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We fmd in tl)o Prre Press a letter of eight columns froin Gov. Cas to Daniel Webster, j rcíprcíiny the Britifn "riyht of vii!:itioi,'? ! nml Ilie protest of Gt. v. Cnss it whilc i minister to Frunce. Gfoy. Cm ihinls Ijo was not propeily sustnined in ihat protest by iMr. Webster and the President. A personal j nusundcrstandii g bet n Cms and WebstW I lins tiikon place reepcctinj it. The turn of the fjuestion belween the two nfiTkrtW teems tu f)e tfiís. Efígland lins rnade nn ngrecment with errtnin Euro pean poweru fr liiosiippressinn .ftlte African Slave trade, ; by whicJi 'Jic vessels of eacli nat ion may board ! ile e.sels of the other liaïinn to nscertain if , tliey flre shvers, and if so, they aro to be eènt 'una port for trial: In the peral ion of tliis ! tren tv, the sla vers often raiso the American ' fl.ig as a protcction ugainst search. In tliese ', the Bn'ií-h clnim tho priviledye of I itmg? thestispcclcdvesse!, toascorlniti whothcr slic is American or not. If she bc bo smcIi, nllhough a slaver, they lel iicrprncecd on the ! voy ge. Tlicy conlend that without this right of ! visi'ntion, the reciproca] treaty of the Europeo u powers could not be cnrricd out: for, if eveiy vcsse) whicli carries a American flag be exrmpt from in.vpcciion, nll tJmt a slnver wil] have lo dn to be in perfect sccnrity U be to lioisl the American ñag. In this vvny the occhij inight_be white with voséele carryinp on this detestable irafBc in proround secunty, under our national banncr. To obviale th's restilt, the British claim a right, not to visit American vessels, but to vif-it all vcssi Is htaring tíie American fiag, sufficiently to nscertain wlietlier tliev are A nierican vrssels, or wlietlier that ftag is ra;scd fordeception. This is the cxlcnt of thrir clnim. Our Government hns refused to acIciiuwlcJge it thus far, white the British iniist on ii ns indcsprnsable to the suppression of llié slavetrade. The Aehburton treaty, while it provides thnt we should keep a naval ibrce ■ n the coattof África, left this matter ent irely unseltlod. In tliis letter, Gov. Cass thinks we ourht to go to wnr immediately, ratlier thnn yitld one tittle of tfiis British claim. He contendsthat war is a Iets evil than nationnl degradntion. YVo do not approve of its warlike nnd thtcnteiiings irit, VVere f mfn of both naiiona to manifest tuzh n di-position, immediate warwonldbe inevitable.


Signal of Liberty
Old News