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Mr. Clay And Slavery

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The Sip--ui oí L'thcrhj, an Abolitinn popcr in RJichigun, tnket liold ai' oiir reina rk that, in view of'tlie constituí ional relalions" betwocn the Nortli nnd Sultlii, Mr. Cr.Av cotild not nmv lio iboiidoned by tlie VVbigs of i lic Nn'rtb vvilliO'tt bud f ti il ii, :ii)ii liestows un it a column ofeucli soplii.-iry ns tbis: "Accordinff to tliis orgnmchi, oftwo Whis ofrqual qual.iicnïion.--, tlin IVibtilie vritl ' kr a slaiflioldc. nio cly bccause hc is such! ' We fmc'it nut, porlinps, lo not ice puch u f;iN liood os thif, drIcfs morely to slrmp it as ftüuehuod. On: poritton iv, that Air. Chy, ! bcjnir Ihc iindoubled dioico of a tjicMt ir v ofilie W'Ijhi parí y n-nit fvir. thc queslicti ■ of Slnvery, c.innot bu rppiulh od olí tluti .'round- -tíie Stttübcrh Wlngs havib ttrdéntïv and eflfcliveiy Sñpported a uor-slnvcltoldpr ol llie Freo Sfotes fur President nt the lost E!e2lion - wiihnut n vif-lnjion of jrood {;ii!l), nnd a virtual disfiannliisiiietif, so fat ns ve lmvc powcr, of tlieeiüzons of the Southern Statéè. Tiic attcmpt to liken this ton ref usa! to f up port n candidato becntigfl ofliis itnmornliiy.'is bút Bddïng msult to injnry. Whén iho CónstitiMion was pciined. it was of course undcrsíood tliat itntnornÜ'y woiild be n ground of objeclion to nny candiilale Por tlio Presidrncv; tiiíc it wns not nnd could nnt li.ivc bcen n"nticjpátttd by the South thót the simple fact of he'mrr a cittzen of that cctioi', & conforminí to 'ís m :i;i;t:cn', wou'd rc a I ar to tl e I'rosi - deney or any oí her station ini.lcr tho Femoral (iovcrnment. When &n attempt wns made, by a unión of Loro-Foco and Slave-Holdiiij vofrs, to proscribe ar.d re-joct Euward Evkrktt i tho Sena f p, on necount of his ovo wed ArítíS.'avery pontiinontp, thnt ntteinpt wna monfüily rpsísted nnd defeated by I kmiy Clay, as 8trikíhgat ihc irjtëgriiy of the Union. But wö wnste wordá n comráendiftg tho oblijrationsof pood fnith to one who evidenUy sreks the accoinplishment of his pmlBlhrough a violation of i he enmpromiees af tho C'nstitntiöH.-M y. Tribute.As we liad v.o inlonlion oPsiaan a 'falsehootl" i) rrrcrpnce to Mr. Grceley's position 011 t lio Presidcncy, we mnke the "ainemi honorable" forour íTíistnbo, by p'iblíshiftg his correction. But teas ihore a fulschood. or oven a miütüke? Tlie Tribune saiJ thitèï "Tlio oiijcciiun mn'dé lo him (Mr. Clav) on ilje grüundéf Slávóry'js onc which n'ui only cíinnot p'mperly 'veigh ogaiiist Jiini, bwt wliich vendos it Síobr un'KftATivK that lie dioíild be supptircd. To abandon him on such groüiids v unid be a brcacli of ÍUith lo I lie vvhlgs of líie South, antí Ireason to tlie Conlilutii.n." From lliis vo drew llic conclusión, that f Mr. (layaml Danic;} Webber for instance, had every way eqiiol wliig quaiificalion?, Mr. Grccley wouU, nccorJing1 to his own statements, fe(?l it "moieimpcrutivc" on liim to vote for Mr. Clav, ''oh the s: round o f Siacerv."nndwould conscqnèïifcly be go ver ned by the "more impcrathe' rcason, nnd support lii'm in yreference to Mr. Webster. Wc canñot yet eee tliat we were ín tJiut conclusión. Perliaps our readers can. Mr. G:ecley admils that it was formeily understood, of course, that "immorality would be a ground of bjeclion to any caiHidaie for the Presidency." Perhaps he will admit that it is now an object ion. ïfso, we have n valid obj-cíion lo Mr. Clay, tlial he s a duellist 'm praciieeand principio. An inimornlity, says Webster, "is an act or prnctice which contravcnes the divine commands, or the social üuties.' Will the Tribune contend that Slavebolding and duelling are not immoraüties? The Tribune intímales that we object to Mr. Clay because he is a citizen of the South. Nut so. That i.s no bar whatcver to our Riipport or s'irTragop. Mr. Birüby is a nalive of KenUicüy, and haa resided the gtcater part cfhishfe at the South. But we do admit that :iconformiiL lo the institutions' of the South, In wit, slsvcholdiiiij and duelling- aro insuperable birs to our support. We shot. 11 regret to see a flaming advertisement in the Washington papere, pigned by ''Henry Clay Sen." President of tho United State?, offèringTHREE Ilü.NDRED DOLLARS REWARD'' lo nny one who wil] return lus fugitivo slaves;nrtosee the vvnlla of llic city covered with haiidbülá to lint efilc: . Mr. Clay has ib'cé ulverliied his stray human caltle heretofbrp, nnd tlie presiimption is fair íliat lie would "conform to Sontliern institutions" suflïeieiitly to doitftgnm. What a bcnutiful document snel an wóuld he for foreicn ministers to transmit to tlieir respective governments as a specinren of our repubiicanism ! The Norliiern Wliigs are dolermiricd on a unión WiU) VVhigsIaveholders at sonic rate ; and they wil] find evvntuallr, t nat tJie only condi ion on wiiich the bond of unión can bc perpetuated will be by unreserved sumission to theiröoutliern allief.0553 On Mondoy lasf, as we were passing to Detroit on the Central Rail Road, when obout one müc east of Ypsil.inti, tlio Locomotive run off tlie track, and immedintely carne in contact wilh a ïogwoy, instunily stoping the wholc train and throwing Fevcrul of tlie cars from the track. Considerable clarmge was done, espccially to the Locomotivo- : For!irmle!y the passengere, and all the hands escaped uniiurt. " The Second Jïdocnt of Christ,'' is the title of a paper forwarded to us weckly froin Cleavelani), Oiiio. It is edited by Re? C. Fitch. It advocates Mr Millers doctrine, is stipported cliiefly by contrilu ong, tnd is designed for general circnlation. fCTlie Riclinnnd Wliiggivesnotice fhat Captain Samuel Pt-rrin has cut two bunrllcs of hickory canes from "the na'.al spot" of IJknuy CjlaV, in the Hanover Slashc?. The Editor of tiic Wliig acts as agent in distributing them. OLf The eastern paper3 contain reporls of mnny persons who have become manioca from hearing Millerif-m preachcd. Most of these repons af e probably lies.


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