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E. Dean's

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CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, j The most rjfectvtil rnnxy yel discovercd fot' HheunuUixm, bever ÍSorvs, fluir Surlli)tLs, Injlamintiíion in the l'ycs, Sicclkd Thioul in S'air1,1 Fcrer, (tiinsey, fe, fe, THi: CHEMICAL PLASTER san mportlemcdy or tliose who hre aíílictcd wítli clirohic and inflommoíory cimiploinls, by iis cusiíig jmin. counteracting ihflanimaiïön, mul giving 8K-cHy relief by its active. strengHienihg. a'nocjyttr. (üajitioreiic anú eiuniernit;ini propcitics - un efTeciual rcrtiedy (or Clironie nnd Jiriflamrnaiory Kheumoiiani, Agüe in ilie Brenst. Scolde, tiarne. Bruiscs, Scroítila. UIccrs, O!d Sores of nlrnost every descript.iun. Cankcred nnd Sweürd 'J'hroni niisingfroni Scarlet Fever. Felons. Wliite Swcilíng.o, Chilblains, &c. Persons sufll-rJiig I froniLiver Co.nipjaintf", jPuInionnry diseases. Inflamninfion oí tlie Lunga. iili pnin in tho 8Íde, itnck 01 limbs, will finiJ ic-üef ly the use of thís . In ál I cases it mny be used wiih perfect s:ieiy. ;.' DEANS CHEMICAL PLASTER ja put up in boxea nt filiy centií and one il.I!;ir enrli. wiili íu!l (ireclions nccotnp.i;iynL eocli lo.v. JVIanufaciaredamJ suld w]lcs:ile by I!. ÍJARIIJS & CO.. A?litnl!iiln. Oliio. ,],■ uoíJiiit.KS. to whomiiH orders flionld be aél'dressed. Solrl ;ilfo dy tlroir Aénts thronglioiít t lio coiunrv. ICTA liberal discount mnde todeulersand ph.V6icinns. For icsiiinoniiits nad ceriífírMtcs íVom persons 'C ilie liií'liest respec'tihiliiv. who hnvc used the Chemical I'lasicr. yee nnpther column of lilis p:pcr.l;" Forsulc ly ihc (ollowing Agenis in Michigan: r" II. W. Rood. $iw, j J. C LcrriiTipre. " C. SV.annliau, Ed.iynrnsbiirgli. Win. O. Ausliii, White Pis-eorf. ' J'sna.c Benjinm. Conátaniine'. Dnill. L. Kin.hc-ly. S'chof'icrnft; 1 H. B. Huston, & F. Mnrch, Knhinnzoo. ,' ames V', CotUren. I'. M. Gfilesbu gh. T. L. ïlolkcoiii. V. M. Bni.tle ('reek. Jfimc. M. Parso'ns, 1'. M. JVJiireJinlI. Paul Rhymond. Dniggist, Jncksou. Wm. Jñcksórij V. ?. Inni. Píale and Srníih. Gra?s Liike. John C Win-Mis. RylviYn. J MiHerd &■ Sun, Dcster. Thomna I'. M;iv. Jr. Plyniomh, Perin & HjilJ. Nortlrville, U(A'i'i! AlrC'i-riliy. F;:: mitigton, Peter Van Evcry. Fraiifcün, .Iii'ina J'cnn. I'üDti.'ic, MiicJ á Sprogne, lachrs-ler, .Iriiii' s Ricpiiens, I 'tien'. E. C. Gnlliip. Mi. Clcmfns. G. &.J.C. Ibü. ) ,. ,. . Juh„ Owen c'c Co. ( Dctl(J"Dr. ri'lii5. M. Fwreny. Do;u!;ornvil!c. E Pomsrin. YpMl.mii. .T. i{. l.U.NI). ) W. 8. S .1. W. MAYXAfïI). Ann A bur CniUSTlAN EBEHUACU, )


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