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New York Bank Note Table

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CORRECTED FROM THB LATEST JIDVÏCES-. O AH the good Banks of the States here nientioned mny bc ibund iu this Talilc. Bills of Banka not foitnd Kere niay be considercd wonhless. MAIN E. Greenfieid do Jowett City giMohawk J Agricultural b'k no sale Hamilton do Mechones' d. . Mohawk Yalley f Androscoggin t llampden do Murchants' do Munroe .Bank oi do Augusta do ilampshiie Mamtfac. dMcriden do Mont.romery connty do Bangor Commercial 6 Haverhill do Middt'jsex d Na w State Bangor, Bank of ? Highain d Miikilctown do Newtorgb lak. of pai Belfast do Hou3atonic d. Mysiic d Qgdeusburgjj] } Brunswick do Ipssvicli d "few Haven o Dlean bank ut 3u Calais 6 Lancaster d. N'uw flavnn county dü uncida r Canal I Leicestcr d. Vw Lnndon do Qnondagi Casco do Lowell d dojOntarU) do Central do Lynn Mechanics' d. 'hceiiix b'k of Ilartfddo Orango county bk of i City, Portland 25 Lee di J'innebaug do Orleana ff Commercial Man. & Mechanica' do jtnnford doJOawego do Cumberland, B'k of do Manufacturera' do átonington d coiinty V do Eeastern do Marbleliead do i'liames do ,Oweg. bank of d Ë-llsworth do Market '-' rhnmpsqn do Phoeni 30 Exchange do Marino do 'I'ojlaad Co. . do'Pme Plnins Franklin 3 Massachusctts do Union do IVYgl-keepsio p r Freemen's " Mechamos'. New'port do Whaling doPowelJ do Frontier do Mechanics'' N. Beci. do Windliam d ) Rochestcr lnnk of jj GardinCr do Mechanics', S. Bost. do '.Vi ïdliam County do Rochester City do Granite do Mercantile do NEW-YOKK CITY lome ban!; of do Keuduskeag do Mjr. B.-ston do America bank of pv 3acke:t's Harbor do Lafayctte G Mer. N. Bedfonl dn Aniericacan Ex di SiHnn, do Lime Rock do Merchante'. Salem dn Bank of Coniuierce d i -ratoga county i Lincoln do Merchants', New'port do Bank of ilie State ot 3chenectady do Manufacturers' dó Merrimac do N York d Séneca cnunty a Manut'ac. & Tradcrs' do Millbury do Buohera! dkürovers" pai áilver Greek bank of jj Mainc do Vaum Keag do OheniicaJ d Staten Island i? Machias do Neponstu d Ciiy d jtptë bk ofli York Marmers' do New Knglnnd do (Commercial : Buflalo 73 Medomac do N. Bnnk ol Boston do Clinton pai St LawreUba Stocks 70 Medgunticoo do NortHainpton d ■ Od & lítiJ canal co pat i Real Estáte 5-2 Merchants' do Norfjlk JU Dry Dock I áteuben County J ■ Mercnntile 6,Occah do Fulton bank of N. Y pm , .-syrncuse bank of do l Neguemkeag O!d Colony do Green wied do j Tonners pnr :: Northern dOxrord do La&yetrt par Tompkins county 3 People's do, Pacific do Lca'.her Manuf't'rs pnr Ton.nvonda bank ol 40 Portland do Pawtucket do Manhattcn Company do TVoy bank of 4 S.igadahock do Pcople's d" lechanics' b'ng Aso dofroy City do Skowhegan do pfaoenix, Chnrlestown 3-" Mechanica' bank dojU S Bk of at Rúñalo 27 South Berwick do Plyimtrth Mcrcliants' de Ulster County por St. Croix 12 Powow Rivcr - do' Mochan ic ásTraders dn línion ;." Thomoston Qifnsigamond d. Vlerch'ts' Exchange d( 'Jtica Bink of J Ticonic do Quiiny Slo ie do National bank d V'crnnn Bank of do Vassalborough do Railroad do N. York bank of d Washington county 9 Wuldo do Rnndolph do N; Y Banking Co. G Waterfor.l bank of Westbrook C Salem d N' Y St'e St'k Waterville bank of York h Siioc & Lca'r Dca'rs do rity bnnking pai' Watervlit 40 NEW HAMPSIURE. Somii Bri.lstc d. onh liivcr d-! VVayne county % Ashuclot 1 Soiitlt B'k of Boston di Phccnix do1 Westchcster county par Cheshire do Shawmut db' Sovenfh Ward do! Western .V Y bk óf i'O Claremont do SpringiielJ dn Tenih Ward 10 VVhiteliall bnnk of j Commercial d Siuie d.. Tiadesmcn's pm Whitcstown bank of Concord SuffoJk di Union Bank ol N Y ú Yates couniy 3 Connccticut Rivcr Taunton Öwl Washington NEW JERSEY. Derry do Trader' d. VMW-YORK STATE West Jcr. l.ks. 1 Dover do Tremor) t d. Agricultural bank ? Belvedere bk g Exeter dn Union b'k of Wcyniouili Albany city Burlington Co. 2o Farmera' do and Bmintee dn Al'any dojCommorciol $ Grafton dn Union, Bjs;on do Allegony opunty 59j Cumberland if N. J. Granito do Villnge dojAtlantjc, Bropklyn pirj Pnrmcrs' of N. .1. -Jo Lancaster do Walthnm do Albany bank of Pi Far. &. Mech. do Lebanon Öó Warren, Boston dojAlbion, '; Par. & Mór. g Manufacturers' do Warren, Danvers do America ; 2. VIech oí Burlington d," Mechanic' . do Wnshingtoa do Aaica " L Vlech. Newark dp Merrimac do Warelnm dojAuborn " Mech. &. Man. of T. do Nashua du Winaismnwt do Commerce '; 27jV[oriisCo. Bank of do New Hampshiro do Wuiirou do VVafcrtown " 5 Newark bk'gln. Co. par N. Hampshire Union do Wor'ter, Wrentham do Baüston Spa ? V. II. & Del. B. Co 20 Pemigewas3et do VVreniham do Binghatnpton 3( rarge bk. par Piscataqua do RHODE ISLAND. Buffalo bank of J Princoion g Portsmouth do American Bank g Broek port bank of % ?e.ip!e's do Roche8ter do Vrcnde - do Broqkly.n J Siilein Bk's Co. do llockingham do Bristol, Bank of do, Broome County J Sta'.e, Caiulen do Strafford do Blackstone Canal do Canal Albany, { State. Elizabethtown par VYinnispisiogeo do Bristol Union dojCanal b'k of Lockport tateBkat Morris do VERMONT. Centreville do Cattaraugus county 2? State, Newark do Bennington 8B Ciiizens' Union do Cattskill State. N. Brunswick do Bellows Fall8 City dojGayuga Con-itv iSu3sex Poultney, Bank of do Commercial. Bristol do Cent'l Cherry Vallcydi iTrenton Bk'g co. do Brattleboro,' B'k of do Com. Providence do " N V bank of d 'Union do Burlington, Bank of do Cranston do county d OHIO Caledonia, Bank of do Cumlierland do Chenango bank of dn Belmont St Clairsville 4 Commercial no sale Eaglc b'k oi Bristol do Chemung cañal dcijchillicothe bank of 25 Farmers' S Eagle, Providence do Clinton county 4i Chillicothe Bnnk of Far & Mechanics1 do Exchange do Com merci il Troy f pay at Philadéi. Montpelier, Bk of old do Exeter do u Albany cl. Jirclevillc bank of 4 do do new do Fall Rivcr Union do ; Bufialo '2' w'lcvelancl Bank of 70 Middlebury, Bk of do Franklin do " Rochesler j, Clinton 4 Manchester " do Freeman's d " Oswego 4( Columbiana of N. Neböry t: do Globu do Corning Bank of Lisbon do OrleansCo " do High Stteet do Dmsville 5i d. Commerci;il do Orange Co do Hope d Delaware '- of ficiota 10 llutland i do Kent do Duicliess county pn' :- of Lake Eric 37 St. Albans " do Landholdcrs' do Erie coutity 45i Diyton 4 Vergennea " o Ianulacturers' do Essex county Êx & Savings ïw Windsor " - Mechnnics' do Exchange Rochestn.r Farm & Mechantes - "Woodstock " d. Mechan. & Man. do Ex of Genesec do Franklin 3 MASSACHUSETTS. Merchants', Prov. do Farmers' of Troy pur] " of Columbuq 12 Adam8 Bank g Merchants', Newport do " Amsterdam f}Geauga bank of Agricultural d Mount llojie do :; Warwick j Gianville AlexanAmcrican do Mount Vernon do Farm & Mech Roch du drian Soc. 83 Amherst d( Xarragansett do Farmers & Drovers par Mamilton bank of 40 Andovcr di National dj Farm of Geneva Lancaster L5 Asiatic dt .V. Eng. Coinmcr. do Farm of Orleans Lafayeite 5 Atlantic dd .V. Eng. l'acilic. Prov. doiFar fc Mech of Gen Mariet ta . G Atlas do X. E. Pac, Smithíi'd do Farmers', Malone Massillon bank of 4 Attleborough d Newport dn Far of Séneca county 30 Mt Ploasant, bk of do Barnstable do N. A. Bank of doiFar of Penn Yan '$ Muskingum bk of do Bedford Commercial di Nonh Kingston do Farm ra fe Man Xorwalk Buof 4 Beverly d Vewport Exchange d. keepsie . pnr Oliio Life Ins & Blackstonc d. N.trth Providence dol Farmers, Hudson dol Trust Co. 3 Boston d. Paciiic dojFortPIain f Sandusky bank of do Brighton d Pascoag 10 Gencspc Bank of do Urbana banking Co 75 Bristol Co d. Pawtuxet f'Genesee county 5 Western Reserve bk 4 Bunker Hill d Phcenix, Wcsterly do;Geneva bank of Wöoster bnnk of 4 Cambridge d Phcenix, Providence do Hamilton do XeniaBank öf 4 Central di Proyidepco - do Merkimer coun'y do Zinesviïle, Bank of do Charles River di Providence Co "do flighJand pai INDIANA. C'harlestown do H 1 Agricultu'al dol Ho ward Trust & State bk öf Ind. & Br. 3 Chickopee d ilhodc Islnnd Central g king ij ■ CTAll otlr.r banks unCitizens' Nanf.tcket do Rhode Islatid Union do Hudaon Jliver pailoertain. Citizens', Worceser do " '; Bank of do fthaca bank of ILLINOIS. City, Boston do (loger Williams's do James uro. bk of Cohannet do ■ SmithSeld Exchange dol. U ff rson county Í -itatebk of Illinois 6') Columbian do í; Lime Rock do Kinediliook bant of par Illinni--, bk of 65 Commercial Boston do " Union do Kingston di VVISCONSIN. Commercial, Salem do Tradcrs' Newport d Langsingburg bank of Wiskonsan Fire & MaConcord ' do '; Piovidence d Lewis couniy, J iine Ins-jrance Co, C Danver3 do Union . di üyings'on oounty í IÜWA. Dedham dolVlIláge d Lodi b'k of- Real Es 5. CFAll uncertaiñ. Dorchester & Milton do Warren d. ': ''Stock 2(? MICHIGAN. Duxbury d" Warwick dd Lockport Bank of St. Clair 7 Eagle do Washington' do '; Bk & Trust Co Farm & Mech. bk 7 East Bridgwater i Weybosset de Long Island pni Puyablc at St. Jo. 10 Essex, N. Andover do Woonsocket Falla d Lowville bank of f CANADA. Exchange do Wakeficld do liyons bank oí 4(. Bank of Brit. N. A. ;" Fair Haven do CONNECTICUT. Madison county ? Banque du Peuple do Falmouth di' Bridgeport j Vlanuacturers' d 3"k U. C. Toronto 'A Fall River 'do City b'k of N Haven do! Mech & Farm l fiity Bank 5 Fitchburg do Connecticut de Mech. Buffulo 40 Com. bk of U. C. 6 ■Pramhingham do Conn Riv b'ng Co. d Merrhants & Farm 3 Gore Bank do Freeman's di East Haddam d" ;; iSs Méchenles Far. Joint Stock &.bkV General Inerest de Exclnnge d Meren Ex of B'iffdo 3? Co. do Globe ■ do Fairfield Co d Mercnntile of Montren!. Bk of 5 Gouccster do Fnrmers' & Mech's' do nei-taiy Nia: SuspenstonB.idce Grand do Hartford do Vliddletown .' Company __ 1 Granite do liousatojiic R R com 25 Millers of N York 8a IC


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