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To Families & Invalids

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The followiug indispensable; family remedies mny be fouud at the village drug stores and soon at every country store in the state! Remcnibcr and never get them unless they have the fnc-siniile signature of 'U?P?vU%;c'yOL ' on the wrappers, as all others by the same ñames are base impositions and counterfeite. If the merchant nearest you has thcm not nrge him to procure them at 71 Maiden-lane, thé next time he visits New York, or to write for thern. No family should be a week without these remedies, BALM OF COLUMBI A.FOR THE IIAIRr which will stop it if falling out, or restore t on bald places ; and on children makc it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the heads ofchildtcn in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once.Find the name of tfeg, on t, or never try it. Rcmember this always. RHEUMATISM, and HiflSIdMáEEl positivcly cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs arerestored, in the old or young, by the Ikdias Vegetable Elixir and Nerve and Bonk Liniment but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. are wholly prevented, or governed if the attack has come on, if you use the only true Hats1 LijiiMEXT.frojn w om oen C v?o. Wïï lililJa and every thing relicvcd by it that admiis of an outward application. It acts Iike a charm. Use it.' ♦ . HORSES that have Ring-Bonc, Spavin Wind-üalls, &c, nre cured by Roofs' Specific ; and JFotindered horses entirely cured by Roofa' Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. ♦ Dalley's IYïagfical Pain Extractor Salve.- The most extraoidinary remedy ever mvented for all new or old and sores, and gore fgffifl "gsf It lias delighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failure. It will cure the W' LIN'S SPREa'd PLASTERS. A bettcr and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wcar them regularly. LIN'S TKMPERAIVCE BITTERS: on the principie of substituting the tonic ia placo of the slimulant principie, which has reformed so many drunkards. To bc uscd with LIN'S 5WIÍp PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affect, ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general heahh. 5í j [Sec Dr. Lin's VJDCtütW EfLÍ4 nature, thus :1 tf m HEABACHE DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effcetttaity cure sick headache, either from tho I !f sè -09 i rf3 orbilious. Ilmwliicd of families are "é using it with greai joy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH for the certain prevention of j S or any general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per. feet order, the bowcls regular, and a the surface. HltjLJ5 & fiSij pliy 3j pains n ihe bones, lioarsoncsg, and BWSCWSfta are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. ♦ CORNS. - The Frcnch Piaster is a sure curo ' -- . rJ S feair any shade you wish, but will not color the skin. SARSAPARILLA. comstocks com. POUND EXTRACT. There is no other preparation of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this. If you ore sure to get Coïistock's, you will find it superior to all others. It does not require puffing, i ♦- - CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all external ailings - all internal irritations brought to th surface by friction with this Balm ; - so in coughs,. - Bwelled orsorc throat, tightness of the chest, this Bain applied on a ílannel will relieve and euro at onco.--Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. ♦ 53t iiartiiolcmcto's will prevent or cure all incipient consmnption taken in time, and is a delightful remedy. llcmcmber the najne, and get Comstock's. KOLMSTOCK'S VEBMIFUGE & eradicatc all jgfij jStt IgB 'll children or aihil with a certainty quito astonishing. It sells with a rapidity almeost incyedible, by Comstock Co., New York. ♦ TOOTII DROPS. KLINE'S-cure cffectually. EntorcilncoordinKtonctofConitreB, in the yonr 1842, hy Contstotk Co., in lliu Ulerk'n office oflhe Soulhcrn DisUict of New YurK. By applying to our agenta in each town and illagc, papers may bc had irec, showing the most rv "occtable names in the country for these facts, s üiai onc can Aiil to believe them. 8c?-c sure you cali for onrarticles, and not bc put cT with any storics, that others nrc a Sood. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should bc yonr motto-awi tíitse never can be' true and genuint without onr nemes to them. All these arttclcs to bO had wholesale and retail only of us. {WMfácfáéc Wholcsale WsIst8' 1 Maiden-Lanc, New York, and of onr agents. Wm. Ü. et J W. Maynuril, AaoiiÖ, Ana Atóos MicU.


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