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Minutes Of The Michigan A. S. Society, Held At Ann Arbor, Fe...

Minutes Of The Michigan A. S. Society, Held At Ann Arbor, Fe... image
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The maoting was callee! to order by the president, and opened withprayer by Rev. Mr. West of Monroe. The following werc appointed a committee on credpntiala. Messrs. J. N. Stickney, C. Cowlam, H. H. Griiïln, C. J. Garland and G. Millerd, who reportod delcgates as iollows. Detroit.- A. M. Farrond, A. Sheeley H. P. Hoag. II Hallock, W. C. Monroe, M. Lightfoot. C. H. Slcwnrt, W. E. Peters, J. Walker, R. Banks, J. I.ambert, I. Heneon.. Ypsilanli.-P Eüiot, W. Pearce, E. Phelps. J. M. Brown, A. S. Chaso, H. H. Grifiln, S. W. Patcliin, J. Norris, A. W. Elmore, J. Farrier, W. W. Davis. F. C. Brooks, H. M. Murdock, S. Murdo-k, P. Bennett, J. Bennctt, L. Dining. A. A. Copeland. Anti Arbor. - G. Beckley, C. J. Garland, T. FosJer, M. H. Cowles, S. Felch, J. B. Minchester, J. Chnndler, L'. Minnis.S. B. Noble, S. D. Noble, Z. JNaeh. Dexttr.-W. Kinsley, Rev. W. C. Denison, G Milierd. Sfylcan Centre. - J Wheeler, J Spiulding, A W Davis, J P Weeks, H A Sumh T G Davis, Rev. M Hall. Gr.:sj LaJu.-Rev. T Jonea, W A Roland, J Jones, A Durand,J Adams.N Tucker, D Bey ier,S W Cooper, G Chnpmnn, J Adama. Union Ci'i. - A Saunders, C Lincoln, A Waters, DJ Zinunerman, J N Stickney. Adrián. - L S Beebee, E Linnel, J L Peters. Marshall. - Rev. J P Cleaveland.J S Fitch.rincuniy. - W Ivirkland, O Cowlani. Novi. - E. Ingerso!. Jarkson.- S B TreaJwcll. rijnunitk.-R W W.rner. P Blackwood. Gcneíce Co. - J C Gallop, J Pratt. liridgwater. - T Bancroft. Clint n - C Lockwood. LodL- T Jacox, C Branch, L Wood, D L Wood. Saline. - H L Busli, John T Waterman. Lyons. - Dn vid Gould. Rome - J M Barrows. Ridgc.icay.-Q Clnrk. Green Oak.- L C Hubbard. Alblo .1.- E Child. Farmington.-$ Power, J Thayer, G Riblels, A L Power. IInm'uri;h. - J B:irnett. PÜtfiM.- F M Lnnsing, lEUiott, S D McDowal, J Newell. D Underwootl, A Pratt, II Curpenter, O JU Smith, A Arny. Webcter.- D Boardman, W WVVllletts, M Kenny. Saginiic. - JG Birney. Salen. - S Thompson, J II Pecble?. Milford. - A S Arms, I Andrews, W A ' Peck J A Peck. [Man y more delesjntes were present, but the house wüs so denscly filled t was mpossible fjr the Committec to visit all parts of the house.]Messrs. Becklcy, Hallock. Fitch, Norria, Childs, and Kenny, were appointeda busines cummittcc. Mesrss. McFarran, Treadwell, Zimmcrman. Felch, and Burnctt werc appoimed a committe on nomiimtions for the cnsuing yearThe Annual Report of the Executive Committee waa read and adopted. The treasurers report was read and committed to the secretarie to be audited. The Treasurcr, Rev. G Beckley, made some propositiona rcspecting the futur publication of tho Signol of Liberty, and aftet remarks, the society adjurne-i uil half past ix.KVKXrKG SKSIOSf. Prayer by Rev. E. Child. The committec on nominations raporud th ñames of the following gentlemen, The report was adopted C. H, STEWART, President. Vice Presülenlsi. N. M. THOMAS, Kalamazoo Co. E. HUSSEY, CalhounCo, J. HOWARD, St. Joaeph Co. S. B. TREADWELL Jacksoi Ca. M.KE?fxr, WashtenBw Ca A. SANDERS, Branch Co, N. P0WER, Oakland Co, E. LINNEL, Lenawo Co. W. KIRKLAND, Livingston Co. W. CANF1ELD, Macomb Co. A. L. PORTER. Wajme Co. G. BECKLEY, Treasurer, T. FOSTER, Secretar. i 8. FELCH, " ) &.?.-GND._ } ■- Corresponding CommiiUe. C. H. STEWART, A. L. PORTER, N. POWER, S. P. MEAD, J. DIMOND, Resolutions were reported by the buiínen con ■ nrittee which were discussed áuring tha vaning by Messrs Beckley, Birney, Cleveland, nd oihers. It was then voted that the next tnrtuat meeting be held at Adrián immediately after th close of the next annual meeting of the Stat Terrrperanc Socioty. Adjourned. THÜRSDAY MORXISO. Praryer by Rev. Mr. Hcrraon. The Societr procceded to consider what measures shouIJ b taken for the future publication of the Signal, After discussion by sereral gentlemen, the prpositionofRev. G. Beckley for ita publication for five years, was npproved by the society, and sub8criptions and donations in cash and negotiablo notes were talien up, amouming to nearly ais hundred dollars. [A list of tho contributora will be publiahed mext week.] It was voted, that Messrs. Fitch and Stewart be a committee to make arrangements for upplying any deficiency in the requisile amount of funds. The Constitution was go amended that thegociety became auxilliary to ths American and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. Adjourned to meet at Adrián. Closod by nraver.


Signal of Liberty
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