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General Intelligence: Horrors Of Slavery

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A late nuniber of llic New Orleaná Reptib lican recor-js tiie fullowmgacts of oulrafeous cruelty conuntltod lipón f emule eloves. It is somclhing, however, tliat these outrnges nre exposed and condemned on the spol; and furJher we have no doubt that such mstnnces of barbariun cruelty are conipaintively of utifrequrnt oceurreuce. Stil! they serie to show how innatural s therola:i,n betwecn innsters and slaves, and how lítible are t!ie laltcr to fuil into tlie hands uf monsters in human shopt?. Jour. oj Cuín. F rom the A o Orlcans Jiepublican. Torfure. A living, breatlung-, Uo legged boinjr, disguisea as a rnan, who lor oughi we know had a licard and in other ouuvard respeets, was a fair iinitution nf humnnitv, has been sent to Ihe Criminal Court by Recorder Bertus, for maltreet'nor a Témale slave in this wise. He liad mndé an irnti vuisk, studdpd on the inside with sharp points, which he m;ide her wear eveiy niglit and sume part of the day durinnr two weeks! In this speries of torture sleep or rest was a matter not to bo though ofj and it ís wondered that she survived it. It iv to be hoped that for the sake of hnmanity the rascai will be sevcrely punished, and will not hold Ihe perpetrator of such barbarity in utter abhorrence and detestation. Shameful. Night bef'ore lost, a negro femalo child aged ten years, wa3 picked up by thewatchman ofiheThird Municipality, on a door-step, ar.d conveycd to a guard -house. - The child presenta a most shocking speet acl. Shc has been cut and benten in such a manner, that deep and putrifying sores, each larger thatnn ordinary sized tea-eup, have formed on lier jack and the lower part of her body, which, ïaving been (illed with vinrgnr und gunpowder, togetiirr form a specu.clo of corrupt ion such as no (bul cur abutit the strects ever prosented. Cliastisemeut to bad and ill-disposed ■'ervants is one thitifj-, nnd is rreqticntly called br; but heatheoish barbarity is quite nnother affuir, and deserves jnst what similar iisnge once receivcd from ihis communlty, a::d may agaïh, nnd that is, universal and uncquivocal ndignaliun und rebuke.Arkansas lirul Estáte Banlc. - A commit toe of the Legislature of Arkansas, have roporrcd thefacts connocted witli the management of tliis institution, nnd nscrryjpicture of fraud do they present on the part of men high in office, and hitherto in diameter. Senator A. H. Scvier and Gen. T. T. Williamsor, were U.e commissinners oppointcd lo eoI the State Bt! ds of tliis Bank. They sold $500.000 to the Sccretary of the Treásury, Mr. Woodbury, at par, receivivg thcrefor, the procceds of Ihe imithsonittn brquestl! They I aid á 5;000 lo a broker in Wasnmtrton, for negoliaiin the t=ale, and ciiarged a iikc sum for t heir owp. services. Tiiifi half miliinn so receivd, thoy invested in Southern :uid South wesiern funda, pocketino tl;o diffcrenco of exclianfrc: in addilion, Sevierapprnpria'e.l iü?I4.3'iO. and Williamson, 6)4,094, lor expendes incurred and services rci:dert'd; and for consideraron not ütated, lonned 7,000 to cortain indiyilTnala in New V tuk. So tlie culd receivnd for tl;e Siate Binds, was sadly leduced beforeit reached the Bank, and s!i!l more r'd eed bcore it pot thore. Thd cominiitec found only $15,000 in specie in the vani's of the Mother Bnnk, and its assels alrpost valueless. So mnch for ippointing political partizans to altend to financial rnatters. - Cincinnuti Gazette. - The Jshhurlon Trealy. - In the debate in the House of Lord?, Lord Brougham said conceinnig the bonndary ndjustmpnt: lAs to Uie terms of tliaï settlement - ns to the tn-ritory wh.cli is ail'ected by the line of boundary tiiat we have heard so much talked of to-niglit, and so mnch mote and no less wjsgly talked of out of doors - I profesa inyself to beofthis opinión, (-i heresy, I doubt not, ijiat will bc questiuncd by sompeihap'jof iny noble friends bcliind me) - 1 so iuiinitelvóveryaJur, pferhaps, the mportance, the vital imporlnnce, lo the interests of this country and if mankind 'at larpe, of a pone1 understrniding, of a cordial l'riendly fóottnr, beii.g restorcd between ttitp country and our kinsmen of Americy, that. I care not liow line of bonndary ia drnwn. ] ain mtorly indiffeTenr. vhat dtrectioh that line tnbes; iet it go a few miles or leagUPstd the riiriii hand or to tlio left.evcii let t afiect Cape Rouf, let it afft-ct the imvigrfition of the St. John'Kriver - welcumo! take it all! Give it up! Give me peaco between America and England." His Lordóhip went on to say, however, that he was not left to that ín defendmg the trealy. :ie considered the seUletiientfair ond just, end aid compliments to Lord Ashburton, for the loppy fuccess of this i!3gotialion.MÚUlaHon of a Memher of Congrcss. The Washington Coi respondent of Uie New Vork Commercial Advertiser. gives the follriwing intercsling aneedote: Tlie prediction of' the Louisville Journnl, as to the degree to tvlnch Mr. Sprigr, of'Kentucky, wou!d reflect honor upnn "tho constituency that returned hm to this Corare..!, seems to have been realizad. Toward th close of llie last session, l,c signnlized himsolf at the eating hotjse, nnJer the House of Reprcsentalives, and received a severe wound in his hand, from collieion wit'i broknn glas?; and last night) at an eatmg house in Pennsylv'unia Avenue, lid got ihto n. fighf wiih a person amed Dmdgr, a miller, a cart dhver, which erminated in liis opponem, biting the largest )ortion of his ear off! Dr. Sewall did his est to repair the mischief, but ihe fragment fMr Spriggs car, (which is now in the doctor's possession.) was too much lacerated to be reátored, and tlio honorable meniber wil!, of course curry the mark of his ecuffle to the grave A Fatal Duel .--The New Orlcans Tropid of Jnuary 14th, says: "On Tllürádáy last, n duel was fought be:ween Mr. Fernandez, bu il dor. and Mr. Carlos Moro, lawyei, both of this city. The weapons used veere pistols, nnd tlie place of meeting, wtí aré inlorined, was Algeirs4 Mr. Fernandez received the hall oL bis antagonist, through the ancle, and Mr. Moro w&s sbut throtigh tlie stomach. The lattergenJemau's wound is said to bs mortal."Tlie Fredericksburg (Va; Arena, epeafcing of the Presideiiiia! candidato of the WÍñgs 6avs: 'Theavatchword at Uie South niould be 'live aa Clay, or give ns political dcath.' As n Sonthcrn tnan, os an, we repeat, givc us Clay, orgive us polilical deatli.1' Inall probabiiity, the Arena's cravings will be more ilian satisficd. We presume he will get bolh Clay and political tleuth. - Emancijxtlor.Eauthakk.- Extract of a letter from the West Indies. "St Makten, Wödnesday, Feb. 8, I84S. AboitlO oclock, P. 'M. to-day, thts ulsnd experió eed an alaíwing Eñrthquofce. - it lastcd from Hiree to four iiiiuutos; du ring which peiiod, and, indeed, fomc lime after, tliis towo, Phiilipsburg. Ne herland División, exliibited a distress'.ng scène. Tlie lieads of famüiës, out on business, were scen hasteuing botne, scarcely aülc to keep their balance, OWJng to thengitated rnovcments of lliecnrih; cfthern finding their wives, children, relatire nnd servauis in the yards, oi iiern in (h'e gtreetsjthose tliat rpinain'd iu tiieir lionséa in many ca.-cs, clasped toirelher, impiorin the Omnipoient band, rulmy aj oven:s lor and inrrcy, pxpecting every moment to-be their last. The uójse and jar of furniture moving aboiitthe brcakinff of glass &c. kc, added to the creaking1 of the honses, and the awfuJ roar of au earthquake, filled the boldest heart with f car and consternntion. Many wall bousès are tmich injured. Moit ofthe oíd wallá lay at this time in henps in different sectionsof the town. Tlie pand or earlh, forming the shores of our town, in oponed and raised in an extraordinary marnier, plainly showiiiT the escape of contïned air. Many families were auxious and sonie preparing to leave llieir dwellings lo seck safety in bonrd of vessels in port,even afier the shock, fearing the danger was not over." EarthqiakemtheWesi Lidies- -The folInwing letter from Puerto Rico appears in tlie Ballimore papers: St, Johns, P. R.} Febmary 15, 1343.wc yeslerday received advices frum the windwarrf. The effecls of the Earthqnake of the 3th instant, liave boen awful indeed. The town of Point Pctrp, Guadaloupe, is entirely dostroyed, and ten thousand persons are sup■posed to have heen killed. The Ios3 (if prop erty is immense. At Antigua Hiere has nlso been a great loss of property, though but few livèa were destroyed. All tíie milis and sujptr works are more orless injured, and the greater purt of the crops will be lost. Nevis, Mor.tsernf, Barbadoes. &,c. are all said to have suffered miich, but to what exteut is not known here yet. A poiind.of crude iron, costin an English hn!f-penny, converted into steel, and wrought intu waich sprinps,of wl.ich it will furnisH 70, 000, stlls for 35,000 puines, nenrly $165,000! To stich industry Greut Britain owes her weakh. Fatal Duel. - A meeting took place at New Orleans, on the January, between Mr. Victor Decoux and Mr. Rataille, which resiilted in thedealh ofthe former. Tlio weapons tised were thedistance of ten pacos. Mr. Decnux receivrd his udversary's hall in his right side, and Mr. Bataille was hit in the under lip, inflictmg a sliglr, wound. Jï Duel.- The Camden (S. C.) Journal, of Thursday last, says: A duel was fought near the Nortli O.irulina line, Monday last, bv Messrs. J. F. Mittae, and Mr. Massey, both of Lancaster, in which the former was wounded in the thigh. - Webb was wounded in the culf. The leg seems to be tho honored depository of chivalrouá cold lead.A rencontre toóle place in a public streef, in L'Miisvil'e, on the LGJi uit., bet ween a Mr. J. E. Stnith, and a Mr. Frierson, of Tennesscp.whicli resultod in a discharge of pistols, and the drawing of bowie knives. Fortu nateiy, ncithcr was mnterially in ju red, and both weretillowed tu escape. Rapid Growth. -In 1340 Mie popnlation of Soutliport Wisconsm Torr. was 337; now it is 1,132. They have five churches, fuurteen stores and two newspapers.and export ngricullural prüdncts to the yearly amount of $45,000. Tle woman who fosíers the military spirit by litTsmüep, votes in favor of subjecting her sex to the propéest brutality nnd the lowest dt-jLiradrition. Evorythinnf lovely Si pure, every thin dear in the thoüght oí home is destroye'd by tlje foul demon of war. The membrrs of the Legislatura of Arkansas recently pased a bilí to pay themselves in specie, bnt Governor Vol! put the 'ono man power' in forec. The moiribers of the Legisjature, on the return of the bill, notwilJiwtaiidiiifr the ycll, _p_asLcd it by the constitutional mnjorily.Cmctnnati Pork Trudc - More ihnn 200,000 iog?, a ntimber exceeding that of anv forniér yenr, have been packed n Cincinnaii and its vicinityMhis year. Pork p:ckers say that about 70,000 have been run into lard cntircly, wiüi the excejnion of the hams. Jee JVavi 'gation. - The qnaniity of ice in the Lake is larè, and the indicatioiií? now uro that navigation vvill open late ihis spring-, proliablv net bofore Mny. A fríond at Sandiiftky City vvrites that the ice between Cuiininglram's l.-land and Liht House is 20 inches thick, and in the Bay 27 inches. - Clcreland Heraid, Judgo Bett., of New York, has decided thnt a man who contracts largo debts in Germany, and comes to ihia country, and oblains residence, is entitled to the behpflt of the Bankrupt Law against the suit of the forcigncreditor.


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