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Capital Punishment

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-This 6ubject hasbeen discussed pubJicly in New York by nble champions. Mr, Grecly, of the Tribune, who is Rgainst the hanging system, thus sums up the principal argurnents tbr its nbolition: "It is not mainly for Ilie sake of the fifty poor, guilty wretches who nre executcdaunually tlial we ask tlie nbolition of Hanging; but becaiise, first, tho innocent are iomeinnes hung by mistake, sccondly, tlic guilly oftcn escape, througli the natural and just repugnance of jurors f even thnse who uphold hanging) under a verdict which involvcs Human Life un!s:St!c cilence of guilt be most indubi'.ablc: tlurcDy. because the Community is brutaüzed by piiblic exectrtrons, (now happily going out of tashionj and Justice dishonorcd by vnvale ones, which put the Lay in an attitude of skitlking artd concealment rather befiüin? Guilt; fourthly, becaüfe the fact that the Ommnnity cherishes and inílicts a penalty essentially and obviously viridicfive and bloody in its chnracier, tends to stimulntc and . sanction in individuals the spirit of vengeance for injuries, real or imaginary, and ihus to mulliply scènes of violence nnd bloodshed'Shoiildïlenry Clay fail, ''says the Fredrickburgh Arena, in rclation to the Presidency, f'no proudcr, no more' pfttriotic inscription could grace tlie tomb of his pfospocts, than that ho died in o'ppositïofi to Abolition? ' What a líe'sii'abío epitaph! In substnnco it reads, "he died in defence of Siavkrt!" who would not wish thatsnch an inscfiption on lijs monument öhould iemaín etcrnally? There is no disputing ubout töstes, b'ut we think that should Mr. BiRNRï fail, he wil] "ask ' no prouder, no more patiiotic inscription on the tomb of his prospects than that he died,'' likc thoüsarxls of patriots and heroeu, in conteíidiíTg for Libkrty! CCf The Detroit Ad vertiser of Aíarch 25 has a leading editorial on Yegro S"Jfiagr, narrating tlie acfion of tlie loco fox: os in extending thG right of sufTrage, in this and ollier States, but carcfully avoiding nhy rxpression of opinión on tha Negro gestión. Why this non-committalism? Why not speak out for or ngainst tlie measiireT Truly the Editor might define his position in favor of "the largest Jicerty'' as plainly as he did when he said, "we are nol prepared to eay that slavery slionld bc aboüshed in the District of Coltimbiaü" Wliy not favour the public with all the whiff creed on "the one idea" of the abolitionists? flA bül Ii as been introduccd into the Legislatura of Pennsylvauia, by which ■ sons guilty of seduction, are to be punishccl by a fine of not less than $500 nor more thnn $10,000. and imprisonment in the penitent iary j not less than oue nor more than ten years. - The mollier or ncar relativos of the fcmale j seduced rnay also maiütain a civil actiun for dama go?. I


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