iicul.ns anquire ot the principal. H. Ff. GR1KF1K. Principal. CHAS. WDODRIIFPi Tenctiefof Lntin, G.reek nndFrrncli. Miss CA RO UK 1 1 A H A M MO. l). Aiöia-i.iiit. Y ppüami.'Jan. 26, 84?,.


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