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Selections: New Doctrines At Washington

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The Emancipator gives an account of n pamphlet on Slavery put out by some unknoivn person, in wliich new doctrines on the riglits of slaves are broached. Referring lo the decisión of the Supremo Court, in Pripg's case the writcr says: " It thorefurn follows, that he may deferid himself against his master, while in this State, for the obvious reason that seli'-defencc is a natural right, and there is no Jaw baving force withirï the State of Ohio, w hich forbids its exercine. Ifhismnater nttempis to arrest hiin, ihe slave may dcfrnd himself witli po mucli force as may be necessaiy lo proiect his person and liberty . If the master prees upon liim, and it becomes neecsfary for his protection. he may kill bis master, or the ngents of his master, he thoy niany or i'cw, without en(juiring whetlier they came fro.n a slavc State, or be citizens of Ohio. It is important that our people sh'öuld distinctly understand, tliat if Uiey volunteer to arrest a fugitivo sl.ive, they do so t their peri', and that the fugitive may slay them wilh tlie samo inipumty that he might slay a robber or a blood hound. The slavj, wheri lie ronches our territory. becomes at once re-'riptnted in the enjoyment of all his natnral rig-hta which belonged to him while in It is true that we Icnd liim I no protection against his master: but we leave him lo protect himself witli all the ineans in , his power, líe may, for t his purpose, provide himself wilh weapons. If thcre be two or more of'lheni togctlier, they may uiutc thcirefforts lodcfend themselvep, nnd in nll respects to put Ibrth tlicir pJiysica] powcrs to the same extent that they couJd do were they on the 6oil of thcir native lund. The master must ako respect the rigfits of our people. He must not violóte the sanchty of oiir private duellings, nor must he viólale the public peace. Ue rnay lay 'gentle huntU iipon the slave. He may anWt nnd secure mm. If the slave defends hitnself, the master is dot therebyauthorized to kill or shoot hint. ns he woud be in a sin ve state. Should he do that, it would ccnstitule murder, for w hich he would be hanged, the samo as though he had killed a freeman. These are some of the rights of the mnstcr, and of theslavo. while within our State, and it will be observad by every reader, that it is a matter entirely thcmselves. It is a subject in hich our ppople are under no ob ligation to interferc. Ifthe slave drive back the innster when atïempiting to arrest him, there is nomoral or legal duty resting pon il to step in to the master's nid. There is no such stipulation contained in our constitution." Ilere is a pamphlct printed in Washington city, in Januory, 1843, containing such bold declarations. It shows a great changc in public sentw ment since Reuben Crandali was imprisoncd there seyen years ago for seditious writings.


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