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■ E.DEAEFS CELEBRA T ED CHEMI8AL PLASTER, IfTIHK iollowing isono írpm aniong the mih merove, tesiÍHiortíofs from persona of' tho highest respcctaíWlity, whicii ihe proprietors h'tfvo rece i ved. From ihe Jlev. Charles Morton.. Minister of the Baptist Chtirch. WuusTi.n, Waync County, O., ? December 20, 1842. $ "MofSTB. II. IJaukis Sc Co: - Fpr severul yenrs i liave from. lírrie to tims tesied the virtue of "K. Dan's Clicmièal Piaster by usiog it in my fnrnily ns n reniedy for rltntmatisw. v-ro and lamevess of thc.hack, puin in the. 1t:uc.. if{fUivimtUip'ñ of the tltrout andeycs, (trtc in the Lratst. cr., tind I.taka plensure in siying to you nnd io the public ,'.W in err,e.ry past 1 hace found it uscful, ;.nd c!ó bolieve tliat sald I'hister possrses f 1. ■(■ ihnu ordi;i;iry clipthptef, and i v-i!l génenlly be found n saliicient reniedy for those diseases for wlucli it ií ic'ioin.'nendcd, and is ju'itiy entiired to the nqlice and pairönngé of an enligluencd conimUnity. Tours truly. CflAHLKS MOHTpN. Minister of t!:e Gospel. 0"For lije digeasps in which this PJaiier is aple, see ndvertisenieni iri anothtr column of iliis paper. F.. Dêiin'a Chemien] Piaster is for ale in Ann Arbor, (Itowlt Town.) by J IJ. LUND. and W. S. J. W. WAYNARÜ, ) T'ppcr CJJIU.STÍAIV ËJ3ERBACH, J Tqwd


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