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Selections: The Contrast

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Mr. Clowney ofSotifh Carolina, fluís nortrnyed liis nativo state, iu tiie ardor' of debate on the floor oCCodctiss. "J,ook at Sou'h JJmo.'inn now, wit!] her , houses ('oíorted and fnlfíítg !o deeáyi her onv'e fruitfii] iie!!s woni nut and jíianíloiied Por Want oftiini.'.y iir.uovcir.ei;t, or skiifu! culiivaUon: ; und Iicr tiibusonÜs of acrs of inexhojistible : l:iii(].s stil! proinising an alniudont harvp&ï to c imluslrioiis liuebandman, I.Viiig idle nnd i négTecteo. ín t he interior of tlic stnto where j I wos bom. nnd vhern I nów live, olthöiigji n ! country posscssing all thc ndvnjitngres of eoi), chínate and Iteollh, abcuuidiiip m arabio land, ; unreclniined írtm thefirst rude state of aturo, , Uicre can now be íound mony neigliborljoodf: wheie the pópulation is too spare to support i coinmon e!en;entary pchoo] for cluldien. ÍSticli is tJje deplorable condi:ion of one of theoldcst mrmbers of this unión, lliat dales bnck it i rttlcüiPiit n;oie tíian'a centnry and a hall'. I whilt! ollier Sfalep. born as t vvere but vrster; doy, alreariy snrpnss what Carolina was or ever has bren ñ tho hajpicst and proudcst dny o f .cr propperity."' Tliis grnili mnn chote to attribute Ihe di.1dii.e of Sonili Carolina to ilic tariíT; ratli, er Ilion to the obvions cíuisp, tlyt qñe b'alf'óf j Ihe J'Kol'LKof Soulli Carolina, ure poor, igflo rnnt, d.rgrotird si.avks-. nnd tlie ot her half sufferingf in n II ihtir íVculties ;i:d onerpios fi'ii) a moral pestílence which tíiéy rasaneíj legdld ns a Messing nnd rot a airee. Surely it is ' notowiii" to the tari1', iliai in ihis ancicnf j ni( niber of thc Unicn. ÜO,filJ while citi'.en-; ! oer 20 yenrs olupe do not know tbeír leltcrs: i while Maine with doublé her populutiot, has oñly 3,L4Í. IVcw look upon a vpry díflerent picture. - IIr. Preftnñ oí' fsonth Carolina, not long; tince i (eliveicda speech at Colmnbia in rrferonce to i n propo.-ed rniír.Qod. In ihis speech, in order to stiniula'e t lie effbrfs of the friciids of the j road, he indulpcd in ihe following strain. "No Southern ninii can journey (as lie had '. lately done) through the Nacthern States, and j witncös the prcperily, ihe indus-try, iho ' lic t-pirit which they exhiba - the Pcduioos cnliivation of all tho'e arts by which lii'? is teaieted cnmlbrtablc and rcspectable; Without feolingp o deep fadnes? and sha ui e as he remeinbeib Iris oirn iueft mul desoíale home. Thcre, no dwcllmg is lo bc teen abandoncu-nota fiirm unculiivated. Every pefson and every tlnng pcrfortns ji part touards ihe giaml re.Milt; nud thc wl.ole íarid is covered with íertücfieldsj wiih fnnniifactorie?, and cnnalö, and rnilroad?, and edifices, nríd tèwris and cuica, Wc of the South are mistaken in the cha'rácter of these people when we think of them only as podlura irt liörn ííints nnd bark nutinofjs. 'J'lieir energy and cnlciprise are di'rectcd to ni] objects grtaf. íc smull wiihin their reachi Thc niimber of rnilroad3 nrid other modes of cxpeditious intorcomminncation krtit thc wJiolc coiintrj info a closcly cntnnacled mas?, tlirourfh wlncli thc proaictions of comineice and ofthe prcss, tho comforts of lifb ftnd tlio iiirans öf ktiowtèdgri nro uuiversaHy dif- fused; wliilo thc close intcrcoiirse of travel nnd of business malees all nciglibort.-, and promotes a commion nlcrest nnd a common sympalhy. How difli-rent tho cundition of these ihings 'm the Soutli! Ihre the fuce of the conniry wcars the aspect of prematuro oíd ngo and decay. No IMI'KOVKUK.NT líí Sl'.KN UOINO ON, notftíng is donefor posterity. No man think of anyiiiing beyond the present moment'


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