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The iíox. II. W. Ellsworth, Commissioner of Patente has presentod to Conoress his report for the yeur 1843. lt Gomprices notiees of the Invention.--, Improvemenfs in Machinery, in Arts, and in Industrio] and Econnmical Processess, with siatistics of tiis Population, Production, &c &c. of the severa] Stntes for the year 1843. The editors of the New York Tribune have received a copy of the Report, and have presonted their readers with some of the facts embndied in this valuaüe document in a condensed ehape, from which we extract the followinor:-Judian coro may be raised ti the West at $3 per acre- the cost nf ploiio-hing-, planting, and til.ingr with the cultivator- and then üirned into pork by allowing ll.e hops lo gather it- the corn thus but a llttle over 6 cents per busliel, (earo.) Hojí mayin this wayibe brought to weigh sno lbs.. at which size after laktljg off the lwo hams. they may be tried up by tiie nevv nrocess, ud made to yidd an average of GO percenr, of lard. By'ihia proccss Jiofrs mny he made to net in the West $3 lo $3 50 per hundred, instead of 8 1 00. A new article of lard óf the purest white, very hard, nnd unafFecled by the heat of the climate, is proiluced by a recently discovered procesp, at an extra cost of only half a cent per pöund lïogs may be easily kopt through the vviiter by sowing öelds of rye, oau aiïowing them to run to them. Thus pork mny be produced in unlitmed quantity at a cost of O1 per buudted. Lnrd oi) s now manufactnred in vastlides at the West, and the business is rapirjjy extending-. Jt is superior to olive or spenñ o:I fur nidchioery ibr the innnuf icture ofuooilen?, fcc, nnd can be furnisiied at half liie price. Upon chcmical anolysi?, t is ibund to be scarcely diflerrnt iu its dementa fïom sperm. An increase of only one cent per )o. on tie productof pork made In the Uniuú Siaies would ninount to 30,000.000 per nnnum, and more thon tliis ma ƒ be ea ï.y eiiticted. If tiie skins of hogfs were taken off on killinn-, the cosí would be no groa ter [lian noiv, the pork would taste befter, ond t!ie slcin wouJd be worlh nianv millionsof dollars, 'l'lie brist.'e?, too, ore urasted, as they eliould not be. The foreign market for poik, lurd and oii is fapt opening', nnd is almost boundless. The quontity produced niay easily be cioubled, and ils pioductiveness greníly increased. A new wbeat bos been introduce from the Mcditerranean, which is imprenable to ihe assnnlts oftlie He.csinn fly and tfie rust, Tbe expej monis of'lhe last year have fnlly estobiiahed tbe practicabilitv nnd profit of making sugar from tlie stalks óf the maize of Indiun corn. The yield is 10 per cent, of saccharine matter, while the cañe yiclds &h ad the beet hut 3. The eilk culture is eslablifched jüi Ihis (tures ailk to the amount of 1,000 dollars ner montlj. One person here wil] feed L.000 - 000 worms mxt year. Very great improvémen s m the business have been made wilhin the kstyear.


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