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JIi31ÍBiciy & Dress itiakiitg-. Mus. C. BUFFFINGTON, ■pESPECTFULLY onnounces to the in--' iiabitanfs oí Aun Albor und viciniíy, Ihaí she has oponed a shop, midwny, befwcen the upper and Jower yiilngès,where '.lie business of MILLI3YERY & DRESS MAKLJYÜ wiil bo -nrried on, ín nll ils branches, witli piipctiinlity. despatcli, and in the best and most fasbionabJe s'yle. AnnArbor. April 3, IC43. 50 ly CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The mos! effectvol rcvüdy yct discoverrd for lUu-unvitism, ï'evcr 8br,es, W-hiie Siodlings, Jnjliimmntiun in the Eycs, tíwellcd Tkroul ia Scarlet Fei er, Quinsey, TIIË CHEMICAL PJ.ASTER is nn important re:r.e;iy l r iliyse who are afflicled witli chronic and Lnfltuninutory complninis, by i's ensiiiij; pain. öounteFacting inilununutio.i, and giving speedy relief by iis nctive. sirentlicning. antoilyno. dinpliorciic and confiten rrituul prop.eJ tics - nn efleetunl remedy (ar Chronic and lntflurninntory fthuuniatism, Ague in il;e Breat, Scnlds, j Bnrns. BrUisea, Scroluia. Ulcers, Oíd tíoies of] dniost cvery dcscri.Diion. Oinkeied and Swe'ld j Throat arisin IVotn Scnrlet Kever, Fclons. White Svycllíng?, Chilblaíns, Are. erso!l5 si ílring IVomliiver Caiuplainis. Pylmonary diseasc.;. !nñomtnanyn of tiic Lungs, s v tl pain n tlie siile, bnck or limbs. will (ind r(3Üef y tl,e use oí ih;s Piasier. In all cases it itííiv be used with períbet saleiy. A'.' DEAN S CIIEMICJI, PLASFER it put up in hiixcs at filty cents and oue dollar I e:ich. wiih full directioíia accompanyinc a'oíh box. ! Müiitiíacf.irod and sold wholeaalé bjs i. 1 1 A It- j RIS it CO.. ÁsUtabufa, Oliio. snle pruprUtors, : to whom all orders sboijld be nddieysed. Söltïj also by their Apcn's tluoiijíhotu the country. [CFA liberal discount made to dealeisand pliysicians. For testimoniáis and een fieotes from persons of the highesi respectibiüiy, who have used the Chemical Piaster, see another column of th's paper. For sale !y i lio fdllowing Agenta in Michigan: H. W. Rood? KÍIe J. C. Lnrrimorf. " C. Sl'.annhan, F.du-nnlsbtirízh. Win. C). Ausiiii, Vrhite PiL'eon. Isaac Benlnni. Jr.. Conutaniine. Dnnl. I. Kin.berly. Si;bo(lcraft. H. B. Bastón, &. F. March.jr PA1 Knlamazóo. .lames W. Cothrcn. P. M. Gnlesbu gh. T. L. Bo!kcom. P. M. Battle Cfeék. Jamos M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Ilnymond. Uruggis', Jackson. Win. Jacksu;i, P. M. Lemii. líale and Smitli. Grass Ijake. John C. Wimns, Sylvan, J. Millerd & Son, Dexter. J. ÍI. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann A.bor. ( riRISTJAX KBKRHACU. )FOUNDRY. POTASH Kettles. CuuWrons. Su-jer Kctiles. Pouish Roüers. Fivc Puil Ki'it !(■-. and sinnll I H.tllow Wnre, Mili Gonring, Wagon Iloxea, ['Diigh Casting?. &c. &c. constant!; on hond, or umie at sliert noiice at the A.NN ARBÜR STEAM FOUNOHY. PAIITRI1XÍES, KENT & CO. Mnrch28, 1&4 ï. 4ü-'2m Blanks: BlanksS BLANK DEEDA MORTGAGES, EXF.CUTIONS, SÚMMONSES, &c just ' piintcd and [or sale at ilic 0 J" 8ÍGNÁL OFlICi:. xiE. DEAN'S CELEBRATED GHEMIQAL PLASTER. THE folio wing is ojiu trom nmong the n.erois testimoniáis from persons ot ilic ; hijjhest rcs[)cctu'oility, which the proprietors liave rcceivecl. Fr!ii ihe Rev. Charles Morton, Minister of ihá B pin Churchi WootTtn, Wayne Cojiniy, O., } ÜeoünbórSO, èïï. Mwwrs. M. IJauuh & Co: - For several years J havo from time to time (ested llie virtuc of L. Deiti's Chemical Piaster by tJüiiiEf it in my tV.miiy asa reinedy fnr rkatmatlsm, weakitens and ktfnéiïofs of the fatk, puin ,'n ÜHslretUt. injlamthaHm of ihc t'iroat and etjés, agüe in ítj hreost, St., eind 1 lakè plensure in snying to yöu and to the public that in ererjr ense hartfmind it asrfu', and do believc 'hal sn d Piaster pussassos virtucs of inoro thnn ordinary characti r, nnd llmt it vill gén'eralty be íound a BuffibieQt remedy for tbósë (Hseasea lor which it is rcconimcnded, and is justly enti lleJ to tho noiice and patronnge of an eniigli:encd cjinmunity. Youis iruly. CHARLES MORTON, Minister of the Gospel. (CFFor tkc diicnscs in which ihis Plaüer is npplicnble, see advcrliaenietvun another colatnn oi ihis pa))cr. E. Dcnn's Chemical Plnsicr is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Iower Tovpiï.) by J H. LUND.'.nul VV. s. .1. J. W: 61ÁTNARD, ) Upper CHJUSTIAN EBERBACH, Town Chaaicery Nale. Jlhsolvle, for Cash and to the highest Bidder. IN i!o cause pending in the Court of Chancery. for the Second Circuit of tin: Stnteof Miclii gan. wherein James Abbott is coniplainant. nnd Abigail Welch. David Eaton, George Welch, Heury Wclcli, llarriet Wclch. and Augusta Wclcii. are defendan's, the sai'l Georc, Ilcniy, Harriet, and Augusta being Minors, undcr the a.o of twetry one ycars, - Whereas, by n decretal order in the above canse, made by his ïlonör Elon Farnsworth, tl. en Chuncelh r o( tho State of Michigan, bearing date the fourtcent'iday of July, A. 1). eihteen hunJrud ond lui tv one, il was ordered and decrecd, that the above natned defendanis should redeem certain mortgaged premisos ia tlie Coinphiiuant's bill contained, by the payment of the suin of iour hundred and nincty-eight dollnrn and twen:y-lour ci:nts, and the interest to accrue theieon, from the fourtcenth day of July,tvn uindred and lorty une, the date of a cerinin j report in 6akl doeree nicniioncd, and also tlic t eosts of ciiinp!ain:uu to he tttxod, on or befoie tbc fourteenih d:iy of November, in ihe yenr cighteen bundred and lorty-one. or that in defauli tliereoi, t'ne said mortgaged premisos with the i ikipoi's, or su niuih thcrejf as would be íHÍRcient 10 pny the said eiebt and the interest which had I accrued, or miglil ihercaiter cerne with snid j cosls, and which miglu be sold separniely witliout injuiy to the particsor either of thunt, should be sold nt public auction, at the Court [lo:ise, in tin1 vitlage of Ann Arbor. in the County of Wushtenaw, by and under the direciion of onc of the Mesters oi the uil (Joint, the said Master (irst giving ix weeks previous notice of ihe time and place of sale in some neWspnper published in s;iid Coui-.ty. as by the snid deciee, rcferenoe being thorennto had. ïnny more ftlly appenr. And wliereas, ihe said premises are yet unretlcèmed, and tlie abovc stated snni vvitli interest, and costs. is yet dnc and unpaid, JNow, therefore. notice is hcreby givrn, thnt in puisuance of tlicdireciions of the snid dc-cree. and by virttie of iss nnthority, 1 will, on the sixI teenili day of Rlny next. at the hour of Twclve "clock, at noon. a the Coiut House of the County oí Washtonaw. in t'ne villagë of Ann j Arbor. sell to the hlghcet bidder, nt public Aiicj tion, t!io lands md premisos in snid decree nientionedj or so nitic.h thereof as may bc sufficient to pay the aforesaid sum, interest nnd cos!?, and can be silJ aepniately without injury to r.ny of the pnrties in tliis ennsf. wlu'ch aoid lands and premses are k'iown and described as Ibüowr, viz: All that certain trnet or parcel of land sitnaie in the Couniy of WasKtenaw. and State of Michigan, known as t!ie Easthalfof the Souih East quartcr of Seciion nunib"er thirty-two, in Tuwnship niimber four, Soutli of Il.inge nunibcrsevf-n Knst. contnininit cihty acres. The sale will be absolute - without redcinptio:i and for eis!i. G. T. GRIDLEY. Mn.stcr iñ Chnncery. r. ii. Stf.wakt. Sul. forCompIt. l);ited (is '2rü dnv of Marcli, '843.JiN CUANCERY- isT. Circuit. Oliver Kane, T3 V" virtue of a ilecrcvs. I JO lal order, isáued Cl)arles Moseley fuut of tlie Court oJ Elij.-ih W., &. Ch.tncfiry, of the State Wi Hiarn S. Maynnrd. J of Michigan, I shnll expoee 10 s'ilo, to the liigneai bidder, ftt thc Court IIoupo. ín tlic villaje of Ann Arbor, Wasluenr.w County, 011 tlio 8th dny of May ic.t. nt 10 a'clock, A. M. of thnt dny, the following dcscribfd ]ren ises, sitúate in the vill.'ige of Ann Albor, nnd described ;is fnHowe, u wit: MBegin ning nt the West s:de o" t'ic Ann Albor & Saiinc Ho ui. on the Soutli une of ííecaon-twenty-ninc, in town two, Sontli o I' flan ge six Kük!; thrnce West on the nid Seciion Une. twenty-one chnins hand3eveniysin!8 to a stako; tbenCd fine North Son en c!ki Ís and íly liüks to n stnkc; thenee uforte ngh;insi.' and a half degrees. Enst nineitoen cli-tínsnfid seveniy links; thonce due Nonb S8von chniria anci twtnjy.-fi%'ë links to a stake: ihertce North ëigfity-nin'é degrecs Eñst, lour chnins nnd spv( nty-five links to tlie creek; thenee up s.iid crcek lo the West l;nc of snid Rond: thenee with the Itne of said rond io thc place of beirinninír: coniainíng thirty-six ncies and nine;cen liundreihs of an acre, rnoro or leM. GEO. DAiXFORTíí. Jlasicr in Chnncery. Jiiv it Portjeti, Soücitors. Datod, March 20, 1843. 48-7 &iiai'f)iaiis Sale. BV viruic oí a ücensc issued by ihc íudgc of Probate, for the County of Washtcnaw. I shall, on Saturday. the 2íii dny of April ciext, nt I o'cloek. in the nfternoon of thnt dny. se!l ai Public Auction, the otie nndivided tbird pnrt o! lle lollowing descii!ed Kstatc: Jkin; thc ortli West qnnrtcr of section t!irtecn, in tcvn ship threc, tíoiith of Range six. Fasr, contniníns one hundred nnd sixy aeres of land; brin2 níl the inleest of Sarnh B. Day. J.einard Vv'. Dny', nnd Ardon E'. r)ay. in snid Estáte, as l-.eirs ai Inw by rigln of representatief! of Jacob Aini-. Inte of snid County, deceased. Sale to take [ilace on the premises. UORACE CARPENTER, Guardian. Mnrch 31. 1P43. 4H-3wLANDS FOR SALE. TIJK undersigncd is autltorised to sell severa tn.cUi of land n !ic countios of St. Clair Snginaw, Snnilac, VWhtenaw onr] Lermvee n ilieir c.ish vakie. and lakc in payment State Scrif nn'd W.-innniBrt par. or tlieir equivalent n cash: oiho will proponiona c icrnison time. Tiiccash v:ilne may be nscertained. if destre:l, hy npprniseis chosen hy the purchaser and subscriben Tlie WAabtenacv lands colls5t of 118 acres in the town of Webster, sliiiln! iinproved, of enly iiid clioice ftelaction, and 214 aerea '? miles lielow Ypsilonti, ön the Rivcr Huron. having ricli bottoni nnd upper lands, good timber, running w.iler, corn and wheat soil, excodent sites for buildine. surroundcd liy settlennnis, yi)r"' ioads ind milla. About 30 ncres havo been under cultivaifon. CUA'S II. STEWART, 47 if Jcfib'sou Avenue, Detroit.NO FICJTION. one piucTí1Fto1ie, THE subscriber still continúes to sell DRY GOODS, and DRY GROCERIES, atNo. .", Hurón BioOk, l.oiecr Tcwn. Hig stock of cacli v.M3 carei'ully seiected ond well purcliased, whieh entibies liim to oc!l low Cor reaily piy. As he believcs ihe money if tho samu iiiality ofovery persoo, is oí' (he sume valué, lie wilt soU 10 nll Kr tbesnme priee, uml no nmount of Üintory c;i!i swervc hirn froni 1 lia t course. Persona can malee juBl as good burgn'nhy ucuám üii agent, ns tocóme ihanuelvQS. ín connexion wiih the store is a frni.'n" and Flouriní; Mu. i., wiiere he will constnnily pay Cash for Wlieat at the highest niarket price. FarmerB and Wluat biíyers con have their Gi isting and Flouring done to order nnd on tho tnost reasonable lerms. Tho?e wbo wish to puiehnse coods. or get Whcat ílourec', would do well to cali and enqniro bia prlces, and inio his manner ot doing busint.-s. . DWfBHT KELLOGG. Ann Albor, Lower Town, Feb. 28, 184S. 45-tT. Till" Bubscribor' tvould hereby givo notice to the farmers of Was-htenaw, unJ tho Hötghboring counties, (bal he has un Oil Mili now in operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Tówn, where he intuida at all tiüies t; buy FIAX SEED, (and other Seeds u.ed in making OH.) and pay the hglest price, and the best ot pay. - One Üoi.lak per bushel will be paid for gooc! eloan seod, or, one gallón ot' üil givon í'or the sanie quánuty. Farmers are requcsied to try Flnx on their Suinincr fallowa, nnd lliereliy avail ilicmeclvcs oí two crops frjstead of our. Mkrcbakts are rri]iie3:ed lo send in their seed nnd ejecbange lor Oil in preferente to aéndinc to New York or IJuston fur it, and 'hus kocp what raoney we have in our own Siatc. [4- if.] JOEL II. H1DDEN. Aun Ail)or: Lower Town, Mnrc.h 1. 143.


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