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Estale oí ira Diirrin. Til IC Undorsigned have bepn duly appointc by the ÍJon. Georgo Sedgwiuk, Judge o Probate lor the county oí' Washtomiw. Conunis sioners to receive, examine, adjnst nndallow ili claims of the creditors to the estáte of La Dun n late of snid cotint} dercased, svhich estale i represented to ba insolvent, and six momhs ar allo wed by saidjudge tosnid creditors. :o presen and prove heir claims befare snid comrjiwitfnera who will meet forthepurpose nfurcsaidiit the ollkc of E. Muii'iy ui the village ol Ann Ar'ior, on the lastTuesday nnd Wednesday in ApriJ next, nnd on tlic firjgt XVednesday in June nexí, nt niño o'clock. A. tW. on eiicli day rspectively. .1O1I WF.LLS, ) j;. MU.VDY. Gommissioners. T. FOSTFJt. ) Ann'Arbor. Mareh G. 1843. 40- fiu ÁES O. BSSSrVKYT" A T T O R .V ; Y A A D C O U X ' L LLOR AT LA 11'. 6AGANMV CITV, MICmOA." J(í. 15. witl nlso net as Lnnd Agent in ile Land District in whicb thi.s (Soirannw) ('oiiiny is; be v ill niake inveatnirnts fnr others latida, pay over for non-residenta their taxes. and tiivc informatioTl gcneralfy to persons inierested in this pnrtof the country, or dcsiroiidof üeconiing immignmts to i:. GROUNDPLA8TEK7 PRICK KKDUCr.D TO NI.VB DOJ.LARS I'KK TOS. npilli BubÈcribers hnve now on hand and will JL continue 10 keep a good supply of L!'otsiid Piaster in Barrels, at their Store in Detroit, 023, Jcfirrson Avenue,) and in Bulk, ut their Piaster "t'i'l. on the lliver Hond, half way betvvecn Ypsilanti and Ann Arhor. The above is from ihe Smecn I'ulls and Grand r.i;cr Piaster Beds, both noted tor iheir suprriority. ELtóRKD &. CO. Jaiiuary 12. 1&M3Í . -IG-Oni. CAUTION. WHF.RF.AS Hcnry White, nn inden-e) oppreatice to me, hns. withoiu tny knowltdgo or consent left niy employ. this is to forbid all pcrsjnsharbor.'ngor trnstii: Iiim on my nccount. as I shall pay no debts i.hi contractíng nfter thisd.ite. J. W. BROOKS. Pittsfield, March 31, 1843. n49ÏTPS1.L.1XTI ACADEÜtY AND TEACHERS SEMLVARY. TI IK tentli term of this fnsiiluüuu will comnience on Monflay, Ftb. i7, and couiinuo 1 1 weeks. Hoving procurcd ihc assifctnnce of tvo competent nn'd succewfuj Teocliers, tiie principal spiepared to gjyj n iborougb Englisli and Classicaï edjicaöon. He wüi devote liis a tiert (ion to i!ie Kntlish depnrtment :is lierotofoie. J'ioin 20 10 3) minutos is dailv occupied by tbs, principal inlecturirijïj with the aid o' i!iü npparaius and rninerals. or oilicrwisc. Apjmriiius. - Tiie Ins;i:uiion is furniIic(i with Chemical, Philosophical, and Asuonomicul apparatus, Survcying Instruments. Geometricalsolids, &e. to the amount of í!.!()0; ulso, a good Ciliinet ol MmcrflJa vorthij5J. Tuilimtn the English branchcp. from $2.5) to $5, OU per term : JLatiu and Groeit, 3 00; Frcnch, $3,00; Énglish and Clnsfical studies uuiied, .$fi,00 only; Mezaotinto nnd Chinese or Theorem painting $3.00 each for 12 lesjons, tnught ly Mrs. Grillin. Tiie luition is to be paid at the middic oi tho term. No dcductijn fur abspnee wili be niadr, except for pio:racted sickness. and no ono will be rèceïved f'or les? than fivc nnd n half weoks. Ii'janl, includiug room and washing. per week. For further paiticnlurs enquirc of tho principal. II. IF. GRIFFIN. Principal, (il AS. WOODRUFF. Tenchcrof Intin. Oretk nnd Fiench. Misa CAROLINL A. HAMMOND, Assisiani. Vpulanu. UiuQQ, 1813 '3TEAM FOUNDRY, (NEAR THE RAIL IlOAD DEPOT. ) PARTRiDGES, KENT &. CO. have erccted and put in operation a Fnuniln. nnd are now repared Ur fnrniah o order most kimlöol' Caatngs for Mills, or other Machín er y. Sugar and 2auldron Ketííes, Potash Coolors," most kinds of fJoiliiw Ware, Slcigh Shoes. Firo Doga, Wng)n and I3uggy Bpxes, Píougha and Ptough Castngsof the vnrious kinds usud n tliis State, and he most approvcd paaerns used in Ohio, all of ivhich they respccifully invite the Public to eximinc. 'i'hi ï are prepared ro ftirnish Fnnner3 md others with PLOüGFiS as early in tho sen?on as thuy may bc waiued lor use, and which will be vurrunlul rrooil. All Castinga made by [hem will be seld CHEAP, tmd for READY PA Y only. JOH WORK, IIOX TURXING AXD FIS IS!I1 0 done lo order, and on short notico, it the Machino Shop oí JI. vt R. PARTftlDGES & CO., iic.xt door to ;he Paper Mili. First Arrival IJ I43. ín connrcííon with the Foundry nnd Machina Shop, HAIllllS. PARTRIDGES & CO. liaro Hst uponed n v 11 selected ptock of NEW GOODSÜ uch aa road Clotlis, Sheetings, Merinos, atiiictt.", Sliirting8, Muslinde Lains enver Cloths, Cmltè, Shawls, lentucky Jeans, Flannelí, Calicóes, Alapaca, Boots. Shoes, Calí Skins, SOLEJ1.VD UPPER LEATHEit. A good nssurtincnt of Hardware and Groceres, all of which will bo sold aa low for Cash, us ny other store in Ann Arbor II. I'. & C'o. will take in eschnnge for Goöds, á Uidcs, Por!;. Lurd. Butler, Flux Sicd, Tnuoihj S;cd, Tallólo, Sft. n as favorable torms as nnv Store here or e!sevhere. Any qtnntity of WIIEAT wanted, and the ticheel prico paid. Lower Towa, Ann Arbov, Feb. 1, 1343. 42-ttm gaintiii T. LA 91 BE KT, BEGS leave to inform '.he inhabitanis of Anrt Albor, and the surrounciïnp country, that havin? located lumeelf in the Loxrer Villaget With tïie viev of Carrying on the above biiïiness in ali its brnnchca. (901110 of whicli are HOUSE, S1GN, anj Oirnamcntal Pamling:, GILDING and GLAZ1NG, GRA1NING, irt Pniitunon of n!l Woods. R1ARRLE1ZJNÓ TRANSPAHEXC1ES, J3ANNKRS, &c. re.spcctfully solicita a ehnre of public patronage, as his prices shall be low to conlorm to ihe times and li ï:" '.vork done in ihe bi'st mnnner. T. L. Aiyoid say' 10 ÍTarmera thnt he is particularly deairous to aftend 10 their calis, as producef ís the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LoworTown, Mffrch 6, 1843. 1."}.- ly.DU. BANISTER'S CElrEBRATED YEVER AGUE WLte.-Pürdij Igjetubh, A safe, specdy. and stire retnedy ior ('ever nnd ngue. duin nuue, chilf fevcr, and tire bilicrns di cases pcculinr to new countrics; These pille are desigfted fof the aflfbctiona of the liver and other interna] orgorw vhk-h ntiend the disensos of tl.c new and' ïmnsAïatic poitionsofour country. The proprictor havTrig i'ritfí fhem in a gtotl variety of cases confulently hclieves tint tney are superior to any romedy thai hns ever been offeicd to the public fur tlio abovc diseases. Jtispurcly Vegéíatíeaad pcifectly hnrmless, and can be taken by any peroon, niaië or femalu wiilt perfect snfety. 'J'lie pulsare prepnred in fwo separate hoxei, marked No. I and iVo. 3. and aeecüinpanied wiih full direcuona. A grent nuinber of eertifirates miglit bc procüred ín favor of ibis medicine, but the proprietor hns t!iour!u fit nnt to insert tliem, in as mueh as hedepends upon the nierils of the snme for ita repittatKin. The nbove piil is kept constahtly on band by the proprieter ainl can be hnd at whulesole and r. tiiil at the store ol Buk ly & Co. Orders from ihe country promptly nt tended ttí. Ann Ar'b.-r. Clower toU-n) Mny2Qth 1P42. 9 L." BECKLF.Y. MONüMENTS, TOMB TABLES, fee. T.ii; pubscribèr Im3 a large aasortmént of Martile. of the best quality, stiitable for (.ut: F-rnsv. Mo.NÜHtSTsi. &c. whicli lie v 1 1 1 spII cliertp for cnsli, or oxchnnge for produce, tit his oíd stand. No, Ü0, Woodward Avenue, De troit. Persnns wisliing to buy will do Mee]] to cali, 88 they will be sold much ohenper ihon liavc ever Ik en bmirAed in ibis State, and ofa Qualuy tbut caunoi iail to plenst'. WM. Ë. PETERS. Detroi'. Oct 27, lP-1'2. 29- 1vAun ,%r foor 5 ron Store. (LO WËR TOWN.J f I iHE subacriber continúes lo keep on hand a JL good asaorunent of Iron, Steel, Nails, &c. &c. which he is telling vmj low for Cnsíi. DAN V. KELLOGG. March G, 1S-lo. N. B. 1 wonld here say to tliose indchled to me, or to the Estnte oí my deceasod Fathcr, ibat ifihcy do not pay up soon 1 shail have to uit longer, undur tlie laws of ihU State. 45- 3.v D. W. K. JIt WALKF.R respcctfully infunns his fricnds and the public in general, that lias reccnily comniunced business, in the tailor ing Iinu,one door eest ofBowcr's dry goodsstoio where he is ptoparcd to execute orders in the nentest and most fnshionable Biyle. GnrniiMits wil] be mnde to order, in strictcob formity with tde present prevaiiing fashion and tnsle of the day, and warranted to fit or no charge. Ladics' Iïidiiif? IJnbitemndc in the latcst ISew York or Piiüadephia (iisliions. Friends. or Qnnkere' gnrnicntB will be mode n the neaWBt and plninest 6tyle. ('uiting doiie at 6horlt'st notice. All kinds of Military Uniform and undrcEcoats íiiulpni):i!oon8? made agreeable to the present military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arlinr. Jnlv 2öih. ] 842. ni 4- 3m . TÜ BOSTON PilLNTING 1NK, warrnntedjin kegs of 25 to oOpounds each - 30 cents perpound for news, and 40 cents for Bonk Ink, 5 per cent discount for cash. M. J. I Clark, the manufacturar, hns lately mado smne capiial discoveries, which have given to : :s Ink a decidcd improvemont. It is now pronounceil by the Bay State Democrat, the Boston Daily Mail, and by several printers in New York, who have nned it, a fitst article, and equul f not superior tonny in the country. Printers of ïit-wspapcra, who insert this advertisement, including this notice. to the amount of $1, nnd forwnrd n paper containing the snme. wil! be allowed that fiim in their next purchaso of Ink. at the Michigan Book Store, Jefferson Avenon. Detroit. 45 ARSOÑ'S SHEARING MACHINES.- Theo. II. Eaton &, Co. 138. Jeflerson avenue, arethc solc agents of these vcry cclcbratcJ ïrtachines. 12-Öw


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