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l_ tuiiy intorms the inrmers and others visitig Detroit, thnt ho etill continúes at his olr! .-- and on Woodbridge st., adjoining WardellV I lock, and keeps on hand a general .issortmonto! READY STADE CLOTHWG, JJ? hich he ia determined to sell chcaper ihan tin WA ïeapcstfor Cash. BIÍS R. B. has just received frotn tho East an as -S'Ci irtment of Clothe, Cnssimcreu. Satinetts and CHI Citings, which will bo made up to order in HOC ahionablo style at short notice. ,ceif R. BANKS. OYÈ Detroit, Sept. 5, 1842. 20-6m mant NEW GOODS ! ! ñrJt] 7 DENISOiV hns just received a complet sr thr " stock of DRY-GOODS. ticrei ND CROCKERY, which will 6e sold ven -lothi eap for money or most kinds ofproducc. nd p ptions and prices will bc given at UieStorc. vhercIJEsubscriber is jus in receipt of a i 1 ther suppiy of Clolhier's stoelt, i fi .f Hl ACH NE CARD8 cf ,v:n, des:rip. Í CLOTHIER'8 JÁÜK8. AT TIN I 'IP, CÁRD CI.EAXSEltS and i , SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES A EU'S, PARSON'S SHEAMXG rjr. V. EMEKY, (eren, sizcj T ENTER J'%1 KS, PRESS PAPER, togethèr toith a Cr l clcrr, asrorfmint. oDYE WOODS.nud S, "' 8TUFF8 of the vcry best growth and I SfOrC acturo. I paro( prom psc goods (coming ns thcy do direct from ner. innds) the subscribcr is cnabJcd to se!I Pa n anyother house west of New York, lic garm ore 8oliciis the attemion of firms ia tho ui pr; ïifi business, lo ihcexaminatioii ofliis stock i who I ices bcforo going e;ist or piirc)i!isin' ' are pi PILKRi; TELLFAl, Anjl ui vatiwtj ,rjLU Lililíes. nPilï underêtgned wonM inform ihe public JL fhcit thty continue 10 mtmulheture Hoiuk PoWMRsafid 'l'niii smi.ví; .M iciiiNts. iwo mid a half mil es i r i n i tJie village uf Aun Arbur'. on the niil-ioiul. Tlio fiore l'mvir is q Inte invcniion by S. V. Koster, nnd is deeulodh superior lo any othor ever ofierod lu the pyfa-íic, ae will oppcat hy Un: statements olí lioso wnó Inve uaeil :hem din :ií.' the list ybiar. li ís light in weight nnd síualim compasa, being janied togetllé'r with the Thresher, in a comnion waggon box. and drywn witl, ease by lwo horses. Jt isas hule liablo to break, or ügt uutot repnir, ns nny oiher llorsc Power, tul wijl work as paay nftd throsli as nuicli wuli t'uitr horres attadied to it ns ajiy othor power with fijo i horde?, ns will appear ('rom the recommenditions heluw. Av patterns ' havo been made for the cat íron. nnii ' lionnl weight and trcngthapplfed vyhorever it liad appeared to bu necessory from one year's use ui the machine. Tiie subseribers doem it proper to state. ibata ntiinbci-of iiorse pccyvjors wore sold last lar in tlie vi Hago QÍ Aun Arbor vybich wcre beüeved by the purcliascrs to be liioseinvented by S. V, Koster, and tliattnoat ornll oí theñi wcre eitlier made matuiiilly diffiírent. or altered bel'ore sold, so ns to be imitcriaily different IVoui dioso made and sold by tl-.e subsjiibcrs. Stic.'i alterations being decidedly Jcinmentn' totlie utility of tlie nnchine. Thcy lave pood reison to believe (lint every one of :!iose returned by thc purchasers as uhsatisfoc :or were oi't'iis claá. They are not aware ! hit any Power froin their shop, and : ivas put Lfi use, as t'ioy mude t. has been ! íondt-mned or laid asido as atina machine. Allwhowish t'bnyare invjed to examine heni an to empine of' tliose who hnve used i hem. There willbeonctor -íxaniination at .. I. W ing'íí, Dcrter tillagc; anJ one at in Wti.i.sos'sslo.ekruse i.i D;toit-boü hese genilenicn being agcñts för the sale of hem. The pricewill be $120 fora fotir horse lower, witli a thresíiing maoliino, with a stave ! irwooderi barcylinder; and ;i:j(H(,r a horse iower with a thresíiing macliíne with an ron ar cylinder. Tiic attention of tlievei lor is inviíed to Lfi'e ollowing recoinmendalions!. S. W. FÜSTKRCO. Seto. April 20. 1812. nFAÜMMüXDATfOXS. ■ This ia to cuiiiiV th.-ït we hve need one oí V. Fostcr's newiy invente 1 Eorse rs foj ab.intfh e moiuhs. and tbrésbed wiih abontSJ'JU bnshels. nnd believe it is mv.. tructed on botter jiiiicipUs chati any othe; forse Power. One of the undeisietiod has wned and nsed eiMit difll-rc-nt kinds of I íorse. { owersfandw( btiiove íhatfrúr horscswill ' irash as mtich with this Power i3 fitc, wül ■ líh any other power with whidi we f jatnted. i If. CASE. ' 0 . . S. G. [VES. : ocio. Jnnuary. 12. l-i2. is to inform the pnblfc that I have 2 nserl, and have n.)wi„USc. one oí ihe ; orse Powers re'cenüy inVen'tèïl l.v S W '' Wër} niqdó by S. W. Fostcr. & (j... ami i( lieve it be constructed upon bester . les, nnd requires iess s'.rcnsfi of horres m any oiher power with windi 1 ani ac ' amtcd. '" VT 1 A. WEEKS. riiisis to infoijii ilepn!)lc that f have ■:- ísedoneof the Mo.-so Puweis, reccnily ríted by S. V. Foster; a:id us )( it for a imin. -, ofmonths. and believe it is tlie besi pov. use. working with Iess strength of lloveos ! 1 nany other power with which I ani i ti, unted, and,all tn co.npass. ,. ! , y moved froni one place to another. J ; ,., heve 4 horses will thresli as mnch witl, ' '.r 5 power ns 5 will wi;h any other fower - : Lj e plan and ihc working of this power have hu n univenally aj.provod of by funners for élum I have thrashed. ;cio.Apr;.u.i,.,o. w nhe snbscribers make ve;y ood S.MUT 'í.r ICJ11NES which they will 8cll forSGO is machine was inv. nted by one of thc senbers. who has hñtl n-anyyear's exncíce in the milling business. We invite se who wish tobny a ?ood mncliine for ir pnce tobuy of ns. u is wortTi as mu -h V500 1JmaChÍ'leS:Ílat CSt írOn' l5(1 . . ... FOSTCR & CO. n cío. April, 18. 1842; Woolen Manufactory i rLo subscrü.ers have recenríy put in (;1; n a woolL-n nnnufac;ory for nianMctur ;se woollen clotli by power looins, two and a "l; 1 miles wcst from Aun Arhor v!llarP on rat road. whero he is.'i to íiiñnoiacttre lm 1 ín-,-, cloth on shnres, ót for pny bv yard, on reasumida terms. They havV ?? [Jloyed expenenced woilrncn and feel ln :nt : that work will be wcll done. They S!II reforo rcspectfully ntik o sliaie of public ca! ronoge, especially fromthose who are in ra tbi of iinuK inusty. Wool maybe lefi „ ' eio village. fuli S. W. FOSTER & Co. ini 'cao, April I S. J8-12. iis ,?cc 3PUYSICIANS AND CüfjNTttV PinAiERCHANTS. in "1 HE subscritor inviU-s the attenlion o{ „. - Phyeicians and Country ftleroliants. liis present stock of Drugs, Medicines - nu, Öjjs, Dye Siuffs, Vaniish, Brushes, T( &c. coiiiprisingoncof the largcst and estassortmentsbmuiïlit'.othe country, rs lus preeent stock wiJI be tbuntl: 00 oz Snlph. Quiuine, superior Ftcnch úit and lSosiíeJí, yB 0 oz. S'dlpfc Morphia, ucl 0 oz. Acct. do ing 0 oz. Carpenter's WilheriU's Extract reci ïiark, bbl. Povvdered Rlmbarb, W1 Cliet RJiubarb Koot, _ bbl. Povi'dcred Jahip, 0 Ibs. CaJöme?, c.ieks Ep3Óm .Salts, cnslcs FalJ auJ Winter strained Sperm Oil, ■ ) boxes Spertn Candlep, )00 bs. White Lead, dry and grrnind, caska Linseed Oil, n enlists Instruments and Stock Gold, er and Tin Foil Pla IVfnware, Por ccTeelh. A general a-sortmeiu E JedicinR?, all of vvhich wil! be sold on nost reasonable tenns. J PIERRE TELLER. V?. 9 JeiTerson Avenue, sign of the Gilt ,„.1(i irc'i Mortar, Detroit, fore! -- ertv. TAILORING BUSINESS !M. NOBLE, woukl respectfully inform ihc citizens of Arm Arbor and its v'. thnt he lias oponed a shop in the - i wn. iinmedkucly over the late inercamile O--1 ir{ Lund &. Gibson. and opposiie the O of J. Beckley & Co., where lic is pre Ave nt all times to do work in fa is line. wiih Wat Jtncss, and in a neat and durable i Wai thc ticular atenlion will bs patdto óutting adía ■nts. Produce will be taken at the :es. for work done at hisshop. These C ave cnsli to pay for services of thts kind O I rticularly invited ro cnll. i Arbor, April V, ISI'2. tf StI IV STI T ff T Si . TUIS lnsjifiitïon is lochtrd ïïi the iowi o' Roiaín, near riie noftl. bank ol the heaiïtiffij river.-whoso.mmijB it beortt, tménule cüüi ol ifce direel rond froni Tecumseli lo Adrián ThuréKgible site iHa been S-lecttfd Por u cmiet seclusion. ilic fbrtility „,1 eleaíion oí Ü áü.L lts and he (hlilulatu.osjierc, nuil pleas ant .■iccii'-r-. Rooms.- Therc are now on ihcpennsrssi.itlile rooms tot .ho accommodntion üMomvshderus; wind, are deoigned i,. j qcgupijsd ftr piivate studySntl lodg ngi Qther nebrmry bttild ingoröpfovidedfoPTecitntions'iindBoWdrng ' E X P L N S E S. Tuition per Term uf eleven weeks. %.; o I BdaVd :- with 4 hours work e;ich week. ""t.57 ttoum Rent, u I Incidetiui!, ■ y : Tot-,1, 12.05 ' Th-re will be an nrlmtioiui] cbiijrga (]..]. arjor thoá: ihhiglierbranciiesoa P!,. 'oaoplij;, Aigebrn. üeonietiy, AsiróHomy &c 1', Lntin. or (i.cok an nddition ol ; two dolíais wal bo uiqiIo, SchulBi-a ejtpccied i l,o prqvide theruselres with wM fitrnitare thov ! wiil neod rti ihcir rooms, ufaj with Hgbt. (ïie!, I XDd waaiiing- none w.l! hereafter bord hem selvos. Jíilisto beseUleiiñ luWnnce. Thé school is Öpeii rfl all iipipKcmitè ol artable age and mom! chanicier nc.cctive atondé ion or condijion; ' menre Wahushuj. JitLy ,()',. It s vory desjrobJè tliat nll w h0 dfsïgn to ntU-nd th,. school !,,,„ tiié round-hnve her lullsscttled. and rhelr rooms prBpare.I. beore the lust dny of the Term. A.,y 'iinl.ev ml lormnnoncuibeobtninwrnt the Jnstiintion. by ndJIe?slngr post pnid; .1. S, Dixo.v. Príiici mí, llais:n. Lerinweb ('o. Micii. Itiisin, xMay lOib. ]H4. nr_ oni j TUK sixtli resröWf teriiï óf 12 w(e!;s will ' on M..nd;iy. Fi-bruary (!. Ji-13. T f i t r o :f . Rorr cinimon Enlish brnncbe=i, 3 00 Kor lii:rlust. Kufiüsb brancl.ts, }(!() For Iiiin and (Jivr!;, r.Q Bbaftl, Room, Furniturc' ;:nd ! Vasii)ngj at $i 25. Tuiii.ui to e pnjjl in idvnnoc. ' Nadies and gcndeaicn fVom r.brond wil! Ic i ;tired to present :i feértiiienfa of gOOd mol;l: haiacter; and by. n sianriing rulo ofti-e Sennn.-ir, no acholar who "tjèïsis'ia in the use'oj ' une or obscene language,11 is nilowe I to i ie his conñecíion wiih W. 'ï'his ruU-, wiih n umber ol o;!ioö. bave been adópted by a vo:e ol ■ lic school. TJïé Enilfêh text boks thut nro juin; fCd aVe , enérally sncli ns nfre n tiso in the best'cade)ies anJ High Schools. The Clnssica! bo.yks t re s'ich as are req'uired for adinission to ;, ge, Considerable has befn done to furnish manual oor for those who wish. in this way, to pay for , pnrt or all of their board. Studeiits i an enter , ■iny urne dt?ring the term. 'hriugh it is mtich to , eir advantase O enter at th; hcginiyrig GEÖ: W. l!.NCII0T.P,(„i(,f. ; MRS. BAXCROFT, Pttrèptress'. 1 Clinton. Jan. 25. I.S4."'. li-if. .,s f STATE of Chailcs Tozer, late of W'ebs'ter, n: -U ni the Cl unty of Washienaw. iferénsedv- io undersigned have been duly appoiuted ly e ilon. Ceo. Sedgwick, judge of Probóte ól í b eo aforesaid. Con m ssioners. to receive amine, a.'j sr. aiu! aüow iho cl..i;i:s of the T Snitora to tmjd estáte, which is represented invent. and six months are aüowed by said [■] Ige, io said cieditors to present and prove iheir Si ims, berore said comniissiot ers, who will meet I I ■ the purpose aforesaid. at the inn lupt by John -Vi aldo in the yiliage of Dexter.on t'ie first Moni-s of Mareh and April, and at the (welling X liso of Stephen Cogscll n snid Webster. Bi the 22tid day of yne next. at 1 o'clock, P. on each d.iy respre ivoh'. pi MüNNrS KÊNNY. ) v, JOilN AÍJ,KY VCom'rs. JAMKS HALL, Jr. ) [, Webster, Dcc. 22, i$42. V3T AT? 1OT n. STioaTHIS Oim:,ik.v! stands at the hc.ul of n!l re modus fcr the fcllowing dteeáVea w-im-h n:i o is heir too, viz:- RIIEUAJATJSM l.oth ronio nnd infiauiitory - Gout- Spmins Bru3 and contraeled TEKDOiSS of long stand t (üscusses iill tuniour? - renáers sfiffjolrití ber by producing a healthy muscular action. t asvuages pains in I'on.s nnd Abgesses.- ihingequals t n sw'dled an] infbrrecl Ureasii ['"W.ales, if applied in eaily stagr. prevent! iperatïofi or maitcr fbnnJngr, and iiivvs in al! esimnie(lir.tefnsefr()m pniñ.' Ceitiíicatcs oí r 5 lüct could be givi-n if necessiiry. riiisrcmedy is oflercd to ilic Public wiih J Ó8?nrance tljat 5t far cxceis the Ouodeldoc'? (]' Linimenis of thé picseni d;iv, Ier the above ( jasos. A trial is only wantfd. to give it '- dcd preferenne to cvery i!iii:g c.jSe. Manv 'on sciana oi cminencc have used (his ointmeni "'' extols its mcrits. n) r"a; 'he above ointment is for sale vPhbfèsale and ia '' bY L. HFX'KLCY. !,iai .nn Arbor. flowcr town) June lötli, ÍS42 9 en COUNTRY MERCHANTSXND TH1C , & K rUlíLÍC GEiERALLY. 'mh UJE subscriber has en haml and ofiers for & "j salo at low rale?, a large and genrral öa, ion nent of Drugs and Medicines. Pnims, Oüi fJrO nsli, Dye SlufTs. &e. i"tc. wi-h every Move m ihc Drug and Pa nu line. Persons wish O( lo purchnse any anieles in ihe above lineare ested, beforepuTlinsinselsewliere. to cali -h PIIUÏRE TELLER'S, rir !esile and Retai! Qjrusgist JS'J. Jeflbrson HT1' i-enne, sign oftheGilt Morlar, Detroit. -1 - busin


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