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Ploughs f Plons lis ! ff" CJJVT BE BEAT! ' THE flubscribcrs have ccnstant'y oa band a largo assortment of PLOUGHS, of a superior quality, which ihey ofler for. sale, 55 CHEAP. as cq. be piirchasn] ut nny oiher placo n this Coumy.. Thoac wishinj to purchasa will picase cali and rxnmino for tfieniselves. PARTJilEHJES, KENT & CO. Ann Albor, Ajmi 20,1843. 5-tfCash and Barter Store. c. j. garla: HAVING purchaaed the enttre Stock in irade of Godlrey und Allen," will bc happy to' wnit upon such as will give him n cnll. His stock consi8ts.oi. a.gcyieral assortincnt of goods, and will be aol'd chcap, and for reaily paij only. VVANTED, In exchanjeJor GÖODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair prícc will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 184:i. BOOK BINDERY. AT THE I'APER SULt (loAEETOWK) AXN ARBOIl. EBOOTÍI would respectfully. inform iho inhabttnni8uf Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BINIIi&, at the old tnnd, in the Paper MÍ11. , Old Books will be neatly rebound on Bhort noticc. AH kinds of RULING, done to order. - Country produce taken iu payment. April 19, 1S43. 52-tf. MEBICALAND SUHGZCAI. FRACTICE DOCTOR A. F. BLAKtSLEE wonld re-, ppectfully inform the citizens uf Saline and. the atljücent country, that he has removed ín lo the "Finch House," opposite Dr. Gurlcy'e, where he may be .ound ready for butiness at all hours. unless professionally engaged. Having recelved an encouraginsj sharo of pat- ronaíre during ihe pasi year aniong them, he haa concluded to ranke Saline his permanent vesi-v dence, tru$üng thnt hts success and attention to . business will ensure him a continuante of the public favor. Although perfectly satisfied hat his success and. attention lo business shall gradúate he confkHice which may be placed in him, he deerns ii not imi proper to state ihat he possesses testimoníala qí a regular covrsc of medical sturly. and enjoyed as a student, the best opportunities afforded by the Medical Colleges and Hospitals in New York. He will prumptly atiend to all cases of a sur; gicnl character. lo the vartous affections of the l EYE ann EAR, and ndopt the most recent and best approved modes of practica in such cases. Charges will be moderate. A. P. BLAKESLEE.' J Saline, April 24. 1843. 2w-lTO CLOTHIERS, MANUFACTURÉIS AND MERCHANTS. r l lHE subscribers are now receiving, 'at thcir _l_ stores, 168 Jtfforson Avenue, and corner of Rari'Jolph and Woodbridge streeis, Detroit, a large and general stock of Dye Woods & Dye Stuffs. j 35 tons Logwood, Fustic. Limewood. Nicarrnsü.i, fjypernic Woud, in the stick, Í30 erouni Camwood, ]50 do Fustic lli') do Logwood." 100 do Redwooda', " 20 do Alum, C hhds Oipperns, 4 do lilue Vitiiol. 4 pipes Ombrc nnd Crop Madüers, piime, 500 Iba Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccas Indigo,' 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Allcppo,) 230 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris. 10 CarboysOil Vitriu!. 6 do A;un Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Sulty, ' 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lnc D)Fe, :?0D Ibs. Banquo Tin, 2."0 do CreanfTartar, 500 do Qiereciron Bark. Together with a complete assortrr.ent of all the' minor anieles in the tradc. o wit: P.css Papers, Teazles, Brushes, Jacks, Tint Hooks, DyeKettle8, Pickers, Burling Irons. Nippers. Prussiate of T'otasli. Sal Anioniac. Sal Sofía, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds, Card Cleaners, MACHINE CARDS, Satineit Warp?, Shears. &c. This entire stock has been purchased within (ha ast two weeke, and selected personally by one of tlie concern, wbo has been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no het-itation in sayinff that the qunlity of these roods is un- exceptionable. They will positivly be sold at the ovvest New York jobbing prices, ith the addition of transporiation only. The subscribers have the sole Agency in thia' State for tlie sale nf "l'ARSON'S SHEARf.vrï MACHINES. ind the celebmted "LEÍCESTER MACHINE CARDS," dooidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & co April II, 1843. 51 tfTo Fhysicians and Country ÏYÏerchants. BpiERRE TELLER. Wliölfli É-L sale and Rètai! DrOggist (sijiï ut thé Golden JVlortar.) KiO Jeffcrson Avenuëi Deiroa, haS on hand ond offers 10 purchasers at' very low rates: 4 Casks Epsoni galts: 2 casJia; fii)ur Sulphur; 2 Bbls. Powdcred Jalop; 1 Bbl. powdered Kbeubarö; 2 Bb's. Crcam Tartar; Castor üil by the gi.llon or dozen (nssorted izcs;) Camphor, Calomcl, Qtiinine, Corrcsive Sublimare; French and Englisli Chenucais; Per-" 'Amcry of all kinds; Linseed Oil; White. Lend, ry aníirfOü: Eñcfísh Venitian Re'd; EDgHsff jampblack: Sp. Turpemine. Michigan Glass cf all sizes tógètber wiih evcry other qrtiqle conneted wtth the Driig," PainV,' Oil. and L)ye Siufi' Bueiness. April 17, 1643. Cl-tf. y. BLANK DEEDá, WORTGAGES, EXEr CUTIONg; SUiVlMOKSÉS, &6. jüst printcdand for sale at i!ie XTSfGNAL ÓFFJÓ.$ 1.OST IN the yillage of Ann Arbor, a BROAD AXE, with a long hickory bondie. The finder is requested to leave ii ai the Signal Office. 25, id43. l-3w


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