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Chancery SitieO Absolute, for Cash and to the Jughtst Bidder. ÍN the cause pending in the Court of Chancery. for the Sccond Circuit of the State f Michi gnn, whcrein Jamee Abbott is and Abignil Weifelt, David Eaton. Gcorge Wclch, Jlenry Wüidl, Unrric-t Wclch. nnd Augusta Wclch. are defendams, the sai'l Georj,'e, 1 Jenry, I lm riet, nnd Augusta being Mi.iors, under the ae o( twcn'y one .ears. - Whcrens. by a decretal order in the above ifluse. ninde by liis Honor Ebtn Farnsworth, then Chancelli r of ihc State of Michigan, bearing date the fourtecnt'i d;iy of July. A. D. eighteen himdrcd and (orty oue, il wns ordcred and decreed. that ihe above named defemlanta should redtcm certüin mortgagcd preniiscs i.i the C.nnpl linaiu's bill contained, by the pnyincnt of the ïuui of lour liundrcd and ninety-eight dollars anr) twenty-four cents, and the ïntcrost to accrue thereon, from tbc fourteenth day of July, eighteen liundred nnd forty one, the date of a certain report in snid decrec mentioned, and tilso the coala of complairiant tobe taxed. on or beforc the f.)urteenth d;iy of November, in tlie year eiyhtecn hundred and torty-one, or that in dcfaült thereol, the said niortgnged premises with the nppurtenances, or so nm:h thercof as would be iulllcient 10 pay the said debt nnd the interest wliich lud accrued, or might thercafter nccrue u'ith said costs, nnd which mighi bc sold separnicly without in Jury to the partías pr cither of them, should Ie sold at public auction, at the Court House, in 'he vill.tge of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw, by and under the direction of ono O the Masters o( the snid Court, the said Marter lirsi i'iviug ix weeks previous notice of ihc time and place of sale in some ni-wspapcr published n s-iid County. ;is hy the said decroe, reference being thereunto lid. niay more fAlly appeai-. And when-as, the said premises aie yet unre deemed. und the nbove statcd siim with interest anl costs, is vet due md unpnid. ÍSow, iherefore, notice is heroby givpn, that i pursiiancc of the diroctions of the aaid decrec nnd liy virtue of i's authority, 1 will, on the six tcenth day of May next, nt the hour of Twelv o'ciock, at noon. ai tbc Court House of tli County of Washtenaw. in the village of An Arbor. sfll to the highest bidder, nt public Auc tion, the Inticls and preniiscs in said decreewonen, or to mucn inercoi as niny no sumcien j to pay tlie nforcsaid sum. interest nni cost?, nm can bc sohl scpamrely without injury to nny o the pardea in tlu's cnnsn. which sniíí Innds anc prcmscs are kiown ;u;d flcacihed as follow-, viz: .11 ihat certain tract or parcel oí land sitnate in j tl:e Co'JUtyof Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, known os t!ie Enst half of the Souili Eatt I qtmrltr of Sftction nuniber thirty-two, in Township numlier four, South of Range nuniber scvcn Enst, contnininc eifihty ncros. Tho B!e will ba absoluto - Wthouf rcdomption and for cish. G. T. GRIDLEY. Mastcr in Chanccry. C. H. STr.wáHT. Sol. for Complt. Dated this 2ttth diy of Mnrch, '343.CEf AISLES H.STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JKFKKRSO.N JtVSKUB, DETROIT. fóundryT POTASU KettW. Caulilrons, Sugnr Ketilca, LVinsii Boilers. Fivc Pnil Kctiles. and small IJiillow Wiire, Mili Gearinr, Wngun Boxes, Plouh Casting?; 6c. &C, constnnily n hnnH, r made nt siiort nuticc at tlie ANN A HBO STEAM ÍOUNORY. PARTKIDGES, KFxVT Sc CO. March .23,1543. tfMfi'nCAUTION. WMEFIÈAS Jlonry Wliitc. an nden'cJ apprómico to me, has, without my know edge or consent left niy eniploy. iliis is to firbi nll persons harboring or trusting liitn on my ac eoünt. híj f shall pay tio debts ofliia contraclin nlïcr ihisd.itc. J. W. BROOKS. Pihsfiüh], Mnrcli 31, 1843. n49 lËtx;CTMÖJ rOTItJE. There wil be an clcction held nt ihc Hotel i E; Eggleston in the Upper Villagc of Ann Aibo on Monday the tbird day of April next. for th purposcofcleciing the follbwihg Towrifhip of}' cers. niid the tninsaction oí o'.her businrss. vzi: A Supervigdr. a Township Clerk, one Justicc oi th Peócc in the piace of J.eonard Stilleon, (whos constitntional term of Ofiice, wül pxpirc on tii fourth day of July, A, 1). i 843.) a Township Treasurcr, thrce conunissioners of hihv.-.ys. tvvo scliool Inspoctore, nnd iwo Direciors of the Toor. Also two Assessors nnd four Constables (ifüie nualified voters at the opening of the polls simil voto dieft rnc'c. to dect 811 in.mV. J. M. W1LLCOXSOÑ, Toton eitrk. Town Clerk's Oli'ce, ) Ann Arhor, Mnrcli 21 si, 1S43. Ouarclïmrs Salfc. BY virtue of a license issucJ by thb Judge of Probate, for iho Couniy öf'Wnfcliiennto. 1 hliall. on Snrurday, the Í.M duy of April next, ni J o'clock, i n ilic nlicrnobn ol Üutt day. solí at Public Auctjon, tlie onc undivided tliird part of thc follpwing rfecribed Real Kstate: lidng ilic Nortli West quarter of section thirteen, n townslup threc, Soinh of konacsix, East. ontoíniriE one hundrcd and sixty acres of land; béírtÉ nfi theintc.cst of Sarah B. Day. Loonard W Day and Arden E Day, in said Eslate, as l.eirs aí law by riglit of represeniation of Jacob Aray. late of said Couniy, deceased. Salo to lakc place on i he premises iJOUACE CARPENTER, Guardián. March 21. 1843, 4ö-3w Blanks: Blanks! BLANK DEEDá, MORTÜAGES. EXECUTIONS, BUMMONSEá, &c. just [iiintcd and for sale at iho ÜtT SIGUfÁL OFFICE, jJN CilANCÈRY-lsr. Cikclu . OHver Kane, Tr Y virtin of a decrcI _. , ; , j -ö tal order, iieued I L out of tl, e Court ol hlflnli W. Morgnn, Chancory, of the State Y illiam b. MayrMrd. } of, I shalïexpoec tosale, 10 rhc higiicst biildf. a? rho Coürt House, in the village of Ann Arbor, Washteriaw County, on the 8th day of Mny ncxt. at lOo'clock, A. M. of that dny, the folKiW'rng doscribed pren.iscs. situato in iho vilingO ofAnn Arbor, and dcscribed ns fulluw, tu wit: "Beginning at the West ñ(k o' flic Ann Arbor & Salin, on the South line of Section twenty trine, in town two, Souih of Rnnge six Easi; lueoct West on the said Sec:ion lino, iwenty-one chaint and sevcnty links to n stakc; thence due North fourteen chaina and fifty links 10 n stake; iheuce Souih eighty-six and u half dogrees, East ninetecn clmins and si-veniy links; thonce due North seven cluiins and tweniy-five links to a stakc; ihcnce North eighty-ntne degrecs Kast, (our chain Qiulsevcniy-fivo links to the creck; thence np said creek to the West line of asid Rond; thence with the line of said road to the place of brginnini;: eomaining ifnrty-i.x acres and tiineteen liundrethi of an acre, more nr less. GEO. DANPORTH, Master in Chancerj-. Jr &. Pohtik, SoÜcitora. Dated, Mnrcli 20, 16 V.. 4i-7rLANDS FOR ALE. TH K undcrsined fa outhorised to scll severnl tracts of land in the emoties of St. Clair. Sacinaw, Stfmluc, Wa.Piteiiaw nnd Lenawee si their cish val ie. nnd takcin paymeni State Scrip nnd Wnrrantsai par. or thcir equivalent fn cash: or lic vvifl proporiionate teVins on time. The cash viiluc mny bc nscertained. if desired. by appraisers chosert by the purclmser nnd subscribcr. The Washtennw Innds consiát tif Í IS acres in the town of Webster, slightl) improved. of eirly andchoicc selccMon. 'and 214 acres 3 rnilèstielow Vpsilonii. m the Iliver Iluron. having rich liotloin and upper fands, frood runnin vor, corn and whent soil, exccifenl Hitcsfor büifdmtr. surroinded hy scttlcni. nts, go-nl íoadá nnd milis. About 30 acres have been under cultivation. CilA'S II. STEVVART, '7 ' Jefte'8on Avenue. Detroit. WOODWORTH'S HOTEL. NÓRTHÍÍIÍC, EASTKKN AM) SOUTIIERN STAGE HOUSE. The undersigncil respectfully nnnounces lo tlie tliat lie is nnv the proprietor of : this well known cstnblishmpnf. Tho höusO l Iiavingr been íhorougbíy overlmu'edj and refitted in a maníicr caJculnted to protiiote tlie comfort of citizens and the public. The liotiso ocenpies nu ellgiMe positidii, on the corner of VVoodbriclfre" and' Randolpli stroots, in a biipinec-s part of the city. Those who may bonorhim wiih thpirconntfcnnnce, may be iseured ihat noo.xppnseor atten'ion ih ïiis power, will be pared, to inake their sojou'rü in Detroit agreeable and eatislactiory. tG-ly] S. D. WOODWOHTH. Estale oí' Ira Durrïn Tl 110 Undcnsigned have been du!y appuintcd by the Hou. George Sedgwiuk. Judi;e of Probate tbr thtí doünty of Washtenaw. Coinniissioners to receive. eftftnine, adjust nttii nlltv the clniins of the creditors to the estáte of Irn Durrin. Inte of said county, deceased, Inch cstato is represented V ha insolvent, and six moir.hs are allowed by aid judgo to srtid croc!iior. :■ present and prove iheir claims befurc saul conmiissioricrs who will meet for the purpuso aforcs.iid at the office of E. Mundy in the villnpe ot'Ann Ar'or. on the last Tuesdiiy nnd VVedncsday in April next, nnd on the first Wednesdny in June next, at nine o'clock. A. M. on e.ich day rspcctivcly 5 JOHN WKLLS, ) E. RILriVi)l. Cotnniiísioncr. T. FOS'I'ER. ) AnnJArhor, MarchG, 1843. 46-6w.N Ö FICTIJV ONE FttfCg STOpTHE subscriber snll continúes to scll DRY GOODS, and DRY GROCERIES, ntNo. r, Iluron Block, Lotctr Toten. Jli8 s-ock ()( each wis cnrefully ceted and well purchasod, vhicli on;ilic8 hini to sell ldv fbr reut! y piy. As he bclievcs the money of the same qtlnüty of every person. is rif the game vulüb, lic tt-ll! inll o all for tbc same price, nnd no amount óf Öru11 ry c;in swerve him from that courve. I'crsons an makü jiist as good bargainsby sending an ajent, as tocóme tlicmsdves. ín connexion wiih the eioro a n Grist nnd fcoimiNd Mii.l, where he wiïl constan tly pay Cash foi Wheat t the highest mnrket price. Farmcrfe and Wluat buyere cAn havo thcir Gristing and Flouring dorte to order and on ihe most reasönable ttrms. Thosc whp wish to purclinsc oods. or get Whcat iloüred, would do wcll to cali anddnejuire his prices, and ihto liis tnannér ofdóirtg business. DWIGIIT KELLOGG. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town, Ft-b. 28, lö.'ï. A-LMtOJÊY TO ÜSS MADJÉ THE suhscribcr would herehy givo noticc to tin: furmcrs of Wnshtcnaw, and ihe rieighboring couinies, ihnt hu lins an OU MUI now in operntion in Ann Arbor, Lowér Tova, wlicic lic intunds nt nll tiniu6 Ui buy FLAX SKED, (and other Seeds used in makini; OU,' urn', pay the hihesi price, nnd the best ofpny. O.v: per tuishcl uill bb paid for gnotl cloan 8eed, r, onc gallon of üil given fcr tlic snine quaniity. Fab.mkrs are requested to try Fin oh ilicir Suinnier fiillow, md thereby avail ihcmeelVecöf two croj3 iníteíid of onc. ]Mk:í(hA;.ts are reqpested fn send in thcir ?Oed nnd exchange for Oil in prefereneu :o scndini: to New York or JJoston for ft, nnd ilius keep what tnoney we have in our own State. f4-- tf.] JOKL R. UIDDE.V. Ann Arbor, Lnwer Town, .March 1. . ■);;. JAMES U. 121 IC I 1 , A T T O R XE Y AND CO UN 6' E LLOR AT LA IV. 6AGANAW CITV, MiCHIOAff. ( JCi. B. will also net as Land Agent in the Land Districr in which tliis (Sngannw) ! ' Jounty is; he wil! make iiivestments for others ' ands, pay over for non-residenis their ta.ve6, nnd ;ive information genuraliy to persons interested l; n tliid part of the country, or desirntu of ' ng imniijrunts to i:. cG ROUND PLASTER. PIUCK REDtJCKD TO NINE DOLLARS PKR TO.f. THE subscribeis liave on Iianil and will continue lo Keep a góod supply of (round Piaster) i Barrclj, ;it their Store in Detroit, (123, JefTer.son Avenue,) nnd n Huik, ai tlieir Piaster Vi'l, on the Jtivcr Hond, hall way beïween Ypsilatüï ;iik1 Ann Arbor, Tlic above is from the SsnecO, FaÜt and (hand lticcr Piaster Beds, buth notcd lor tlieir enpcriori_ ELDIiKÜ & CO. January 12, Ii313 Iü-Ü:ti.VV AltllOR STEAM FOUNDRY. (NEAR THE RAIL ItO.II? DEP&F.J PARTRIDGE9, KF.NT & CO. VmvétïcCxtd and put in opcnmwn tvFtundry, nnd nrö riow prepared to fiirriiih t& oVÓvr niot kinds of Cnstu inga for Mills, or oth Mnehimff. gogr nó Coul.lron Kctfeï, Ptn1v nvoat of Hoil.iw Ware. i?liocs. Fre Dogs, Wacon nnd Bugsy Boxer, Plbüglis nnd Vhtfgft Cattingsof the wiribus' kintlk üacd in tln's Sfafer and the most opproVed pnt'iéi'ni flsed in Ohio, o!I of which thoy rfïpcctlully iin-im the Public to exnminc. Thry nro pVöjiayed ro furnieli Fnrmon and othert wltli PLÖUGMS ns early n the sen. son na they Uvy bc waAcl for use, and which w.ll bc ibirrnntcl eo,I. All Casting muñe by (hem wíl be old CHKAP, and fur READY IA i only. Rti?H%iïHk' ROiV Tí; AND , V, dülie ordur. n"il n short notice, ut thfi M.ichinrt Shop of H. & R PAKT. RJDGES & CO.,ncxtdoorto:-h6r4p6rWilf!? First Arrival IJY 1843. In connoctnn wirli the Foundry trTKF Siachin Shop, HAttR-IS. PARTRIÜGES t CO. hr jtm oponed n woll sclected stock of NEW GOÖDSÜ ruch as"' BroadCIoth, Sl.eetmg, Merinoi. bat.nct.s BJiirtinék Mu.lin dcLafnB Hcaver Cloths, Cimleis, Sl.nwis,Kcntucky Jeans, Fl.-.mirls, Calicóes Alapnca, Booia& Shoc, CüII Skin,.SOLF.J1.VD UPPER LEATHER. A gooi nwmment yf Hardware nnd Grncerit-s, ni! of which will be sofd as luw for Cash, aa arry otlier store iu Ann Arhor. H. P. & Co. wül üike n e.xdinngefor j liidcs, Por!;. La id. liutter, Flax Sctd TirriJíhy S:ed, Tállate, $:. ort a favorable terma as anv Store hete til laawhere.- Any quantity of WÍÍBÁt wmcd, and thí nighcHi prico pnid. Lower Town, Ann Arbor, Feb. í, I813Í. 42-3m T. L A M B E R T, BEGS Imvo to nloini thc inhnbiinnis of Ann Albor, and tlie surrctiiuimg country, ihat havins löcntc-d himsclf n ihr Lover VUlaatuiili the view ol CMtrjing on ilie öfcure but-iiieei líüLE'sÍGÍ; (SÜ"lÜ f "9 Oniameiit! Paintinff, GILDING and GLAZ1NG, GIIAINLVG, n mitniion of ;,li Wooils, MAUHLF1ZJNG' TRANSPARENCÍES, BANNERS, '&c réspectfully solíais a slinrc of public pntronngo, as lúa pricea afanll be low to conform lo the timad and lus work in the bust mnnrret. T. L. .vould aay to Farrfrórs thnt he ié phrticiilorly deairoM le attend io-tlier calla, ns producá s tlie bfat kind of pay. Ann Arbuf; Lowcr'ToWn. Marcli G. 1S43. 45.- i y. Dll. ANÍSTER's' CKLEBRATED FEVER AGÜE PILLS.-Wrf, lLtM,t A safo , spocily. nftd s.rft rCmtífy íoT fctèr and aguo, dam ajine, cliillfever, and the bïlious diaeases peculinr to new countries. Theso pulsare dcsifrned for the affectíons oftha livcr and otlier interna! orgnns which attend tho disensos of the new and niiaematic portionsof our country. ' Thc pfpptítítttr Jirtv-ng iríc.l them ín a crest vanety of cases confidcnrly befíoVeá that they are Operior to any n-rriedy that has ever been fot. ed to tlie public for the nbove discases Itiynnrály VégÚatÜ nnd pojfcctíy harmless, ano can be takeh. y any peraou, malo or femaJ. wiih perfect snfety. IÍVÜlfl a,' í'rCíí ín fwo aeI)nrn'6 boten, mntked No. 1 and io. 2. and acccompdnicd wiih ull dircctions: A grcat number df ccn:ficafes mipi.t , „,, cd mi favor oflh.s medicine, but i7e propriéter íoítlionghifitoottó nsert them. in „8 ,nuè)l „ ie dependa updd the mcrita of tiio ssfhe for ta Btm tatmn. The above pïll s kepf constantjy oh hnnú by hB propr.etrr ahd Can br ,.-,d at whoJèfcnlc and r i.i at thc flore of Beckley & Co. Orders from ib couniry proinptly attchded (o. Ann Arbfr. flower to%Vn) MayS'Ji 184 ü L. BEgKLET.ÏPSlLAiVJri ACADEJHY, iííD TÉACÜEtlS SEMINARYi ñlIE tent!, term of this Insiitution ttilj cohi-X menee on Monday, Fcb. 27, and continu 1 1 weeks. Ilaving procurod the nssistnnce of tWo compe tenl nnd aiicccssful Teachers, tl.e principal is pro; jmrfed to give a ilioroiigli Englisli and CInssical lucatiun. líe will devoto nis wllbie a.renfioh to nic Miglisn dppartnient is hcretofore. Frotn 20 ;3) minutes ia tlniiv occupicd by tlie princitist in Itctunhp, iviiluhe nij of the anparatüs and nunernls. or oilicrVviee. 4pparatus.- Tlie instf-.ution is furnished with Lhemicnl, I iiilosopliical, nnd Astronoiiiitnl iti pnrams, Sürvcying Instr urnen la, Geometribal oU us, &c. to ihe aiiK.unt o( 300; aleó, o eood t?a]tinoj ol Minornlri wortli 5). TaUimin tlie Enish branches, from f:2.5') (o ..". l)(l per term ; L.-,ri„ nnij Gret-k, 3 00Frencli. .$3.00; Knglish nnd Clnssicnl studiei iimied. $6,00 only; Alezzoiinto nnd Chinese or Thcorc.m pnintint', $3.00 each for 12 lestona, Caqygrht by Mrs. Grillin. Thü tuiiion is to be pnid at tlie mjddle ot tho ■ term. No deducti n for nÜsoncc u-ííl be made, except for protrnctcd sickiiess; íind no one will be received tor Üian ílve and a hnlf weeks. Board, includiug room nrtI ttasbing. for.ií,5(í per weck. For further pariieüJars onqirjro ói' iJi principal. IÍ. ff. ORJrTLV. Principot, chas. vvoodm;f Tenchorof Lntin, Greek .'inflFrcnch Miss CAROLINE A. HAMMOND, ' Asiieinnf. Ypsilanti, Jan; 26, 18-13.GRAVE I OI s, MOMJMENTS, TOiMB TABLES, &c. T.II-; robaeribor lias a Inrge nssortmeru of JrAc. of the best quality, su tabla for (.kav: SiONja, Mummüst, &c. whieh he wilt sel! chenp for cnsh, r exc! anee for produce, t lüs oíd stand. No. 00, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. l'crsons wishing to l.ny wül ,JO wdl to cali, .. (hoy w,ll l,c sdld much dicirpcr tlíao h.a evec Loen níl,r, el in ihis gWe snj ofa Qual[ , canuoi lail to piensa r. . WM. L. PETERS. Dfliróü, Oét. 27, liíí 29- ly A n íí Ai hov Iron Store, fr,O W ER TO1VX.J Til'. Piibscribcr continnes to heep on IihikI n good aasortment of íron. Steel, Nailg, &c. itc. which lie is sclliiií,' renj !.w for Cash, DAN W. KELLOGG. Marcli 0. 1843. N. U. I woiiM horo eny to thosc intlebted to me, or to dio Kstnio of iny ílecensoc! Faiheí, thnt il 'liey Jo not pny up goon I shall havo to wait [onstfr, Mnder ihfc hw of thij Otate. 45- 3w d. w, K


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