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GREAT ttARGAINS.-R. Bnnka respectfully informa the farmers anti otheis visit ing Detroit, thnt he still continúes nt his olc stand on Woodbridge sf., adjoining WardeU'. block, and keeps on liand a general ssortinent o RE AD Y MADE CLOTMNG, which ho is detennined to scll clunpcr than tht cheipestfor Cash. R. R. has jiiírt rcceivcc!' from the F.ast an ns Bortraent of Cloths. Cïissi meros. Satinetts and Vasungs. wliich will bo mude up 10 order ir ftiehionable style at short noticc. R. BANKS. Detroit, Sept. 5, 1842. 2fl-(ni NEW GOODS ! ! FDENJSOX has just roceived n cnniploti tock of DRY.GOODS. GJlQCÈlUEi AND CriiOCKERV, wliich will ho. sold ver) cheap for money or most kinds ofprotluce. Description8 and prices will bc givcn at tlicStorc.TO CLOTH1ER S. THE subscriber is jtisl in receipt of a furfliereupply of CJothier's stock, consistng of MACHINE CÁRDS f ïvu'y (Üsirtpf"n: CLOTMER'S JACKS. AT TIN ETWARP. CARI) CLF.AXSERS and PJCKKUS. SHUTTLES. HFJIDS, KETTL17S, c:u:ws. PAiisoms sheajung ma. CUlXil. F.MF.llV. C'erery sizcj TEXTER HO0K8, PRESS PA!' ER, tpgèthcr icith a r. U sdccttd a:;:o,lm:nl. oDYE WOODS.aud OYE STLFF& ot' the very best growth and nanulacturc. . These goorls (comin? as they do direct froni irst liniuLs) the subscribür is enablcd to sell Idwirthan nny other house west of New York, bc liereforc solicils the atteniion of firnis in the loiliincr business, to theexamination ofhis stock 'nd p ices boforc going east or purchasinf elsel'crc. PIERafe TELLER,Thresh ing JHachin es, ! '5 " JIK urtdérSign'ed uuul.i inform the public _ iluii they ciiiiriiiiie lo nniiinl.'K -luro HpniK l'.iUKua ,-il)(l TlllU-MlIM; .NIaCIU.NKS. IWU üllil ,1 li.ilf nul es Irum tin; villaje of Ami Arlioi. on tljo r.-iil-miul. The 1 lui se 1'owtr i.s a late njvoriiíoa by .S. VV. Fo.sicr. an.l i.s tlep.icle.clly superior [o any ótiier over oIeiccl lo thé public, as wiil ippear by ilv Mati n. ni's ol ihosu who have üfic.l ilieni duim:; tin; I.:.-! st:, r. Ji is lilit in wriht and smallm compass. bcing arried togetlier witïi the Thr'èsher, in a comiioii waggon box. and ilrawn with cnse by v.-.j lioiics. Jt i as liillt' Imblü t.' Lre;ik. pi et oütoi rcpnir. us ;my oihor floree IüVcr, ui ! .-ilI woik as ensy and ihiri-li ns nnioli i with (;; horses attirclied to it as any oiiicr ))wur witli Jiv : haraos, ns will Qpnear jjoin the recómnienpatiyns below. New pattérhö havo liccn made for the cast Inm. aiul addi; lional wuiylit and siicngtli ipplied u herover it j had oppeared to (e tieoessary l'ruiu odc year'fi use ui ilic innchinc. Tiio subscribers deern it proper to state. thnt a niiMibrr of trsc powera were so!d last year in the viíbigeil Aun Albor (vliich wcre lifücvi'd l,y tilt purShasers to be ihose iuvemed by S. V. Fosier. .ikiI thnt most or all ol thein : '.vcre ciüicr majo tnateriilly difTerjent, ornf; tcred [jeTore sold, so as tq be niaíenally different lro:n (lióse mnüê and sold by t!;e subSürütcrs. Such nlierntions being decidedly j detnnicnia' toihe utility ultlie maeliine. They j linve rood reas in to belicve tiiat every onc óf I iliose rWUrned by ihc (mcdh&sens as uns:ilisfuc 'i toi-j, wore oi' tliiá c!:i.sü. aio hol avare j lliat any Power tliat froin their siiop, and j was put in ust;. ns thoy male it. !ias been j cüiidcinin-il or laid usjdc'ns a bid inacluiio. i All who wish tibuyarc invited to examine t!ie;n and to enquire of those who have Ufted tliem. rJ'here willbeoneior d.xainiiiation at N. lí. "in('.-. Baxter rillagc; and oik at Mah; ris Vir,i.sis's j t: ekmie ii Detroit - both j these gentlemen being nuents for the sale oí tbem. The price will le $120 fora Tour liorse power, with a thresh ing maclüne, wiih a stave or wouden bar cylinder; and i:ji) f„r a horso power svitli a threshing machine with an iron bar eylindcr. The attention of tbc reader is invited to :iie i folio wing recommendatioiis. S. Vv. FÜSTKR&CO. Scio. April 2!). 1 842. R CC OM M EX DA TIOXS. Tlus is to cerjtlfy ihnt wc have use:l one of S AV. Fostpr's n'e'wly invente.! IFoise Wiwers foi ab;)ut five months, and tKreshed witli it abunt 3W0 busliels. and believe it is constructed on bdtcr piiniïvlcs tlian áViy othb'r Morse Power. One of t!ie uii(e;sine;l has -wnedand usedei:;!it difierent kinds if llorr--Po'.vtrs, anj we believe thnt faur horses v, ill tlirash as nmch with Hits. 'Power ds Jipe will ui:h any othcr power with uluch we ard'ëcquaihted. II. CASE. S. G. [VES. Scio. January. 12. l?-i2.1..1S ia to intorjn thepuMic lliat I liave ptirchased. mul have in use. ono oí' ihs Morse Powers reeen lly uivemed Uy S VV. Fostcr. modo by S. VV. Foster, et C5., nnd believc it le construcíed pon beiter principies, nnd requires lesèrsircngth of hurses than any other power witli wliicli 1 am ac quaitited. A. WEEKS. Momit Ciemens. Sept. 8, ISJ1. Tliis is to inform tJe tbal I hnve purdiosed oneof the Htfrse Powers, recenlly invented by S. W. Foster. nndusu] itfora nutner of nionths. nnd believe it is the best power in use. working with Iess sfrength of liorses than any other power witli which I ar acquainted, nnd being ahreil m comnass. is asily moved froni onc place to another. l believe 4 horses wül thrcsli ns ninch with this power na 5 will with anv other power. The Han and ihc workin of this power have been univemlly approvod of by fmners lor wliom I have thrashéd. E. S. 'SMITH. Scio. April II. l.'.g. SMIJT KACHIZÍBS. The snbscribers mak e very good SM UT i MACrilNF.S which they wij] sell for $((). Thia machine was i:iv nted by one of the subscii!)ers. who hos had manyyear's experience. in the müiing W'o invite ihose whn wish to buy a jjood machine Tor a fair price tobuyof ns. it isworth ns mu -h as most ofthj niaehiiies that cost froni JóÜ to $:500. S. V. FOSTER & CO. Srin? April, 18, 1842. Voolea ManufactoryThe subrfniibers have receïiflv put m ation a woollen nnr,uiac:ory for inan'iftctur ina woollen cloth by power looms, two and a half milos west from Ann A!or villaje, on the rai'road, whcie he is!i to rnnfiu.'netiire wool ii."i cloth on shares, or ior pay by the yard. on reasönahfe terrns. Tliey huve employed experienced woijcmiETi and feel connilent that work will be wcll done. They thprfeföic respectfnlly nek a shnre of public patromge. especially fronitlioso wlio are in favor of hcmk iiOLST.iy. Wool may be left at Scio villnge. S. W. FOSTER &. Co. Seio. April 13. 1SJ2. TO PHYSICÍANS AND COUÑ'fRV MERCÍIANTS. THEsubscriber inyiles the attention ot Phyicians and Country Merchants, to Iii y)rosent stock of Onirrs, Modioincs, Painli, Oil?, Dyc StuOV, Variiish, Briishes, &c. &tc. comprisingone of the liirgest nnd iullest assortmeirts brouclit '.o the country. In his present stock will be íbund : 100 o?. Sulph. Quinine, superior Freuch and Hlnglish, L0 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 00 oz. Carpentcr'ö Wilherill's Extract Bark, 1 bbl. Powclcred Rhiibarb, 1 Chet Rhiibarb Roof, 1 bbl. Powdored Jalap, 50 Ibs. Calomel, S casks Epsotn tíulfs, 15 ensks Falland Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxos Sperm Cnndles, 2000 ibs. YVliitc Lead, dry and grnund, 4 caks Linseed Oi!, üentists Inslnnnciis and Stock Gold, Silver ind Tin Foil Plu JFlitiaarc, lainTecth. A general a-sortment of Patent MedieinfiSt all of wliicli wil: be sold on i the nrost reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 1 í9 Jefferson Avenue, si?n of'Uie Güt March 13. xMortar, Dotroit. TA1LORING BUSINESS 1 AM. .fifOBLE, would respectfully inform the citizens of Ak-ii Aihor and its j :inity, that he has opened a shop in the j jr Town, inimediately over the late mercantile ! i tanü 'f Lund & Gibson. and opposite the Í I to.e of J. Beckley Sc Co., where he is j . ared at all times to do work in hia line. wiih i )romptncss, and iu a neat and durable manier, i Particular attention wil bo paid to cutting .' 'armpiits. Produce wijl be taken at the usuii priees, for work done at hisshop. These ( vho have cash to pay for services of" this kind l ire particularly invited tó cnll. Ann Arbor."April27. lli. tf lRIVER RAISIW IXST.ITÜÏK. TUIS 1 1 ) .-=) I H t 1 1 ÍS 1 )C.;ftI i, (!;,. hnvn „, Huisin, near ifie lionl. bank t rhe bwiutifu] iivor whosc name ii bgars, une unie csi oi ihc direct roncl ffoiïi Tecïitiiseli lo Adriaii. Tliis eijgible sjfo li rs been siJecicd for iif quirt eedusion. llie ferfrtity and etevatiorf pfiú so;!, ics pure and healtliíul atniosplierc. and pltr.s au t scenerv, Kooms.- Thero nre nnw on the p.-emises suitble looiiia lor the aecommodation of ' loi tv saidenis; wfiichnre deüigned to bi occupicd for pii vatcsiudyiind lodging. Other necrysary buihl ing aicprovidedfor icciiütions aiui boarding. EXPENSES. I'uiiion per Term ofolcvni weefip; $4.01 Borifa ' witli 4 liours wor!; eacli week, 7,57 [toom Rem, Incidental, ' f)(j T.x.l. J2.95 ThteVö will !e an additiönal ciihrgfe of one dnllar for ihosc pursaing (he Iiiglier branches as Philoaopliy, Al-i;!)ia. Geonict.ry. Astronomy, &c. For Chemistry, L;:tin. or (ïteck an addition oí ; iw,) üoHérö will bti made. Scholars are expëüieÜ to provide tlienisclvcs with what f iirni lure tliey will jieed in their roon-s. also. with lighls, l'ucl, and wasliing- none svtll hereafter board theni se! ves. Bills to be setllcf it) aclvnnce. 'J'lic school is open lo .-.I! applimnts ol liiahlc age fiTul charaeter ïrcspccnve oicointühlion or condition. ÜZTTir, SKcniul term of .ris summcr xoi'd commr.iifc Wcdinsltuj. Juli, Wl.'i. Il is very dcsiiablo tlrüt a!l whó design to ati-n.l the school; sbonid be en ihe ground - have their bülosettled. and tlieir rooms prepaifd, beforë thé fifst day oï the Term. Any further irtonnati.iii una be obtnined at the Institmion. by adJrevsina, pOst paid. .T. ,S. Dixo.n. l' liaison, Lenawee Co Midi. Raisin, May I!)th. 1S43. n." - 'ïm c l a í ton seemiívSlkíT" SPRING TERM. I TUK sixtli recular term of 12 wceSa will commence on Monday. February (. lcf-l:j. Tl'ITtO.N. For common EJngjih branches, 3 00 For highest FligliU biuíid'cíí, 4 1)0 For f.niiii and G'reck. ;" ü() Board, incliuüng Ilooin, Furmture, and Vasliing. at &] -2"). Tuition to lic lai.'l in nrlvnr'o. Ladies and gfiailënién f'rom abroad wil! bc reoéired to present a certifícate of gpod moral chnracicr; and by a standing rule of tUe Seminary. no scholnr who pe:sis!s in the use oí profane or obscene Lapgwge," is nllgwcd to continua his connecïlón vv'ïtn u-. Tbtè rule, with a nuniber of oihcrs. have beun adopted by a vote ol the school. The F.nglïsh text Böoks that are áíióprcd are generally such ns are in use in the best Academies and High Sclinuls. The Classical botiks are such as are reqmied for aJiuissien to Colletro. Considerable has been done to furnish manual labor lor tbose who wish, in t:s wuy, to pay for n part or all of their board. Studéntaonn enter at nny linie d::ring the term. ihqpgli i; is imich to iheir advantnge to enter pi ho bcguining. GEO. W. BANCRÓFT. Preceptor. MRS. Btecep'ress. Clinton. Jan. 25. SV. 41 -i f.ESTA'] E of ('hurles Tozer, late of Webster, in ihe GVunty of Wnshienaw. detoased. - '1 he uiidersiuned Ikivo [een duly appointcd by the Hoi). Geo. Sédgwick, Judge of Probate oi the county aforesaid. Coirm'ssioners. to receive, examine. n'j ist. and aüow ilie claims of ihe creditors to aaid estáte, which is represen ted insolvent, and six months, are allmved by s;iid judge. io jsaitl cieditors to present and prove their claims, be'ore said comniissioi ers, who will meet forthe purpose aforesaid. at tlie inn kept by John Wa'.do. in the village of Dexter.on t'ic first Mond.ivs of Mareh and April, and at the ilwelling house of Stephen Cosswell in snid Webster, on the 22nd day of June next, nt 1 o'clock, V. M. on cach day iTsprriivolv. miwwis kexny, ) JOÍIN ALLEY, Com'rs. JAMHS BALL, Jr. ) Webster, Dec. 22, 18-12. IS OW O IWTWi!JV V, THIS Ointmknt stands at the hejd of all re medif s for the fo!lowii dfseafeés whicli nature is lu-ir u-o, viz:- IlHLU.MATiö.M both Chronic and inihiinitury - Gunt - Spraiñs - Brviises and contracted TK2S'DOiS ot long standing. It disr'.ipsos all tumottr? - iciulers stif!" joints hrAber By prèüfiicing a iieolthy ïmiscular action. l. It Assuages jiains in .Bous rnd Airrsí:s. - Nothin eguala it in sWf-lleri ond nilamcd Breasts in Femaíes, iï nppïièu in early stnr. pfevohta supperalion or ïr.attcr fonnlnii. and üivcs in all cases ininiciliate eascfrom pain. Certiiicates ol this fact couhl bc given if nccet-siiiy. This remcdy is üfifed to the Public wiili the ful! ássui'arico üiat it far e.ce!s tin? Opodeldoc's and Lininients of the pic.'-cnt day, for the ahove disenses. A trial is only wnntcd. to "iw-it the docided preference to every tliinji clse. 3.1a.iv Physcians ot cininonco have usod this öintment and e.vtols its rnerits. n'J The abovc ointmon. is for palé whóIesáJe and rétail by L. BKCKLKY. Aiin A.rbor, flower toyn) Juno Jóth, 1 8 J'J ) TO COUNTRY MEUCHANTsXnü THE PUBLIC GCNERALLY. rriIIE subscriber has en liani] and offers for Ja. sale at low rate?, a.Jarge and general as, ortmciu of Drugs and Álcdicincs. Paints, OiísVarnfsh, Dye SiufFs. kc. &c, vili rvery article in the Drug and Pnmt line. Persons wish iny to purchase any anieles in the ahove line are requestcd. befurepu'chnsinelsewhpre. to cali at PÍF.RRE TELLER'S, Wholesale and Retail Dniuii.-t 139 Jefiersun Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. "Uc t.ia) of tufnfefitö Sï-'ine fat-r.oi-w JACKSOI TEMPERANCE HOUSi, % AND BOTANIC MEDICAL S ORE, With Hot and Cola Baths. Dr. J. T. WILSorV EasL end of Main Street, Jackson, Mich. CA ME into the ïnclosure of :hu subscriber.on ihe íiítccnih day of October last, tiv) cote., one is a palo red. raiher brownish around tlie hea3: the oiiier is a brown. with a star in the turehead. Theowner is n qiesifd to ]rove property, pay charges) and take thern avyay, BEA1 JAMIN PRYER. Salem, Feb. 8, 18-13. 8w-13 SA TT 1 1 ETt W A IIÏÏsÖNiTe A M S . - Tin.o. II. E".'tob Á Co.. I88J .Teilerso:i Avenue, ofler for sale a Ijwge B(üak of" Sattineti Vtirps, from the New Yoik rpills. These IVnrpS are conbidér'ed superior to any othcr in hc country, and wilj bc sold, for cash. 'at i srnall idvnnce. 12-Sw SALAR ATUS - A prime artiele in boxes or barrels, for sulc at 'hc lowcnt prices hy F. DluMSON. St;i:. Í J. 151Í. irêft ü8;ULö Jb LJ!LL&. "J'is furi iheys.iy to gei well wnh tliem, AM. mankind nidughottt tlicir vide and im#nciie Cficüliilïon ihnt ever tiy ;him coni .n.ue ui l)nv ilion. Peters' Pil!s are purety veg: i ■;:.ili': iIk y wmk no miiaelcs. nor do they prolees toaure dIJ díseasta, hccuuác tluy aio thc. Njie u. 'fia compound ota regular pliysician. who lias ronde liis profession tlie srndy oí kia Irte. Ot". Peters is a ol Yule Colige. bJsó oflhe. MoasachufiettS! Medical College, and has sonicwhn.ujistlrigaislred h'iiiísélfüa q rrín'n f scienee ;nd genius ñmohg the fainily oi' the hite G iv. I Peters; 1', (i rs' Veg inbl'e l'üls are iiriheir i ,irfiarition. inüd in their ftfeííotJj tlu rotigli ii . lien optnnion. ;nid unnvnlled n ilioir ic.Mifts.- The town and country are aüke fillcd with tlicii i pruise. Tlic palaoe and tlie poor ■ hou.-e al.k echo wiili iheir vlnucs. In all elimo tes tliey vil rciaiii ihcir wonderiul poyvers and exerj ihein unahi'icd by age or siiuniion. rnul ihit tlie voice of a yratL-lnl comnninliy proclaii;e(i. - ] Peters' I'ills preven: - keep ( fF disunses it timely used. r.nd hnve no rival in curing billious fover. i lever and qgue,dxspepflio, liver complaii)ts.groii[. .-irk lieudache, juiir.dice, as;lima.diop&y. ihcHinialisnij cr&tfrgement of he eplen, piles, ecl c. íe malo obstructipn. hean burn, furred longue', nausea, (ÜBtonüdii o t t lie sfoinnch and bowels. incipi ent tlinri 1im-:i. flíiiulencií. liábiúíál consiivcncss. loss of nppe'iie. l)l(if:-.. ,,r f;i]lo-.v complexion, íukI in a!l cases f orpor of ilie bowels, wtibft a onihaiuc or njicriun' is indieaieri. producing i lu-illier n;!TTonít, griping nor dcbiliiy; and h'e :e1 pial all wlio biiv thf.'in coniinue to try tíicni. i The most triumphrnt suceess hns ever atten IHed their use and cnough ie nlready knówn cf j tteui to inimorializc ojjd hnnd ihem di;vn [o os teriiy with tbje inigroveij:enia ófthe nge : mea icol M-icnce. Dr. Peters was to tte iiéñling art, and in to snpp!y dem inds, he has on:;in-ued and cnlled to his aid the only sieani : drive i inaelnnerv in ti;c wftrld for pill workiiiir. 'Tis pciT v', and its jnoccss imparts to the pill esscuiiol virtuë, bccauso by being pericctly : wronglu, all the pills' bidden vinue is reyeáled, wh( D i.'allcd uto ac:ion. and herc a!so it is Peteis excelsail the world and takcsall the premiums. rricdala and dinlomas. So clenr the tiact (of the Eaguie - Petéis' PiH.s nre coming - a million of witnesses can now be herd for iiiem- resistle?s - do you hear that! wliüe a host enn lestify ihnt they tieüevc they owe their salvation f i om j djsease and de;itli to Peters' Pill, and ir" caloniel i and knivesnre getting purtiaíly into disuse we aro only mistaktn. Cj.ii'i i.icatj s. - Th:s paper could bc fil'ed with tliem by residen'.s i' Alichigan. by -oiir friehdé npd r.eighbors - ask om agciii?. jt is now vell knowii thüt the pi ople wiil have Peiei.s' Pilis, and o wciild !etos;op the ïushing wind. Priec 2") or 50 cents per box. The rcsisiless Ibrcë o( Hicsc u-uthp - their linjversn) reepption. adc'ed to tho tcstinx ny ot' :nillions. '-kep it beipre tbe noplc1' must and will bc heartl throuiihotit ihis v;:!e ofteais. '.Fheir happy inllucnce on joung bidlcs wlnlc suiloring untcr the usual chauges of' li ie as direoted by the líiws oí nature, they impnrt a buoj'anoy oflieart, feeling and action, an etastic stip, velvc; check, lilly nnd carnation complexión by their action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in del icatesituatious nlwavs adniit their power and innocence, and tnke ihem two or thrce at a time withon'. ia ihc slightest degree incut'ring the liazard oi'an abartion; which fücts me of'the utin st i:nportance. Riljiplesi a yovng lady sint h r iove to Dr. Peters, and says she Icéis more grato ! ;"u' t.) him for the rcstoraiion ol her beauty than ilhehad sa ved her I i fe. 'Tis fan to gét wel! with Peters Püls.for ihey cause theblood tocourse aslimpid and gentle through ihe veins as a niountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a coinmon dose, henee the patiënt is nol compclled tb inake a nieal. TRO Ü RL E IN PLUTCTS CAMP. Quito iistonisl.ed Old Pluto c-uneto New Ycrk, 'Hearing Peters liad gol his Pill.Kngine at work.) To resign bis cojnniÍ88Íon, iiis hour glass and scy.tlie": Í have come to deliver themtill up to you- 1 Sir. my culling is over - my business sthrough; 1 have been Cor tliree years in a terrible stew, And J leally don'i know what on eaith J'am to do: - Not of your n-ighty sire do I come to complain. But a tamal New' Yorker, oue I'LTEltü by name; The diseases iny atji, !n this war of nunkind. Arcsubdticd by this Peters, wliat help can we iiml? I would yield !iim NT. York. sir. if llière hei would siav:But, sir. Peteis will havo the wholc world for lus SW.iJ'. Whüe iniising in cogncil whni course (o pursue. I That Engine of Petera brok e lorth into view. The [ijngpf lerrors ooked a while. As ïhougli his soul was lur cd to bilc, At ilmr iinspnrinnr-scotirne ofi'Is. By all men knnwn as Peters' Pilis. These PÍÍ ld ol Peters' stop the slaiighter. And Lea vea thcbloorl as pure ns' water. Now Peteis miikcs. I've hcard himsay, Fve hundred thousand pilis a dry; So that tlie chance is very small Of people aying there'al iut: For sorn the chceks. so morked for doom, Begin like any rose to hlooni. Looi; h:rc! al!, ii.h) tnj oontvivc to bvy thrm. For sale ns follows, by Me.-sr?. Beaetíác Abe!, C. C, m:!!e. F. J. L Crane. Maynard. & Co.. G-. "Ward. S. Pi & J. C. Je-.vett, J. II. Lund, H. Becker, Dickenson &■ Cogswell, and.SJ K. .Iones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Jiillerd & Son. Dexter, Win. A. L. Shaw, Lima; .1. C. Wniaiis. Syivan, Ilaip, & Sniith. GrassLnke; W. .Inukson. Leoni: D. rJ'. Merd man. Jackson; jI. A. Shoemahcr, IVijthi'g'arJ Ceniro; Brothérsori & ('o.. L. 1). Kief & Gilj hert. Manchester; D. S. HaywboclJ .S-.-line; Snow & Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymoiith; Stonc. Babéock & Co., and Julins, Movius&pó., Y; :,-i!aiiti: Pierre 'l'ellcr, Detroit; J. & .1. Bidwell. and Dr. Undfiwood. Adiion; I'aFt & Moslier. Springville; Harmen & Cook. Btooltlyn; Sirritli & Co., Jonesvüle; L. lil. Boyce, Chicago - and almoat every whcre else. Oct. 19", IS 12 ly ANN ARBOR PAPER MILL. TUK proprietor of tliia establishment ia now prepared to invito to it the attention of the business coniiminity. His Al 11 has been recently fitted up by tlie addilion of improved, and very crepensive ihíilIiíih1ry, equal it' not superior, to nny in the Western country. II e flattcrs hiniself' that he can now manufacture paper to the entirc satisf'action of hit? etistomers, both as (o quality and' price. Procided always that lic gets satisfactoiy returns in tlie way of pay nent; which he has become satislied is a very esüemia! poiót in the paper makirg business. His paper is of a kind that will werk rn?y upon types set to alniost any creed or pnnciplt, icpudintion doctrines aJ'Wrtya exeepted. The great expense and trouble. to which h'. has been siibjent to get up a respeclahle papci mamiiaotory within this State: isan arguniont tliat applics ïtself strongíy to the sincerüy. patri'otisiti and generosity,of the professed frientlsof "Home Indnstry" and "'pomestic Manufactures," aswsll as to all wlio are disposcd to cnc-ott:n:ie ïnanufacturinir om t .; iri.-o wiiliin ourinfant State. lic asks for the patronage of the p3üfg portion of the comniuniiy. but upon no oiíier principie than that of cqual rights. and reciprocal advantaííe. C. N. OlliMvSBY. Ann Albor. Jan. Í), 1343. 3w-39 NEW GOODS! ! FDENISON. is now receivjngas usuallyn well sclccted assortment of fall atul winter'! GOODS, which will bcsold cheap for cash er bartcr. N. B. As chenp as any in (oyvh. September 21, 18 V2. U'23 '


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