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Tho Emancipator pavs that tho average price of wheat in EngIariÓ Cor IO42, os offioially nscertained, was bis. 3d. per qnartcr of ejght bnsliols, sgl,Ó7 per bisJél. Last year the nvernge price was C4s. 5d. per qimrter. The importnneö of the Ënpsii murfeet to tfae Northwest may be sern from the inci, that of tho 1,"BO4,3Í4 hartéis of ílour exported from this country in one year ending ScutciüberSO, 1841, 1,003,498 barrels weiH to England Bnd üercoïonie?. the quantlfy bfwJieat mported into EiigbnJ in the year 1&41, was 2.300,393 quarterxj eiöl to 9,081,437 birrd?, payingr a duf y of Ü303,ñfi5. In 1GÍ2, the qunntity importcd was 2,607,944 nuarters, equaito 4,268,710 barrel?, yielÖing'LliH2,453 dtfty. This shows that the ibandaèt erop UI England last year did not prevent ihe usun! imporloÜon, and that the ncw sliding scale has greaüy incrensed the revrnne. Allo, that our exports already equal one fourth of British imports, although the JTull erop of the Norlh West has not yet been foirly feit t.pon the market.{LT VVliat Imve the vrtiïgs donedurinrr the lost two yearp, lowards secgring' a bettrrEng]iéh marköt for the farmers of the Northwest?ff?0 By a luw of the State of New Vork, ai! persons arriving n the city from foreign cottntriep, or fionv the States, oxcepl New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhöde Idland, are obügod to pny a tax to defray the expendes of tiie Quaantine establishment. The focóme from the tax last yeai was #200,000, wliile the expenses óf thé establishment were bout half that nmourt. A part only of the taxes ia collectod from the passengere, ivliile the balance ia footod by tlie sliip ownors. Lesral procecdings have lec%inslituted to trst the validity ofthe law, and Daniel Webs'er has givenhia wiiiten orinion that it is miconstitutional and void. Ti)e Hostoniars, witli tiuo yankee shrewdne?s, Iiave seattered Circulare ihrrugh Europe, represcnJing that emigrante lo Ihal port wilJ not be requiied to pay hos pital fees, and the dislance West is 110 greatcr tfaön from New Vork. There is also a comjndsory inspeel ion law, in N. York, by whirh every barrelof beif, before oxportation, must bo in?ppCted at oii expense of one dollar and livnty-flve cents; and the exporter is obliged to send it abroad' in packages of a sizc whith diminishes ita value iiVEirgliü-d,ft?3 Thefoikmingr is an rxtract from the Report of the commhtee oa Education in tiio Senaie of Massachusotts: "The committee have much p'eaure n saymg iliat ihey aoprove of the plan and execnhon of the LiBitrfRY published under the kanclion of the Board of Education bv Ujs&gte, Thomas II. Wkbb and Co. of Dos'-, ton. JJut while the conuiittce bel it to be their cluty f o oxprcssa favorable opinión of the Librursancíioned by the Board, ahd ivhla Ihêy approve of (he general charactor of the ol her Librarles, they are onstrained to say, that nmoDg tnese latter books, they Imve disi-overed some which, in their opinión, are oblectiunable both on account of the uassaffei which thpy contaih, and fVoin the fact that seme of the works themsclve?, re not áuited to 'he capacities of children." (t?" The Virginia Slï've broeder?, insist Iliat. ail other queslions símil pi ve p!ace to the quesfion sftotfïrtg out of the Latimér cape- and that that eífáljl be the íhHin issue tili fina] adjnstment. So say we. Other mattrrs are ! important, but !lie Liberty or Slavery of milli nsof Americans is more important still.-rTh.; question is this: Shall 250,000 Slavej holders Continue fo tymnniae over Feventeen milüons of poopíe just as they picase? Thé I peoplk will render a verdict in this case.Qr" Ilon. G. A. Wagganinn, late U. S. Senator frcm Louisuna, has recently lost a leg by amputatjon, in conquence of a vvound received in a duel. Duels are all the fashit n n New Orleans. Ilnving killed his man,'' or triad to kill hiir,, adds to bis digpiïy n the social ciicle, even tjiougii the exalied personage stands on a woodenteg, liku thia Senator, or liobblts wiih a crutch, likeCol. Webb, of New York, (t?3 Tlio mftjority of the joint conimitfee oftne Massachusetls Legisl;iitiro on Capital Piinishment have made a report ngainst its abolition. The minority reportrd a bül ?ubj soUtary imprisonment, for life. This is cértainíy more cruel thnn hanging. It is useless cruclty. The majority report was adopted in the House- yeas 122 baya 70. {Lƒ" The Albany Patriot says in reference to the prko of vool, thnf tvhen sheep shall be generally iutroduced through llio west, which wi'l be soon, we shall neec1 n tariff on wool as little as vvcido on wheit'or ma izo. The cry vvill thön be a foreign niarket for our surplus wool," as ït is nów foi our vvheat and corn.ör Gov Morton of Mns. hns sent a message to the Gov. McDowell, of Virginia, doclining to nïerfere wilh the decisinn of his predecessor, cut wil] bc careftil to do nothmcontrary to the Conslitution as he unáei-Ftnnds t. Besides, hé says Latimer is now ont of his jurisdiction. What will the slave breuders do nov? We learn that the dwelliiijj bonsc of Nathnniel D. Gos.s, n the villaje of Dexter, occupied by him as a tavern, was doslroyed by fire yesterday morrjing-. The origin of the fire is uriknown, bü{ strongly siispected to be the work of an incendiary. - [Argus. In New Ilampshire snow feil on 28J days, between Nov. d, and March to the dcptli of eleven fcet si.vinchfs. 0 i" We cut ilie fuliowing from the Albany Patriot. Wc rcjoice lo find ihat "tile Town Puwcr" s dtily npprecintej ni the Ens:: Lti'eriv V.,r:-; Jesse Campbell, oí tchficld. wi-iies u tl-ü Liberty'Tiess. t!int,thc. iiberiy vola in tlftt lowil was 94;' losi 0.11 i 3. ín Columbia. laai !.-ill; 2 votos: this spring 27. In Winfield the Jiberiy ticket fiiiicd of siicress by tlic mispnnt ál n Unv votea. Rlchffeld Ütsego cö", his eJectcd J-tl. Supervisor, nii ] town clerk.- IJrookfield M.-ulislin oo,. gnve 70 liberty votes. C ijzenovya l(!- far J. Woodv.-nrd. s pc. 'visor. - vvhar Air. Cnnibel! snys of the town .meting ai U'chlield wüi provo mie cvory wherei tlmt cnrryini our prtncip'es to the polls makes ihc claims 01 Libenynt cvory m etinsr n tbonie of,. universal discussion. Tho vote in Üüon, tbp Press says, was nbout tlic s:imc qs laat yc;ir. Iri China, 1-mt fall, 5-ii this vcar 82. Tlic Wliig vote was -10, nnd a tnixpd ticket had ]24. (t?3 The Washingtonians n Portland, snd other towns in Miine, are tírjijíg the ëÖïcacy of thk Ijaws upon Runi-?ellors! Four clerks in grop -shops vvcre lately senttojail for refu-nng to testify in court. dCf" The Peoples Advócale saya that hun dreds umi hundreds of the voiersof N. IJampphire did Hot attend the poüs because tliey were believers in the Second Advent.Or Reíd the Extract from the Report on the Latimer Petinon. The subject is important. Every Cree State must be freed from a] ennnoction wjth holding. That time vvill sureJy come! Thelatèst rumor tit Wnsliinpton is that Webster is tó go to England or Ffance, and that overiures to Mr. Cuss have been made to take a placejn the Cabinet.


Signal of Liberty
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