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TO CLÖTHIERS, JU A JSC UFJl CTURERS Jl JYD JUERCITAXTS. HHHF. sulsr;rilnTs nre now receivingr, at their J_ stores. 188 Jffirson Avcnuu, ond corner of Ran'lolph an;l Woodbridgo ïtreets, Detroit, u large and aeneial stock of Bye Woods Sc Bye Stuffs. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic, Limewo r{. Niearromm, Hypernic Wood, in ihe stick, í 3 ) Ijbls ground Camwood, 150 óo Fustic 120 do J,orvooc?, 100 do Bid.woods, 2Í) do Aluin, .6 hluls Copperns, 4 do ]lue V itiiol. 4 pipes Omlire nnd Crop Madders, p:ipie, ."00 üis. Extract Lonjvqod, 600 do Xföngol, Mndias .ind Cmaccas Indigo, r?00 do JJlue NvitgallB, (AIIcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2()0 dO '(U)LT!ÏL5. 10 Cnrloys Oil Vltvu-1, 0 do Ac.un Fortis. 4 do Spi'rits Sen Salt?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 enses Lnc Dye, "00 Iba. Bnjiquo Tin. 2."V0 do CJreain Taruir 500 du Q rereciron Bnik. Togetlier wiih n complete nís&r!meJHx)ia}l dio minor anides in the (rade. o wit: P.e!s Papers. Teazle'?, linihes, J;tek., Tent Hoojss, DyeKetllis, Pickeis. Burling Jron Nipprrs. Prussiate of "'otApIi- Sal Anion.iac. Sal Sodn Suiiar of Load, Sted Keeds, Card Cleanorf, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Varps, Shears, &c. Tbis entirr stock has heen purchased wiihin the Inst two weeks, and seUctód personaNy ly o;ie of the cí neem. wlio has been in tlie I u i est. lor the last eleven yeofS, and tin y huve rp hl Mtatiun in sayirii.' that the qunltty ol these poods is une.xceptianable. Tlif-y w II poiitivly ie sod at the lovyèet Mèw Yoiii j.l!)ing prices. with "ihu adtli im of transportation only. The siihpcribers have the sole Agency in this Staie for the saleif"PARSON'S SHEARLVG MACHINES," ind ihc edebnted "LEWEbTER MACII1XE CARDS) dccidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO Aprd Y 1,1843. rItf"X " '- - - - Mortgage Sale. . TKFAULT havmg b(i made in thcpiyment JL ol a cemin sum of money. tjecuied. lo lé [Wid ly indeniuie of morignge, beurwj dote ihe riinth doy of iJay? ij) ihe our Lord. onc thousnr.d e.iglü hundreó aud ihiiiy nnio, ex. ciud by ilil!er Barke.r, of On ton, Lenawe Couniy Michigan, to Ceorge Wnsilall. oï Plym.uitli in the Gounry of Wiiyne, Mirhigiin, nnd recorded in the Register'B Office, ot iliu Couniy of U'ash tenaw, insaid State, on liie JJth d;iy óf Mnv A D. 18.19, at tk'l o-clock. A.:M. in Jiber, No 8, pig-c 13,. npoja vgiii-h t.Sere is ciiii:el to ! e dné. nt Muí dina of ' ü.is coiieo, t'ie snm of onc hun i (u (I :ind iwt-lve diillnts-énd sixtv om conts. Noiice is (hcrefcie iicrehy givcn. Imt tiy vir-tiie oi.a power of s.ile in said uorzngo comiiined. nnd pursohnt lo ihe stntuie insiich case made and piovidcd. wül be S..I.I .-,( pul.lic nuciion ir vendae, at ilie Cmt Hoilsej'ifi t'ie viUnue of Am Arhor. in ihe Coiuiiy ol Woalitenaw, and S'aie of; Michirnir, ( n Tucsdiiy, (he elvvemh dny of July nexi. ,ni uhoiVlock. in tho oTtcrnooa ofthai day, the premÍ8es insnnl mbrtgfhge describej, i$ follows. lo wii: .AU thnt ceriain picce or (wreei of land. s:tu;it.;, lyingahd betng.iii the cmiñty oí Wisl.onwr, in ihe StfrtS alovowi'!. rnd known and dèsc;ï!L'd as bting 1 1 1 o ...u-hwest quartor of secnon No. ilmty.fou:, :i t.iwjiship N'(l ,,ur. souih of n-nae No. four eust, c ntnjiiingone hundred and sixiy acies of land, be ihe sarne more or les?; exceptingand ieservin; all ihct cprtñín part of:snid trnct of land, abovq deecribed, whirh w,-s hereio'pre,. Grcirj Hnlker and Pen-isRarkeir io Janla Cunicr." Soidortgngfe.hByiDct boen given(6 secure ihe paymeut of the pïirdnse money of said prciii'sesCEOGE WESTFALL. Mor;. II. A. oTl's, 'Akv. Dnicd. April lOth. IS43. 5l-3mTO CZtOTHIERS AND WOOL EARDERS; THE su!)scrher wonld respeorful lysolfcit. the atteniion ofCluihiers ;md Wobl Cartfen", t an criminnti.n of hia presen i Su ck ofarticlea in tlieir. line, psyj hifi thern of thcir superior ijunlity, [wl.wb wrl! be -ipj):ireti; .ip.i e.nniination) añd and of tho nnusurfJJy !ojv iaic5 at whsch lic is enalileJ to-fcll ilifin. Amohg a vaiipty of nrticles bclonging to (he trado mny bc enumernted: CorJa óf cveiy dworiplSon; Sluiitles, Sivc) Reel4-4 5-4 wi.le; Cioihiois Jncks; Saitineii Wnrp: f: men; Tcnler Hooks: Worsicd Jlnrness; Cnnl Clennera and platos; Serews; C-ppcr Kftilcs; {jenrjng Machine, Paráona, oíao. Ivvo or i!ri o Carding Machines. The subscnlcr (Mi himsc-lf .varroü-fl in ne. suring tho trade ihnt lus supply oi Cloijuers Tools. to;liir wiih s mie ly or ló ten ffoSorted DYE WOODS and DYK STÜFFS. o ... ono of the largost and must cmiipjcie stocks tf tlie kind ever offered 10 the public of RJichiunn.- Owing thernfore 10 the induccnientrf ha v7 offer t ihoic eiisatrd in the CLOTII DRESSING and WOOL CARDING business, of. an ! sivc stock nnd low pricc-, he sulicits ïhcir examuiaiion of the sume bcfoie purcliasing Or nioktng arrangement elsowhere. 1MERRE TELLÉÏf, Wholesale Druggist, 139 JcHcrsun Avenue. Deiroit. ApiTijr;i,-;i3. 5i--tf.


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