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Democracy And Abolition

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Heor air. Buchnnai), of Pennsvlvania, the Democratie aspirant for ihe P.-C6idency, in a speech in Congress on the treaty wiih England. We quote from the Globe. 4In my own stnte, ve inscribe npon our party banners hostilily to abolitionism. It ib there one of the cardinal principies of the democratie party; nnd mony ahnrd battle have we fought to sustain tliis principie. VVliüít the deinocrats of the nortli are opposed to tlavery in the abstract, 1 bey are ever teady to toiaintain the constitntional rights of the south against the fierce and fa'naücul spirit of abolition. ' Aix Christendom is lkagukd against the teoUTH UPON TirS QUKSTIO.V OFDO.MKSTIC SAVkry. THEY HAVE NO OTHER ALLIEs VOSUSTAIN THEIRC0NST1TUT10NALRIGHTS. except THE DE1I0CRACY K)F THE NORTfl." ÍQThe Democratie Leginlature of ïllinois, ifi default of other employment, have been nisy with a bilí to punish amalgamation between whites and blacks. Hovv cruel to the feelings of that Democratie Hero, R. M. Jonx'éo'a'l OTMr. Calhdün "ètated ín the Sena te the other day, that the annual increase of population in thid country is 600,900. Since he took his seat in the Senate tfiirty years ago, the settlements have extended west 1,000 miles. (tThe proceedings of the State Tempe Tance Society, are unavoidably crowded out. They shall appear next week. (JJIn the Illinois Legislature are 164 members. Of these 93 are nalives of the slave. holding States. Tliis will account in part for their servile disposition and legislalion. yVarious contradictory accounts have been received of Jate from Texas. Thesum ■of matters seems to be, that an obstinate action had taken place belvvcen a body of Texans and the Mexican forces under Gen. Ampudia. The Texans were defeáted, and finaüy capitulateá, 212 in number. The loss of the Mexicans in killed and wounded, - was much the .greatest. The prisoners are to be taken to Mexico. The afíairá of Texae, both civil and military, are represenled as worse than ever.flThe Laliiner peütion to the Legisla=ture of Massachusetts had 62,791 signatures attcched to jt. Tt was borne into the House on the shouldc rs of four men. The petftion to Cor.gress iiad 4fl,-EüO 6Ígnatures. (XThe Michigan Farmer is published at Jackson, by D. D. T. Moorc, simi-tnonthly, at one dollar per year. lt tukes the place ot'lhe Western Farmer, íbrnverly publit-hed at Detro it. Judging from the first number, we think it cannot fail lo beuseftil to our fonning comflnmity. HArtLur Broneon, a citizen of Nev York, has carried up to the Supremo Court, a claim that he has ogainst a citizen of Minois, ecured by mortgnge on real estáte, xvith the usua! power to sell. The Legislature of Illinois have enacted tlïnt no sale shall take place unless tlie property be irst appraised, and it shall not be so!d un-íess it bring a surn equal to lwo thirds of the appraisaJ. Tlie plaiiitifl'con- tends that this enactment is contrary to that provisión of the constitution of tha United States which declares that no State shall pass any laws impairing thü obügation of contracta. The question, we 6uppose, will involve the coustitutionality of all the Bank Suspension acte, that have ever been passed, and a portion of the stay laws in force in several States - The consequences of the decisión will be momento us. {nIn Kentucky are ÍÍEcounties and 113,2&9 white childrcn between five and seventeen jears of nge. Only 21 counties have adopted the school systcm, and only 2060 clnldren are at echool in those counlies. The i pist snys, "Tliere are fonr things which will forever prevett the growth of the common school systetn n the elave slates, - the scattered, insulated state of the people; the great inequality between the large elave hok'er, and poor white man; the selfishness oftheformer ond his indiflerence to Uie elevation of the poorer classes; and,the univorsaJ paralytis produced by slt-very.'1


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