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Poetry: The Boy And His Angel

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"Oh,, Tve bten with an angel to-day! ï wns out, olí alone, in tho. furost ai plny. Chnsinc ilicr the butierflies, watching ihe bees, And hearing the woodpuckor táppfng tho trees; So I (ihived. and I pl;iyed, till, so wcnry I grew, ï 81U down to rest rn tlie shade of n yew, "Whilo the birds s-ing so sweeily hiyh ujion ts top! I licld my l.rentli. ínother. for fenr ihey woulJ stop! Tlius n long while 1 s:it, Iookitig up toilie sky. And watching iho clouds ihat went hurrying by. VVlicn I hcaid n voice calling just overtuy heud. Tliat sounded as íf 'come, oh brother!' it said, And ilie:e, right over ilie top of the tree, Oh raoihcr, an angel was beck'jii'ng to tne! "And, 'brother!' once morr; 'come, oh brotlier!' ho cried.An 1 íbw on ligln pi ni ns close clown by niy sitie! And, moihcr, oh. never wns beingso britrhr, i As the onc which tl. en bcarued on roy wondorïng sight! His face was as fui mg the dclicite sheil, 1 f is linir down his sliotilJersin f;iir ritigl.ts feil. VVitheycs restingon me. so me'ting uitli lovo. Vere as soft and as mild as the eyes of a d.ive! An:I somshow, dear nïotiic r. Í .cl t not afraid. As liis hand n niy brow hjecáressiifglv laid, And whispering sa 3ofily nnd getuly ro me, "Come, brother, the angels arè waiting (or ihee!' "Ar.d then on niy fcrehead hc tcnderly prossed Such kisKes - oh. mother, thcy tiiriücd tlirough niy breas?, Aeswifily ns lightning leapsdown froni on high. Vhen thó chariot of God rolls along the black 'isky.! Winle hisbreath. flowing round me, waa soft as the bfeeze. Tlint plnycd in niy ticssrs. and rustled the trrrs: At last on niy liead a depp i,le?sing he pnured, rreïi phirned his briyiit niniuns and upward he 6oared! And u]i, np hf vent. through the bluesky, fo far. I Ie seemcd to fioat there ike a gliiering star, Yet still niy cycs followed his rndi.-.nt fliglit. Till, lost n the aiure. hepnssed from my sight! Then, oh. liow [ fe:ufd. as I c;iul'!i tlie last gleam ; Of his vanijlung form, it was oïily a dreani! Vheii soit voices wluspercd olicc more from the tree, 'Come, brother, the angeb are wairing for thee!"' Oh, pale grew that nioiber. nnd heavy her hemt, t"or shc kneW her f'iir boy from this wctld im:s: depart! 'Thathis blighi Juclis must fade in the dust of t!.e tomb. Ere the aüliinih winds withered the sunimer's ricj bloom! Oh. how his young foulstepssho watchedj day by day, A liis doüci'e form w' iate:l slowly nway, Till the poft liglu of heivea seemcd ehed o'er his ! fdee,Añil he crept up to die in her lovfely embrace! "Oh, clasp nic, deur uio'.her, close, closü lo yuur breaüt, On thnt gelitle pilluW ílgáih Iet me resi! Let me gnze up once inore (o tlint dcir, loving eye. And thcn. oh, me lliinks. I eau willinly die! NoV kiss me. dear tnother! oh, quick'ly! lor sec Tho bright. blessel angels are waiting ior me!' Oh, wild was the anguieh that swept throtigh her brenst A the long. fïantic kiss on liis pnle lips slio pressed, And fe!t tlie vain seareh of his soft pleadi.ig cye, As it sirove to meel hers ere the fair boy could die. '1 sec you nol, molher, for darkness and night Are líiding yo ur deur, lovitig iace from my sightBut I hcar your iow sob'.tings - dear inothcr iaodby e! The angels are rcady to bear me on high! I will wait for you thcre- but oh, tarry not long, Icst grief at your absence should saddon my song! ' HeceaSed, nnd his hands meekly ciaeped on his breast, Wliilc hissweet face snnk down on the pillow o reut? Thcn, closing liis cycs, now all rnyless and dim. Wo nt up willi the angels ihat waiied for him