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DR1BD APPX.E3. FOll Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ánii Arbor. Uppcr Town, Mny 5, 1843. 2 CHEESE. FORSale by C. J. GARLAN I). Ann Arbor, U per Town, Muy 5, '43. 2 3,000 FLOUR BARRKLS ior snlc Chcap for C J. GARLANÖ, Ann Albor, Upper Town, Miy 5, 1843. 2Ploughs ! Plouí k$ ! ff CVI.V'2' BE UE.Í77 fQ TIJ E subsciibvrs have constant y on hand a large assortmi nt of PLO IJ CS-ES Sri A superior qnaiity, which ihuy ulier tor sMe ii C1IKAP as cin'be purehaitd at any other pi ice in this County. Thoso rishing to purchuse will picase cali ui d examine for iheinteUcs. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. Arih Aibor April 20, 1S4Ï5. 8ÉU. Cash and Bsrtcr Store. C. J . GARLAND, HAVINGpurchnsed the entire Stock in trackof Godlrey and Allen, will bc hnppy to waiiupori ëtich ns will give hiin o cali. I lis stock cön8ÏSts of a general assortment of goods, and will bo sold chcap, nnd tor rcudij paxj only. VVANTfIÍ), In exchange tor GOODS, md3t kinds tíf country produce, and 000,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES &, flEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April VJ, 1613. 52-tf. BOOEBINDDR AT THE HAITR MII.L (LOkVKR TUs) ANN ARBOR. EIÍOOTH would respcciftiüy nfonn tl.e iiihat.ii!ini3of Ann Arbor and vicinity ihat iie coniinuos the bnsi'K'ssof 1SOOK BIli)II, nt the old stnnd, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebound on sliort iiotice. AH kinds of1 RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in pnymcnt. April 1D, tS4.1i 52-tf. GRAVË STORES MONUMENTO, TOMB TABLES, kc. THE suliseriber has a large assurtmeiu ol Marlilc. of the best qunlity, guit'able for fíuAVK Stonks. Mon(j:-iLnts, &c. which he ví'ill ell chenp ior cosh, or exchange fof produce, at lis old Btand, No. 90, Woüdward Aveñue, Detroit. Persons witming to buy will do ifrell to cali, ns they will be sold miich cheaper than hovq ever leen aflbrded in this State, and of a Quality that :auuot iail lo picase. VM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1612. ?0- 1 y


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