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Second Volume Of The Magnet

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D.v 'teil to n nccstigation rf Hum au Fiysiology, ernbracitig Cephóiogy, Bktinól't'gij, Put'ictology, Phijsiognoviij, Psycliulgy, Ncurology, FJectriatij, Galvahinn, Miignetism, Lighl, Calorie, Life. BY LA ROY SUNDERLAND. The Design of tliis populnr and interestinrj work, is the investigii.tion ofall tlie laws which appei tain to Fluman Life, and whith are concerned in the produrtion of those stntes of tl o Mind, called SOMNAMBULISM. INSANITY, DREAMING. SECOND-SJGFIT, SOMN1PATJ1Y, TRANCE. CLA1RV0YANCE, and various other Mental Phenomena, which iiave, hiiherto, remained shrouded in mystery. Irs pages are cnricheJ with Essays and Communica'.ions, defailing FACTS, illustntng the Science of CEPHOLOGY. which teaclies the ivjlucnccs and svsceptih:V'ir.s of the HUMAN BRAIN, and the nieihodof coiKroliig its separate organs by PATI1ET1SM: to?etlier with such information as may assi.=t in the most successiul applicaiion of this wonderl'ul agent to Diagnosis - the Delinention of Chnrncter - and the relief of Human Suflering. The Second Volume will be commeneed in June, 1813. in large octavo förm, and issued monthly, on the following TERMS: I. Two Dolía "s. ia udrancc, wil! pay for one copy for the year, or sixteen copies of any on e nutnber. II. For Six Dullars, fifty copies at any one nmnber; or four copies for one year. .111. For Ten Dollars, ninety copies of nny one numl)er: or seven copies for one yenr. IV. For Fifteen Dollars, one huiulrcd ;ind iï li y copies of any one nuniber; or fvclve copies for one year. V. To the trade, tliey will be put at Ninc Dollars, per hundred, when one hundred copies are onUrcd at one time, with the cash in advimrr. [EP Agents must state, dislinctly, what the money sent is designad to pay for, whethrr for an cutirc vohunr, or for so niany singlo copies i of one niimbcr. As these terms are low, the Publishcr cannot doubt but Agents will see the Justiec of giving speciid attnntion to wlmt follows. - EP All payments must bc received by the Ptililisher bcore each number is sent out of the Oflice. QU" All payments must bc remitted fre: of postage, and in Safetyfund money, or its equivalent, in this city. ttZP Agenis must give particular in strvfAions ns to the manner in which they may wish each number forwardrd. (OKvery editor who shall give this Prospectus (including (bis pnragrapb) six inserlions. shall receive The Magnkt for one yenr, froni June, 1843. provided the prpers containing ihisnoiice be forwarded, marked, to :'Thc New York Card," New York Ci'y, and providrd. nlso. that these conditiona bo complied with before January, 1844.


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