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Second Volume Of The Magnet

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JJ.vitcd tu íh m-cstigutton. rf Humuti Pnsinlogf, r.mbiac'mg Ccpliolugy. Phrcvol igry, P:t':c'ologij, Pisingnomif, Psyclwl tfry. Ncnrolorij, FJcctrirïtij, GiUvanism, Mug nctism, LigU, C.doric. Lic. BY LA ROY SÜNDERLAND. The Design of this popular nntl interesiins work, is the inveetigation ofaü the lnws wh( h applrtiün to Ilumnn i.ife, nid whicli are conccrneil n the production of those suites of t! e Mind, cnl.led tíO.MXAMBULISM. INSAfíITY. DHEAM1NG. Sl-X'OiN'U-SIGFIT SpMNlP'ÁTHT, TRANCE. CLAIRVOYANCE, and variousqthcr Mental Phenoinena, wlnch liave, hitlierto, reuiained shrouded in mysiery. lis pages are cnriched wiih Essays and Communications, detailïng FACTS, illusintn; the Science of CEPHOLOGY. which tendies :he iiijl'tenccs and sitsr.cjüiiliiiis of the HUMAN BRAIN. and the meihoduf control i tg its separnte orgnns by PATHETJSM: torctlier with such ir.formniion as may assitt n ilie mostsuccessful appücaiion of tliis wonderful agent to Diagnosis - the Delinearon of Charcter - and the relief of Human Sufl'ering. T!ic Secoii'l Volume wiil bc conimeneed in Juan, lrf'13, in large octavo form, and issued monthly. on the followinarTE il MS: lf Tvvp Dullars,, in tidvancc, wiíl pay for onc copy fur tlie yeár, or sixteen copies of any onc nutnber. 11. For Six Dollars, fifiy copies ol any one number: or four copies for onc year. J 1 1. For Ten Dollnrs. ninety copies of nny one nuiriher: or seven copies (órone yenr. IV. For Fifiecn Dollars, one hiindrcd nnd fiíiy copies of any one number; or iwelve copies for one year. V. To the tradc, tlicy will be put at Nine Dollars, per hundred, when one hundred copies ore ordcred at onc time, with ihc cash in UU" Agents must state, disljncily, what ihe inoney sent is designer! to pay ior. whether fjr jii culirc vo'itmc, or for so niany singlo copies if onc numher. As iliese terms nre low, the Publishcr cannot kmlu bnt Aents will sec the Juslicoof giying speci;il attention to what follows. - tT7 All payments must be received by ibe 'ulilislicr befare each number is sent out of ho Office. O All pnyments must bc remitted fre-, of riöstógè, and h Safetyfund inoney, or its :quivalenr, in this city. ITT Agents must give particular instructions I is to the manner in wliicli ihey muy wish each ïutnlier fbrwarded. (HTHvery editor who shnll give tliis Prosicctiis Cinckiding tliis pnrngraph) six ' ions. sliall receive Tuk Maohkt for one year, rom Tune, 1843, providetf tlie pepers n' iliis noticc be forwaided. marked, to ;'The , '.'ew York Card," Xew York Ci-y, and ' ided. alao, that these conditiens bc coaiplied I vhh befare Januasy, lel 1.


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