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Burr, Thompson, And Work

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r ! Our readers will remernher tlieso ore the r j thrce jrtiubg turn whn are snflfenng imprisonnt lor twelve ycars in the Missouri, bernuse j nftempted lo help n fugitivo slave escape. Thcy wcrc-ill devotcd and iiciive Chriatinaa. ! Hy the follnwing extract frbfh a letter öf ili'o , Pntsideiit of the cultege J Gr.lo.-bürp, ilünois, to G.:rrit Smitli. t will be speñ llmt devo-it and hinnble piety will irrkè itsclf known. res'pectt'd, and trustid, even in tlie walls of .! prison Suc!) a reunión is wr.rili linving-. "Wo havo a great mnny fugitivrs passing t!.rcu!i oiirSliiie and it in very riro, tliat one i of thern is lakëD. Tlic s!nvolio!der.4 in Missouri adtüif, Ihatthcy errcd greatly, u-hen they , arrest ui and mprieuncl Dnrr, Thompson nnd Work: for that ciiciirnlnuce has servi-d to spread Pmong tho slaves tl.o knowledge nf rrcedom'fl hiirlnvay. Fugitivos hnvo muil;llicd ton fcvld sint-e this oectirred; Soveral, uliom I have secn, mformed me, ïhat it wns . ihrongh these men, that they received the:r inrormation. These mon ai'e as hiuch in favor wiih the keeper of tlie prreon, as was Jo[sephi Mrs. VVOrk nnd eome other friends i laiely visited them. The keeper treated tl;em kindij (ind pent for the men to visit in his par j lor. Ho tfiists liiem as cnptains of comict ganga to o vvherevor bueinesa cali--. God ' wiil müKe the wrath of man to praise him.''


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