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Revoluti on in Hayti, - A rapid revolution nas laken pluce lalely in Hayti, wliich has reBulted in the abdicnüon of President Boyer, who hns sailed for England. We -have no room for particulars to day. The Government is now administered by a couhcil of tweuty-five until a ncw President can be chosen. It is said tlmt a Mr. Ferry, a mnlatto, will take Boyer's place as President. The President in future is to be elected triennially - the army to be abolished and a strong pólice substituted. All religions to be tolerated, soniinaries of learning to be establishcd, and all encouragementa gave to capitalistB. Mr. Ferry, who is spoken of usa man o!' '.bilily and great populo rity, will probably be elected the ncw President.Mexico and Texas. - Santa Anna lias pent p opositiona to the Texan Governmen', througli one of the Texan prisoners whom he has released, for a permanent arrnngcment of difficulties bet ween the two countries. Texas is tofonn a part of Mexico, and be represented in the General Congres, but to institute all local Iaw8 vnd regulations; to elect her own üfficen, civil and military: all public laiula, mines, and minevols to bolong to the Texan Government; a general amnesty for past of ftneesto bc proclaimed; and no lans uffecting religión shnll be passed. These propositions are csnainty liberal and deserving of serious consideration. The Galveston Times, however, scouts at the idea of adoptinjr them, and expresses its full conviction that they will be rejected wkh contenipt byevcfy patriotic TexaH. Europr.- The last advices froth Europe bring notbioj inpcrtant. In the BriÜsli PmHment, the Corn Iiaws were under discussion. The shock of an earthquakc has been dis- tinctly feit in Manchester, Carlisle, and the Iele of man, btit no damare was done.A St. Louis paper "i ves warning thnt f the Missouri slaves continue to be carried off by ihe Illinois abolitionistF, the citizens of Missouri will revende themsclves by buroing the liouües of their Illinois neighbors." Suppose they ehoukl -evcngc lliemselves by burning every house m Illinois, would that bring bnck their slaves? It might be well to thiuk of that beforf mnking the experiment. Qj3 'i'He Bangor Qnzette, Mainc, an excellent Liberty paper, is now issued daily. This is Mie second daily Liberty paper. They Will soon bo established generalij'.(t?3 We are authorized to sny, that Dr Comstock has resigned his pastoral charge of the Baptist church and society in Ann Arbor. Ct?3 Tlie Genessee Democrat says that in 371 lowns in this State, 2G0 have elccted Demociatic Supervisors, and 11 1 Whigs.- D. mocratic majority, 149. 05a Tlic article on the first pnge on Marriage and Celibocy is impartía] and weli written. Old maids and old bachelors may reod it with profit. Jndge Betts has recently decided that the U. S. Court has jurisdiction in cases of felony committed on board ships of war only when Buch felonies are not within the jurisd:clion of a Court Martiol.


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