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"FRES Z.AB0R " M MI CUS STEPEtíS $ SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE taken the rooms n ihc Jower end o! the White DIoc!f, directly oppoaite the JVli chignn Excbange, when; they triil keep au extciisivc ass.irf mtiit of )i every luiitl, qiuility, nnd descriplion, of thcir uu monuföctnring, nnd wnrranteJ to be na fasiionable. good, and cheop as can bö had West oí Vew York. Purchnsersaic requested to cali and examine our extcn':ve assortnient bel'ore buying. Áúy ar:klc of Furniiurc mado to order, and l',iTinl;il to piense. UI'HOLSTEliLVG done ín all its various ranches, nnd al the sliortest notice. CHAlItS, LOOKIXG CLASSES, AND VfLLOW WARE; nlso, Muhopttnu Soilrds nd Venters - asdieep as the cheapeat Tn rxrhnncre. CHERÜY, WALNÜT AttTi UPLE LUMBER. &, +z, L STEVENS & ZVG. Detroit, April 17, 1613. 5-3n,Plotighs ! Ploughs ! ! THE oubseribsrs have constantly on hand a Fargo nssortmcnt of PLOUOHS, of n snperior quality, which ihey Her tor aal as CIIEAP as can be purehneed nt nny otber place rrt tfris Coumy. Thoso wïsliing to purchase will picase cnll nnd examine for therncetve. PARTR1DGES, KENT & CO. Ann Albor. April 20. 1813. 62-tf. TO CLOTHIERÏ; MANUFACTURE RS AND MERCIIJIJVTS. f I Til F. suhacribers nre now receivinp, at tboir J_ stores, 188 JcfF-rson Avenue, and corner of Rnndolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, u large and general stock of Bye Woods óc Bye Stuifs. U5 tons Logwood, Fustic, Limewobd, Nicarroeua, Hypernic Wood, in tbc stick, Í30 bbls. ground Ca m wood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do voods, 20 do Aliun, (! hhds Coppcrns. 4 do Blue Viirïo!, 4 pipes OmLrfi nnd Crnp MadJers, primo, R00 li.s. Exti.'.ct Logwood, 000 do Benpn!, Mftdrns nnd Cnrnccas Indigoi 300 do Blue Nutgiills, (Allcppo,) 250 do PowÜered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris, 10 CarboysÖil Vilriol, G do A (na Fortia. 4 do Spirits Sen Salí?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, ''00 Ibs. líanqfro Tirí, 2."0 do Creain Tartur. 500 tío Q lercciron B.ulc. Togctlier with n Complciu assortnicntof all inö minor nnicles in the trado. lo wit: Press Papers. Teazle?, Hrushcs, Jaclss, Tcnt Ilooks, D-.o Kettlcs, Pickers, Burling Irons. ÍS'Í! ?rs, Prussiafc of T'otash, Sai Amoniac, Sal Sot!ay Silbar of Len({, Steel Reeds, Cord Cieanerp, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps, Shears. &c. This cntirn stock has been purchased wiihin tho last two weeks, and solccted personally by ono of the concern, who has been in the business for the Inst eleven years, and ihey have no beitátíon in sayinjr that the qunlity of these poods is unexceptionable. They will positivly be sold at lh lowest New York jobbing prices, with tho nddition of transportation only. The subpcribers have the suln Agency in tbi State for the sn!e óf "l'ARSON'S HEARING MACHINES," and the cejebmted "LEICE&TER MACH XE CAliDS," dcciricdly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. r,i,fE. DBAH'S CELEBRA T EB CHEMIGAL PUSTEB. rpiJL following is one frota among thendX n;eroLS testimoniáis from persons of the r"LleBP Uy' WlUCh 'he "Pri hóva Woostek, Waync Cotinfy. O., , Tf rr iieceinber L0, 18-12. ( Merars. ÏI. Harris & Co:- For ecveral ycars J havo from time (0 es.eci hev.rtuc oi "É. "Dea n Chemical ffi er by ing it in my femily as a remedy for rjiawiaüm , tozaknw an i lammess af the back m,n ut the rcast, ínfámmation ,f tCtlroat and e, e, ague infhebreast. „„JJ-Z plcnsnre ,n b„ymg : to you nnd ,o ,,e public Ihatt SZ TpÍ Vef"""1 Ü VS l' ar!'! (l 5S tiatsa.d Ilnster (iomcs.ics virtuca of more than rdmnry character, uu) tlwt it vvül generdíríS ound a sufficent remcdy for ,1080 disenseffo? vhich it ia recommended. and is jast ?eïüilS Yours ti ii!v. CfíAttLTES MORTO.V, ÖJFn.-ili r R1,inislil"of iho Gospel. DliSn ('SCnSCS m Wl"dl 'ilS 1'1"5t(?r 8 Opfbispap'cr adv"11'"-'1 nano.hercoumnof ArLDfLo;lChiCnnS:C1■isf0rsaIe in A11 iruor, .L,over lown. ) by J. H. LUND, nndAND WOOL CARDERS. fTirlE subseribcr woiild res)ectfullv solicir the X attention of Cloihiers and WoqI Carter to nn exaroination of bis present Stock of anieles in their line, assu-mg them of thcir superior qualiiy, (w hich wtl! be opparent upen exanimación) and and oj the unueually low rotes ni wlnch he is en abled to ?cll them. Among a variety of anieles belongin" to tho trade may be enumeratet': Cards of cvery description; Shuttles, Steel KeeJs4-4 5-'i wide; Cloihiers J.-.cks; Snttmrt: Warp; f:mery; Temer Hooks; Worsted Ik.rness: Cnrd Cienneis and piales; Screws; Cop per Kèttlcs; Phcaring Machine, Vuisonu, also, two or ih o Carding Machines, Tho subfcnber (els himsdf warrnnted in as surin' the tuide that lus supply of Cloihiers TooIp, toycihrr witli son,c I2or 15 ton of ae-ürt cdDYE WOODSand DYE STUFFS. fonnon of the largest and most complete stocks uf the kind ever offcred to the public of Michigan - Owing ffwrafort lo tbc riducementa he can offer o ênaaiiëd in tbc CLOTH DKESSINfiind WOOL pARDING business, of an exten-;:vc stofk and low prices, he solicils thcir exnm. nation of the same beíore purcliasing or niakiiiF arrange:nent3 elsèwherc. b wi i t ík .piERRF. TELLER, Detroit DrUgglst 139 Jenbreon Avenuo, _Aprifl_7, ,1843.URAVI? STOiVES MONL'MENTS, TOMH TABLES, &c. rpHE siibscriber hae a íarge assmtmen, or GlUW ST0.NK8, Rlo.suvKVTS, &C. Vvhich l,e WU se I Cheop íor cas),, or cAcha.e or produce ni l.old.stand, Ne. 90, Woodward Avenue, cí. PersonB witómg ,0 buy will do we f cnll, na hcy wHI l,o sold nmeh chcaer (hao havo ever been affortfed n tfiifl Staie, and ofa Quulity thnc cannot lau (o pleasu. . ' WM, il. PETERS. Detroit, Oct 97, KS4,. :'J-ïy IN the vülnge of Ann Atbor, n BROAD AXE, witha lonrliickor' handle. The find, er .8 roqnosicd io leave it at tbe Signal Office. Apul 26, 1843. !_3vY


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