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Third District Congressional Convention

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At a Convention of delegates from different 'portions of this district, for the purpose of' nommating a Candidato for Representativo from the Thiid congressional district, holden nt the vüloge of Flint, in t,e Genes.see county, Eiastus Ingersoll Esq. of Novi, was callcd lo thechair, and J. C. Ga!:up, of Fontonville, appointed Secretary. The Throne of Grace was then addressed by Rev. J. Gamble of Grand Blanc. The cali for the conven'.ion vas then read. Nathan Power, John Pract. anti J. W. King were appointed a committee on credentials. And Rev. Samuel Jones, J. C. Gallupand Nathan Power appointed a cuminiftee'of Business. The cpnvehtion on credortials then reported the following ñames a d el eg a tes: E. Ingcrsoll, G. Tibbits. Nal han Powei Lurnan Beach, l). Andrews, A. C. Packarc J. P. Kellogg, P. Athcrton, J. Gamble, P. Skinner, Miles Gazley, Samuel Jone?, J. Buik ham, A. Athcrlon, W. Kitlrcdge, B. Andrews,E. Gnlpin, John Prntl, Wm. Chambcrlain J. C. Gullup, J. W. Kinp, A. Dickiuson, S Atliorton, N. Curlis, J. N. Robison, J. M Skinner, John Brown, B. F. Robinson, Jame Kin&ïra Chaefe "C. G. Curtis, A. B. Ptatt Truman Scraium. The convention then procedod to an infor mai Bullot for candidate for Memoer of C ngre?s-, whicli resulted 1 William Canfieltl of Macómb co. receiving 20 vetes and John Prutt, of Genessee, - 4 votes. Adiournet] till 2 o'clock P. M.APTERNOON SESSJON. Prayer by the Rev. P. S. Van Nest, of Flint. Tlie convention voted to procecd to a forma Ballot for candid.ite for Member of Congres. William Cnniïcld received 23 Volos and LTri Adattif - 1. Whereupon Gen. ÏVillltim Cmificld, of Macotnb, was unanimously nominated. The Business comitültee then repörted the following Resoiutions:1. Resolved, Thai Ihnse who profess to be Abolitinnisls, but still adhere to either of tlití olil Politica) pnriieg, can no longer rank witli the írvc friendo of' ihe Slave. 2. Resolved, That the infiuenceof the system of Slavéry lipón the inoráis and happrtiëss ofoiir common country, calis lotidly tbr the aid of every Christian and Philanthropist íor its removal. 3. Resolved, Tliat tlie fundamental principie of Slavery and ihe fundamental principies ofapations perpetuity are antogonis?tical in their very natnres. The existence of the one must evenlually work the deslruction of Ihe oüier. 4. Resolved, That the correspohdihfr committec appointed by the State convemion m the severa! counties m this district, constitu'e the coinmittee for carrying out the objeets ?c principies of this convention. perfectin local organizations, &. preparing tickets foreloction. On the tnolion to adopt the firát Resolution, a spirited and intcresíing didcussion was held. The resolution was supporled by Rev. Samuel Jones, Nathan Power, John Pratt, J. C. Gíallup and othersj nnd opposed by the Rev. P. S.Van Nest, Sí Mr. Jumes Kinn Afterthe adoption of the resolulion, James Birdsall Esq. of Kent, made nn eloquent speech ín favor of' the plcdging system Si respecting Hénry Clay. His description of the biig-hting-, vithering influencc of slavcry upon Ui. South was thrilling. The report of the cotnniittee was then ndoptcd. EVENING SESSION.P rayer and an ablc addrcss upon ihe erlbcts of slavery upon the moráis and financiul character of our nation, by Rev. Samuel James, of Grond Blanc. Somo remarles wcre made by J. C. Gal-lup It was lhen, votcd tlie proeccdings of the convention be p: epared for publication in the Signal of Liberty and the Genosscc Herald by the Secrecary. KRASTUS INGERSOLL, Ckuirman. J. C. Gallup, Secrrtary. Fentonville, March ith , 13 43. (USome twelve or more persons were lately killed in Cincinnati, by the explosión of ! a building which was on firc. I


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