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Appointments By The Governor

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- Honoraule Elon Fnrnsworth luteCliLnceüor, has been oppoined Altornpy General of the State, ufter rfiié cxpiraiion óf Mr. .Plati's term. Thomas V. Wells, Bsq. of Alnrsball, the pre.-ent Aaing Coinmissiüner of Interna! !mprovementslms boen renppbinted, by the GovI ernor nud Scnate. The Governor and Senate have mnde the ibl],wing appóintments (o the beuch of tb Supremo Court of this Slate: c lioii. Epnphrodit;is Rnnsom, ofKalanvizoo, CJiinf Justice, and Jin}ge of the Se] Circuit. Hon. Aljleus Felcli, of Monroe, Associate Jusiice, and Judgc of Ld Circuit. Daniel Goo'dWin, Esq. of Detroit, Associate Ju?lice. ah(l Judtjo of the lst Circuit. On Mónday las!, ihe people of Detroit rejccled Gen. Witiierel] for Mayor of this City, by a m.-ijorily cf over three hundred. On Ttiesday, tlio Legislature abolished Judge Cliipmnn's Court, and established another of a similar character. to provide a place for Gen.witherell. On Wednesday.Gov. Barry notnnated liim Co bc Judge of this new Court, wliicli had been erected on tJie mins of the other: and on Thursday, the Senate confirmed the norninatiün, All this was the woik i f four da s only. The Rev. Oliver C. Comslock, D. D. of Ann Arbor, was on Wednesdoy lasf, appointed Superintendent of Public Instiuction for two ycar?. Dr. Comstock was formerly the pastor of the Baptist church and society in this city; and was highly esteemed by our citizens. We dnre say that he will mnke a good officer. The dtities of the Superintendent have been very mnch niodified and diminislied during the present session of the Legislaluré. The cntire charge of the University and School landi hns been devolved upon !he new State land oflice wlnch is about to be establishcd atshan, and in the moantime the Auditor General or State Treasurer is to h;ive the supervisión of thcm. Tue salury is to be hereafter $500 per anninn. The dulies will bo exclusivcly lilerary, and the SuperindeMent will of coursc have ampie tiine to devote himself lo the improvernent of the schools and to the general cause oj education. Under such circumstnnces, important results will be expccted at !iis hands. - Del. Adv, Jolina! han Kearsley and Isaac E. Crary, to be Regents of the University of Michigan for the legal ferm. William A. Fletchef to be Regent of the Univcrsify of Michigan, iinlil the 9lh day of March, 184G, (hat being the residue of the unexpired Icrm of Randolph Manning, resigned. Dewitt C Walker, to be Regent of the University of Michigan, until the 5th day of April 1845, ihat bei:ig the residue of the unexpired term of Geonre Goodman, reïtfgiïod. Marvin Allen, of Lenawee, lo bc Regent ofthe University of Michigan, for the legal term. Lewie Bascom, to be inspector of the State Prison for the legal term in place of Shermnn Eastman, whose term of office hat expired.


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