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General Intelligence: Tax Laws Of Michigan

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We copy from tho Fice Prc. s, the following synopsis of the Tnx Laws of this State. Auditor Gknf.rais Office, Detroit, Mu rek 29} 1843. J. S Tixc.a. Esr;. Editoiof ilie Fice Press: Sir- For the infomiaiipn of the public. I. have prepared the following synnp&is of the lawd n regard to the pnyment of tnxo sales of land for non-payment thereof, rcdenption aflcr sale, conveyance &c. J have prepared the statement in order to snve the expence of orrepondence to tnx-payer., resident, and non-resident, and to show pér?ons in'ending to purchase nt tlie Ootober snJef, what riglus tliey will acquire by virtue of a sale undt;r tlie present laws. If you think thnt lts publ.calion xúl be useful, t is al your disposa} for Liiat ! puipo?e.TAX7ÍS FOR 1339, AND 1840. First. Taxes aesessed for the years l;;30 ! and 1810, may be paid at this office up to the first day or September ncx?, and no longer. Secomi. They are subject to au interest o ! 45 per cenf, computcd on toxes forv1839, fVom the first of April 1340, and on taxes for 1040, from the iirst of April 184 1, to date uf payment. Third. Ten cenfs on eacli descripción' of Hrds taxed for will be added fur print ing charges aheady incurred, which wj'.l not be enhahced, if paid before the first of Jtine. Fovrth. Afier the first of June, each d-scription for 1C39 and lli-ÍO. wilí be subject to an ndaition of 05 cents, cliarge for Mnnks. messéngere, posïages, printing, s;i]a and cori veyancé. Fiflh. Delinquent tax bonds of any dac, wliether at maturi'y or not, and coupons for iiiter?jt thereon, which are due, will be received for above taxes, inerest and charges, to flrst June, and State Scrip for such Ümoujit s was asseflied for Stitetaxronly. Sixlh. After tfïe first of June, the same funda wiltbe received at this office to firstSeptember, and at the County Trcasurcrs ofI fice after that time, to and including snlc, e.vcoptforlhe ninety five cents, mentioned in 4th sub-divUinn, which must be in "specie or its equivalent, " 1 Sevenih. At the snlrs wliich willcommence onthefirst Monday of October, the smállest qvantily of land wiJl be sold which vvjil pay t'ie amonnt due. j Eighth. Decds will issue (o purchnsers óñ sales fc.r taxes for Í339, immediately. JVnlk. Salea for taxes of 184Ó; will be made immediately after selüng through a given townshipfor I830,so that the purcliasers may pay what sluill be due on such (tescrips tions as tliey shall have ptirchased or 1830, or bid them off for taxes of 1810 at thcir op' ion. Tcnlh. On solee fop taxes "of 1340, a redemption ofonéyear's grjven at K per cent interest, which w'ilíé' paid lo (hé p-i re ha ser iih the parchase money- at the expiration of which time, o'eeds will issue on all descriptions not redeemedElevmlh. From the County of St. Clair only, there are unpaid taxes in this office for the year 1836 and 1S37, nnd there are email amounts ofunpakl taxes for 1838 from various couniies, which are subject to thë snme charges and will be sold in the same manner ns taxes for 1839, bntihe interest therzon is computed from the first of April 183Q.TAXES FOR 1841 AND 1842. Firsl. All taxes for the years 1841 and 1842, are to be returned to this office and be o'ibfequently psya-ble herp, and ot the Treasurer"s office for the county n wliich the land is situated. Sccond. Tuxes for 1341, aré charged willi interest at the rato of fifi een per cent f rbrn the first of February, 1842;"also with the charges inuurred 'm the counlies for pfinting judginent noticby, wliich are now disconrinued.Third: Toxes for 1842 are subject to nu addition of ton per cent, for collection expences,' inc'urred iir the tównsliipsnnJ counlies: and interest at tle rats' of fiftesn per cent,tVom tbo firat of Febrnary, iO4S, to dateof pnyment FouTth. Taxes for these yonft may be paid here or in the countieg ns above, astil Jmie I, 1844, WhLoit nny aüdïtloüai charge. After which, adyertwflg, expense otéale, c will be ndoed. Fijlh. Tlio ftimis rcccivable for these rax?, nre Stalo Scrip, cl.)ims on the Ge.iera or Delinquent ú& ñiúúe] incíuding bonde and conpons as bcfbrementioüod, lor euch part on. li, os belbng-s to the State for State iaX.-l Tho nmomit duo the connties for county township, hijhway, ond schoo! purpose, and forprintmg}is!3of mil, asín secondl snb, ivision, must bc paul n 'vpecie or its equiva leut."-' Mrth. Sales of Innds for unpaid tnxeq of 1841S 18tLand 1813 will be malie .„ the fi,í[ Man.lay of Oclobcr; 181, in Üieseveral couh, ties. Scventh. Two years redemption after $dÍ is allowod to owncr?, on pnyment of piIr: chaso monoys, with interest at the rate of twenty -five per cent; 2ti por cent of wluch ia for the benefit of iho purohueer; and five per cent, to rcimburse the expsHcca of llie Stale iri tloing the businoFs.TAXE3F0R 1843, á Firsl. TaxtM Cor the veur 1843 and snbseqncntycorí, w! be rotnrned subject to colrection (ces, in the Townshipsaml Counties of 5 per cenr, and nu interest of Èfteén per cent from the of February f úceceding the a scsiinent. Second. Payments, sales anl redemption wiil be the same as i provided for 1841 and '042; and subjeel to the same charges and interest. GENERAL PROVISIOM.S APPLICABLB . TÜ ALL YE'ARS.Fust. OSJee charges on cach certificóte or receipi issued by tho Auditor General or Cou.ity Trcasurer, of 5' cents fur the firaf, and six conls for earli sebsequent descriptioii wil! be collecteH with the fox. Srcond. All persons haying n legal lien, nny pay taxes, nnd acquire aií aïïcljt tonal lien "po i the land. Tliis is mpoitnnt. Third. Deeds issued are declorrd by the Inw prima fade. i-vidence of the reularity of nll pro:ceding8 lo the date of deed. This changos llie bur Jen of proof in con-estimr tox tilles. Fourik. Uesidep's oud non-rrsidents, wish-, ing to pay toxos without the inleivenlion of nn ngent, can do en, frce of charge therefoiY by coreapondfn, (poátagé pnid) du-eetly wiih' this oiRce. M.'Pt respectfully, Your ob't Scrvnnf, C. G. HAMMOND. Auditor General.SitireYy and D.micmo:, - The RichnvW ,uter3 the fullinvjag trilt fi: Properly niid s!ric:ly speaking-, thcre is no siich thing 11 the whole Southern country, as' j a Dcmocrat, unless he be at war with the injBtitiilions tbnt stVrround him, There is a total nnd irrcconcilable hostility bet ween a slaveholdrr and a Domocrat. Tlje fundamentul principie of the lattcr i?, thal all men are equal . The former camiot hold such a principie, nríthóui giving the lie to it by dnilv prac-' j tice. If ho lioid suo'ü sentiment he has to' suppress it, nnd in subseryience to lus ntereji, enoct the constant hypocrite. The Northern' on' the córitrary, actsup to his inlefcsts, w'licn he acts out his convict;ons of briiversnl èpnafitj, Disgnise it as they mny,' !his radical diflorencepervades thóse wlio calí themselvèa Dcmocrats, at the North and South; and whcn the southem Van Buren men i or Locos become in realry Democrnis, they eannof, Dnd'will not, any longer tolérate Slavêry. For THR SYSTEM OF SLAVERY is' AT WAR WITH DE1I0CRACY; and those' nt the South who are novv giv'mg aid and countenance to what is cnlled the Democracv of the North, eill'Ct doing all in their power to subverl the eocial in'stituiions of tho South. A Northern Democrat, unless he be as great a hypocrite as a Foülicrn slaveholding' Democrat, must abhor Slavery.'The Spnnfcñeld G.izette, spéaking of the Christian Freem'an, say?, "can'some one of llie Reverend tiio of Ediiors inform ns why . the Whigs come in for a' muc'h largor sharo of reprobaron than the loco-focos?" Yes. On the snrne principie thst a christa'n Öhurch has more ' reason to gnard again'st the adm'ission ofartful hypocritef, than open nfidels. The Demo-' crats don"t ask abolitionists to help them, on' the pround of their obolitiondoinifs. But the Whig3, ninoleen-twënlieths of them, run up their flug for a' pravehólding President, and then fawri around Liberty men, and beseecta Ihem to vote wifh them on account of théié' Anii-Slavery cl?aiacfer. - Charter Oak,' A Good Report - Mare Progress. - The' Constitution of Michigan is disftgured by thflf word 'wiiite,' placed before the woid 'inhabw tants' - thus dii-fraiychtsing' -t'ie colored popu-' la'.ion of that Stute. Petilions haye beert eent to ihe IvCgislalure, asking that bódy ter4 lake t!:e naces-sary aertion fbr amending the Conslitulion in thiá particular. A select ' mittce, to whmn theíe'potitións were rcferred, has reporled that 'the objret eoight by the" peitioners isjnit-'and rigl)t,' and recominendï" llie adoption of a joint rcsululion to that effect.' The Report is based on sound democratie principies. - Librralw:OTbe Ptovidence Gkronicle tías a pamphlet. fromEngland, thé compositon of wliich was done by I lio nev oomposing" machine. - ' It Fets 12.000 an liour ! This wiU'niïike au' snli'e rt volution in the Printing business.-" We fear journeynian printers, who euiile p.t it, will find it nó joke, inthe end.


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