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New Mode Of Anti-slavery Action

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Dr. Mudden, he Englísh Philanthropist, v rites i6couraginjly of the nature of the an'■ u-flavciy eftorts in Englaml, and sugests the following as lar more efftciflnt ihor any amount of petilions or memoriaJs to goveinniPiit. Hu snirgcftions are worihy of attentive contideration. '[ Am noí persuadid, now, bui tho time 'm come when all our books, speechen, 'eclures, &c. should be uddressed. not to tlie freernen wlio are already fiiifficieiïtly infoniied on Üic subjref, bul to the alavés Ütmstloes, ia all couttries; und il" uil nnti-tlavery socicties should a-jre1 on the basis of au acüon of this kind bezinning iciih a common form of an tiddnss to sfaves ia all paris of the world, addresstd to (hem in the several htngvages of the countries in ivliich they are enslaved, telling iliem, plaiiily anddisiinctly, it is the universal sentimon' of all the anti-slavery bodiea of the world, liiat êJavery is sin, and to submit to it, in silent acquieícence, or to rbn'iniié in it, without endeuvoring' lo escape from it, is sinful and shaineful too: - That vvliile ihe jeneeral voicc of anti slavery opinión, througliout the world, cries out against the employtnent of physical force, or the sbedding of men's hhioi in any emergrncy, or any plea or pretext whatsoever, there is no principie of others violated by a solemn leayue and covenant entered into without force or violence among-st the peoplü in cvery country held in sluvery, to give no labor for whicb no wages are given; and where coerción is had resource to, to arise, peaceably nnd orderly, in the might ot' a great niwititude - calling on God tobe iheir {juide and their r'efender, and to walk out o!' slavery, righi on towardá the nearest land of freedom, looking neiUicr to the right hand or the left, for opposition, or with a view to resislancc, but pasiively obedient where iusurmountablo difficuliicü are opposed, to etay ihcir mare! and bide thrir tim, and when it comes, to be roady for tl.e ExoJnf, nnd remindful of the conduct óf the Icadèj whó h'á God's people out of bondage.OC A friend writes rom Auums, Iltlls dalo Cnunly, that at tlie town election the Whigs and Denmcrnts iiniied. Tlie United Slavcry Ticket had 50 whole tickets, and the candidntes were elected. excepiing theclerk. The Liberty party liad 50 wiiole vote?, leaving 22 eplit tickets fur holh parlies. The e!oction ofa part of ticket nn'nst both the other parties combined is oertainlv encouraging. We lalely saw a notice, in some Dern ocralic paper, tfttfüng! tmbstantially that the abolilionists in LifclifioW aixl Adains hnd at tcniDie! to run a repararé ticket, und hnd been most essrntii iy wliipped ul!' A (ew more defeats Iike thtd will be suificient. At tlip late meeting o( the Kutern N. Yik A. S. Society, tlie iuipprtaiipe of individual sla very eífort was stronly urged. The tract systctn whs recommended by Alvan Stewait, as in re efficiënt and chenp3r ihan ne.wspaperd, He cays the tract may be sent monthly lo 83 farmers, or twelve times a year to each of the 3.1, for the price of one newspapcr. Q55" A frirnü write.s to us that in Gene see, the Liberty ticket was elected - throughout, he belif ved. üur tiied and resppetedfriend, John Pratt, is Supen-isor. Thus the towns bepin to come over, one by one. Li berty Supervisors were electod in several towns in New York th's spring. The way lo bring over the towns is by converting the individual voters. Let not that be lorgotten. Oy The official returns of the election in Connecticut show the Liberty vnte to be 1872. Last year it was 1319, being an increaso of 553. The Liberty vote for Governor ami Lieutenant Governor was precisely alike. The Whigs tbrew awoy 25,591, votes nn their candiüale, shovving tliemselves to be ihirteen times as foolish as the Liberty party!(L7 The Albany Patnot sny.: "There are not numy slavelioldinjr Ministers am1 church tnpmliers in tliis Stnte: not more tlian n 'c.w hundreds. Most of these are in New York city; thoiijrh tliere are in oli parts of the State. We have one slaveholdinjr clcrgyman in Albauy.'1 Wliat church in Albany is shnmelessenongli to emploj a ma.vstkler for its minister? {Lƒ A fdlow lately oppüed al the Alms house in New York foi opprentices, and obtained two girls and one boy. Instead of haviiig lliem bound to him he carried them lo Mississippi, and sold tieni or attemptedto sell them for slavep. An officer wns sent nfterthe children who brougjit them back, but the kidnapper escaped by jumping ashore into the cane brakes at the Ba) ze.


Signal of Liberty
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