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Hints To Preachers And Public Speakers

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i u ui i 'w i .: - clui mi y i u i iit; mi ji'j i, ;n i or for fame. Indeed, were 1 disposed to do so, my humille cap:iriry weuld render tucli un oUeinpr. íiopelcss. I am desirous, nevorthele.=s, ifl ItHQW my own heart, to benefit iny fi'llow ni'. 1 tun Hnw-ilííng thát theír bark shou ld split upon those ívrks íhat luid well nigh proved rny awii deslruction - henee 5 I raised iny íeeble ciy. To bespeak the more attenfion, from t hose whom it niay. concern, to this commnnicalion, ' I would say, tii-it I hn ve boon bred to medicine, and h;ive praciicod this prrofession the greater part of my lili1. For mnny years, howéVerj tny siluati'ns Lave fallecí me to exereisü n-.' Itirjgs ni pniiiic sakug. Ii has, moreover, been my misfur'tiíne lo have liicm ihjured by fal's fiom horfps oñd can'ingref - !o have Üíem emb:irrassed by rheuniati-m in their immedi'ito nciglibniliood. and uiih ounSGsí iíyia and chi(t)s. But ihe more general causea o.f ihe i (coiütv and tenderness oí' my lunge', and póin n niy breast, ve bceir too long, lapid and loud ppefukirip, in tni-ill, warm nnd unveníilated roomí, followed by a sudden exposure to a :old and dámp atmophrre. To these hiiiU'ul :nuses mu.-t be added, se.ikng, sometimos, wilh too litlle air in my luns. or, if it b? po: sibfe, wlien thfy were exhausted. I now doprecnlc tliis mrmiier of speukinj:1, ns a violation if'íhelavvs of' i.he'oric, and crjianic ' lift. Ij Imve several tiní s been öbfiguö toahslüin, for ncleíinite petiods, (rom public Fpenking, owinjr ío debiüty 'ind t nderness ofthe Itintrs, as v.fe!l s to chronic bul si.'ht infl:imrnaiion', atlenled vitli occa?ioin! bleediiii;,!íl)out tl e Filis diilic i!ly wqs first indnced by sleeping in ' i cold room ni' a winters niaht, with tny coll;ir j íccideninlly looed, and my ïïfck enlirely j íed. Tlie nrleriai ramiricalions in Ihe : rane Ihat lines the throat beofime engorged. ¦ciiie of'ihesc were roptnred by conghing.- r riicy were olow m honling: nnd, nw and I herí. b!ed in vírv small qn;inli;e.s. At one uno I wne nnabie, without, quilo an eflort and :ome pain, tí) spéok above my breath for three nontlis - üiid w;is constrajfed to cea.e f om ! rcactiing altogethcr, for doublé space of i me. , Tiiis anluous deliglitftil dnty. wns even I fien resumed with mncli wenknêéi, pain and i rembling. Tlic precceding remniks show i lint I write from knowlodgc derived liomíi onding, praciice and personal rxperience. - 7or seví'rnl ye:irs, llirough tnerey, my '¦ t' speerh liave been smind and strentr. Tliis j rrffit blessing is obvionsly ihe refnlt of the ( ¦fuirse now rm mmeniied lo th"se who may ' .¦ ie Foniewhat añtcted in llie wyy I Imvo deciibed. Avoidins', as (";ir ns pralicable, (he mjurioiis j f ausrs mntioried, is ;i díctate of wisdom uk! x Itiív, nnd genernlly insiTes nn exemplior '! rom a train ofevils with hich manv ÖT onr - ninisters are aflected. Btit to sneak of '¦ i ve remedies. Dnring the whole peried, from infaney to ar,loo(!,much rxercisc is necessáry lo develop nd ftrengthen the corporcal sys'.em - to F íote henlth, and prolong life. And, when thc v hysicfil systém h s urnved at its highost s!al( - f peifection, tliis exercise is still dtMiianded, !l i order to ihe perpetuity of 1 tío, Bealfri nnd i L igor. From a universal and inmutable Inw i ' filie nnimal economy ílicse organs óf tht i ' ody that are subject to the most exercise. Ecorrie invested witli the greatest power of ll [complishment. This ( xerqise niust be suitblc, and not pushed buyoiid Ihe lone of tbese V rgaiiti. Oiherwií-o, organic dora'ngerneír, a cal or general debiüty, would follow. The á iw referred lo, is seeiíand illöstratéd in the d nusual strengtli hihI r.ciivily of the lovvor " emiliey of the habituó I pedcslrian - and, olso, j '1 i ll.c jjicaler cnpacity of thc ngiil llicn left tiarm of the blackt-mitli. The farmer constantly employs and e.xcrta liis fnculties óf loconioiion--ihe lattcr, his nght nrm, in t huilden lig on his anvil. That tho senses bccome more acute by U5e, is well knoivii. I hero remaik, by -the-way, thnl tho !aw to wliich I have alliulecl belongs, not only to tlie body, butalsc. lo the mind. All its faculties are improved by appropnate exercise. The habitual nnd severe student will prosecute a long and profoundinvestigation wiih energand dd'ght, whilc an individual of an indolent and undijs ciplined mind, will soon becomp jaded, confnsed and miserable in nttetfpting to gráppa cumraun subject. Even our moral sensibffitics, whether virtuous or vicious, are ii:cieascd by continual rxciteinent. In the view of these principies and f;icts, it is plniri'liat in cases of gencnil debility, or local aflections, where fever, infla minat ion, or some other peculiar circumstance dees r.ot forbi(', an appropriate kind, and degree of exercise is requisite, to restore ihe pniientsto Iheir wonied health, strrngih and usétiilnêse. Tnke íuj individual prostnited by a courst of lever, which is. however, removed. Forbid him gentle exercisc - confine liim to his bed - and. no matter what food or medicine you giye him - nothing cnn atone for the want of suitableexerc'ue. YVeakness, miscry and premature deatii wouJd end his history. Let a man hnve a fracíured leg; let it be properly re(luced, dressre' and manuged. Ju the conree of a few weeks ihe bones aro united - inilunniatioii, swelling nr pain is suöered; but still (ie !irr,b is ollhwë'ii no nciion. The patiënt is nrt pcniiittcd to bear any weight upon it - to w;ilk a little. Persevere n this coursc nnd the man forever rftmains a hclpless crippie. Anply tlo.-e el'-ments hf truth, with our assumcd, bat intruvcrtih!i facts, to the cases of ihe foeble. tender bloeding lnngs of somc of our preaciieis. nnd we percejve, that u niega they are du}y éxercised, they will never be rcs'.oreil to sonridness aiul sirengtli. Thcir organs of spepch will beceme more powerless - iheir voice mnre eftomin.-ito and (e'ble, till it terminates n aphony and the silence oi' death. Fever, iuflammntion, tilceration, and continuod or very Irrqent hemorrhage of the lungs, '.is 1rue, would imperir:u.-ly dunand b? Öiaieacent a Mate of them as pössible. Somewho suspect the intfrity oftheir Inngp, ferto use them vigoroösly, lest it Bhonld cnuse tliem to bleèd. Prudeneeis vnJuühle. It should always be consultod and obeyed. One would not immediate'y, on leaving his eick charnber, or layiDg oside the dre.=sings of his broken eg, altempt to walk matiy miles. So com mon sensedictntes that feobleor ditcased lungs should not, at first, ba too scverely tested. - Their labor should bc light at the commciiccment of our renoval ing prcicess, and grádunHv increuFed with their growiug slrengUi and .sbnndness. Arnidst the vociferafions of tcamsfers - j)ln}ring boys - and of men, whrn sí ttling nt tavertjB the afihirs of the nntion, onc mightfoul unxious for the fa!e of lutg&; but we seldom, ifevei, hearofanv difiiculty of Ibis kind from such souiccs. A dt:e regard to emphasis nnd cadenee is niuch bctier for the ïim'gs tlian a nionoionnus delivery. The body and miiui are brn-fitted by n vnriety of actimi. The I hyiioJtigicul laws of all living animal?, are nnaiogouF. It is notoriou, that a liorse, %vhcn rode, will endure a jotirney beller if you cause him, occaí-iotciüy, lo chango his gnit, thari he will to bnld him j!1 tlie "whüe to the s.iine rcplipp. This illustrates the utility of söjiie materia] clianges n t tic voice in reading and Bpeukióff, even as forza the safeiy of the Innir?, :in' their cnpacfry lo sustain protracted ffloMs are concerned. Tiie nervous Bystem is often most unpleasnntly aftpetcd. Ünder these circomftances, grave and seeie studies must be exrhnnged for the reading of lighter work.. We!l st lected poetry, biogrnphy aiid irávels may be usefuT. Change of scènes and i compnny, by tnivehng - repiessinn of choly thoughis and fcelings- the ct'ltivation of serenity and choerfnlness of rnind. are j important i uxi'i ry remedie?. Tho bantful j of the grieved pnstion? of tle mind npon the essen! ia! org.ins of the body, is not j fferierólly understood. A reciprocotion of ! fhiential action rrsulls from 'hat intímate, vital ' and mví-terions unión, by which they are j !ed. Smeclearlv marked rases of i t'mg pulse from dmcsiic grief, are now ! ent in my retneinbrnnce. JModera'e exneise i oflhé aim?, i:i variou wnyti - mensures lo ! p;ind ihe ciiest, ns wisdom ha.ll sugjest and expenence justify. phould be mamtained. - An pypet piisition in standing or walking, nnd i ar. inclination backward wlioh sitting, are ' sei ving of airention, n a carriage is brneficiü] - but riding on horseluick s9 t ihe i ihe sheet onciior of liopc. This' should be ptirsued tiTI iicalth isreslóred, ór tiïl hope would bc weakness nnd delusion. Relative to the more i tinne;! al e mniuigement of ite lunps in ipenkinir, ;iir should be iiispired it the beginning of eyery sentence. Tliis hould be mpe.-ited in the courso of tho ïciv ene---, ns often ns facility an-J ilrength of enúffe Hntron hhall reqniro. When tho beat interes! í of !p lungs cVmsnd Vpiises forjnspjralion more frequent ly ihnnthe ;nnos of punrluation écetn !o admit, chese hould be violafed anl .-Ft nt dofiance. The proii'ötinn of our he.ilth is an imperaive duiy. Sclf proservaticn is tl. e fir.-t luw )f tinturo. Suicide ia not parctified becru?e, vit Íi sornc. t hos been the fashion. Perhaps, ; it first, this iinilorm nnd full nsuiratïon n ust ' ie ihe effect of nttention md voliiion. When mee the habit is cstablished, however, ii will ecoire, es it vvere, a second nature, and be nconsciously perforined. Delibérate expression - a dun regard to the nuécfj oud loa proper modulation of tho , oice, arennmug ihe eantttivfi Ihings to be rr'Hráeá in tliis conneciion; The air must not II be forced out of the lungs, or permitte;! to 'f cape at once, This inpi'rntion nred not ; aue any defect iti the éxecutionof spéaking - ny thing peculiar Iliat shollattmct the nutice flistencrs. No interrupted pantiiig aspiraoii is necessary . ' Tlie mvnl'd should read loud every diiy. - ' Ie sliould practico colloq uial cpnvqrsatiolJ - i nd the pr nunciation of n Ccw memorizcd ïntencès. The nnmber and length of these ri'ly exerci?es niuet be de'.erir'ined by their ' flectp, nnd Ir.s capacity to eustüia them. - ' 'he convalesceni prenchcr may read the scrip i 1 ires nnd the hymn - engnc in praycr. and ' rnake 8 few rcinarks in U,G conference meetmjrs. After u wiiüe hcmny begin to tnkc a mor; lnbnrions part in U,e great congregation - and, at enytli, to preach sermons. Hut he should rarely, ifever, delivor more tfiun two l tlieee of a dn y- am the ilftermissionö should bc two (ir tlnce hqurs. The Umga of itiiternnt ministers seem to be cnrnposed of strinva of steel- en pable of pternal duratiou. Tyfo thmgs explain ilis affiiir. They ore nlmosf 3insinnt!y on l.ör#el)Piak- beaidöB, thpy r i-jov Lirne enough boiwccn tbeir somions to pp.init tlicir bodies ond mindb to puisc, and prepare lor renewed exêricisè. ] tiiigbt susiain the llieory ond prntrlice ndmcuted in thia paper, by advertir)? to mnny living witnesses; .ome of them nre dih-:infrnish". 2d in tholiterary and religioya world, and are ministers o''t:ie gospc-1. Bnt hints are all iliat I intern!, upon this occasion.


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