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D vitrd ti, ik ïTfcstipation f Hinuau PlnjsSij. rwbmcing Cephotngy, Phrenoltgy, l'iit.'ic'ol.itjij. PliysiiigiiOitiy, Psychol jy, Ñeitrotógy, '.hririñtij. Galráhiiin, rnlta. ht, C.ilaríc, VV. }) 1,. HOY SÜÑDERLAND. The Design of tliis populirnntj interrsiing work, is ibé investigntton ofnil die !ava which nppennin to fluinan [;ife, and which nre cöncerned in iho p'rodti'rtion ril ihn-c sutles of ilie VIBl iiïSAl INSANITY, DRKAMIiN.G; SECOND-SlSHT SOMMi'ATJlY. TRAJiCE. CLA1RVU3YANCE, and vurious other Mental Plicpomena, which have. Iiiliieiio, ïeni.-iined ghroude iny.striy. I's (lagcsnre nnriched wjtli Eraays and Coramunjentions, dúiniling PACTO, ilíustrnting ihc Science of CKl'l l()).()( ; Y. wliiclj tenchoa 7ij!n:nrrs mul SitSCCptifiiliti-J of (he UUMAN HRAIX, nnd the meihodof controlang its scpiirnio orjr.uis by PATHETISM: to2etlmr with sucli ir.forniiition as inny nssist in ihe mosisnccess'nl iipplication of tliis wondcrlnl ngnnt to l)i gnosis- tlio of C'lKinctor- nml the relief rtfHunión Sufi'eritig. The Sccond Volume will bo commërfccd in June, Irfi:!. n larpc oci.ivo ibrni. nnd issued monthly. on the following tPERMS: 1. Tivo Dollars, ii tulmnrr, will pny for onecopy for the yeat-, or si.xtecn copies ofauy onc nurriher. 1 I. For Six Düllars, fifry copies ol ony onc nuniber; or four yt-.-ir. J 1 1. For Ten Dollarp, ntncty copie of nny oné number: or sevon copies foróne IV. For Fifteen Dollirs. oné liiihdred nnd íiliy copies of any onc nuniber; or iwclve ifs lor one year. V. To tho trndc, thoy will be put nt Nine Dollars, por hundredj when onc ImndreiJ copies are ortlered at onc tirrc, with the cash m otlrnnrc. (Tr Agents must stntc, rJislinctly', yhat the moneyaent is rlësigned to pny ior. whoïhcr for nn entirr vo'-imr, or i'or so niñny siugíe copies ol one mimher. As titease terms are low. the Publislier ennnot toul)t hut Agents wiliseo the Jusycoof giving special ottention to what follows.- n T?,AI1 r"1cnts "T'st be receivc'I bV the I ul.Iisher before each number is sent out of the Office. ET" AH pnyments must bo remitted fren of noStage, and in Snfetyfund money, or its jquivnlent, in tliis city. ST Agenis must give particular instruetions is to the marnier in whieh ihey may wish cach luniberforwarHed. (CTICvery ed.tor who shnll give ihis Tros)ectus iincluding tJiis parograpb) six inser. ons, ahall receive Thk for one year rom June. 1S13, proveed tho pr.pers contnintíg tliis noTice he forwnrded, marked, to -The W lork Card," New Yo,li City, nnd pro-ided, ao, that these mndiiions be eomplied i t vith bofore January. 1844.


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