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Congressional Convention

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The fnends of Liberty in Congressionaï District Ntv.% in Michigan, embraciug the Countiea, Hiïlsdale, Branch, St. Joseph, Cas;, Berríen, Vah'Éurcñ, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Jackson, Barfy, Allegan, Ottnwn, Kent, Occana, vill assèmble in Convention at Union City on JVedncsday the ninetecntk day of April, at1 o'clockT. M. tomake aeuitable nomination for Congïëss, to be supported by the fiiends of Liberty at the ensuing eloction. The conveniion ÍBTÍot designed to mnke a noreinniion merely, btit to rally togelhcr as mnny of the friends oF Liberty as possiblc, and our fcllow citizení generally, n a greal jnass meeting to be held tWó days and two evonings, in order to give orrtyte time for a ful and free expresaion of viéVvfe from eacli and every one wlio loves Liberty and hates Tyranny. Tlie undersigned believc that such meetings are more satisfactbry generally (o those who attend tliem, ohd far more beneficial m giving mir cause a favorable impulse, thnn where a few set epeCches only are made. Let each and every bne therefore eimultai eous!y rally, should ÍX rain or be bad travelling to this free will gathering of the friends of Liberty to poiir out hts ful! heart in behalf of suíferine luíinanity, and Irs long1 dishonored, degraded, slavery and pariy ridden country. Farmers'. Ye, bone and muscle of the land, wijl you not pird on your armout nnd rally for such anobjeet., harnees up your teams nnd along witli you as rnany of your friends and neighbors, men and women, as you can induce to come. To whom shall the imploing bondman and our einking country, n this iheir time of great e.vtremity, look for aid, if not to you? Skall periled liberty and humanity ever make this appeal to you in vain] Never! no, never! we doubt not that every person wiio ehall attend this of free hearts wili bc most amply repaid for his Emnll sacrifice of time and means. Come, then, one and nll, come to strengthen the hands and cheer the faearts of one another, to move forward the great, the good, the indispensable cause, to retleem the slave and our country, whose destiny is one. A. Saunden?, C. S. Young?, W. P. Hurd, D. Buell, J. W. Clayk, J. Zimmerman, Bela Brown, A. Waters, J. B. Buell, S. J. Hammond, L. Jla-vlcy, J. S. Fitch, N. Thomas, S. B. Trcadwell, L. Stevens, E. Uusscy, C. Giïrney, J. N. Stickney. P. S. The people of Union Ctv have as-ured us that they uill joyfully receive anl ontevtain all the friends from abroad who cometo iheir place to altend the convent-on.


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