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Cliancery Sale. Msolvle, for Cash and to the highest Bidde ÍN the C'iuse pending in the Court ol Chancer for the .Seeond Circuit of the State ui Miei gat), wherein James Abbott is compjainant, r Abigail VVefch. David Entön, George Welc llenry Welch. J Inri iet Wclcb. and Aiigug VVelcb, are defendau s, the Saúl Gcorge, Iltnr Iiarneu mid Augusta being Minors, under i ,i_i' ui tweniy ue yoars, - Wlii-reas.. by a decretal ordei in the aboi . mude hy nis Honor Eloïi Fnrnsworil then Chancéllorof theSiate of" Michigan, Lea ing Untó ifce fourteenth dny of July. A. Ü. eigh een himilred and lorty one. il w;is ordcred an decreed. ttiat the nüove named defendnnis shoul redeem ccriain ïnorigngcd premises in the Cotí plniiKint's li!l contained, by ihe pnyment of th sum olloiir hundred and ninety-eight dollars an twenty-l'oiir c.enis, nnd the interest to nccru theroon, trom the fourteenih day oï July, eigh een iiundred miel forty om tlie date of cenai report in said decree inentiuned, and nlso ih costs of ciiinplain.iin to be taxed. on or before tl] fonrtcenih d.iv of November, in ihe year eighter hfündred and loiiy-one. or ihat in delault thcVeo; the 8ai(l riiongagcd pretnises with the npporte nnocès, or so iniuh ihereof ás would be fulficict mi iay tho eaid dubi and üi.o interest which ha accrired, or miaht iliereofler uccrue with sai cosis, nnd iiit:h niiizlit be sold seinra!cly wii] ,.ui mjuiy t the pjirtiesör eithcr of .theni, slioul hé snd nt public nnction. at tlie Comt House i ihe villn'ge óf Ann Aihor. in the Cotinty ( Wiislitenow, by oud umler the tlirretion of one ( ilic AJ.un?r8 "I t!ie said Cotirt, tlie said Mafili firsl Kt.vTg xx weeks preyioHB hólice of ihe ti nnd plnfce üí sale in some newipupcr published i said Couhty. ns by tlie said dccicc. referencebt in; thoreimto had. niay tvore ÍV.IIy appear. And wheic-is, íKp said p remises are jet u'nri Iceiuei!. aml the nbove stñted som with interes nnd rotits.. is vet dile and iinpaid, fNow, iIk lefoic. notice is brrc-nj' gfven, that i piírsuarice of' the duveiions oflho said tipcrei nnd hy virtue of i:s anthoiity, 1 v. On the six 'éertth dny of JMny nexi. ït'the hour of Tw'ch 'cioek. at noon. n, the Coiin floitse of fh 'ounty of VN'iishtennw. in thé viljage of ri ibor. seJl lo the hihesi l-ítlder. at pnhÜc Anc '■■■■, Lbe bipHs and prejnises in said riecree nier . or mi mitcli iheieof as rnby be"su(T!c:ei pa y ilie hR)reaaid sum, jïueresl nnd costF. ai: 'an be rI'I sepnKirely whKon't injnry to any lie párties in filis wbúíi snid" lnnds nu TPm ,-;cs are kiiown nnd dêyciibotl ns follows, vi; ll cr-rt.-iin duet or phrc I f Iqnd sitnate i lie C'oiiiüy oi' Waahiénaw. and ,St;ite of Michi :an. known es the-East iwlf'óf the Smul Ebi Miartcr ol Sccmoii uuur! er ihiily-lvvo. in Tovi ibip mimlicr fotj, Sotüli of K;:nge number &t ■n Rast. cnni:iÍTviLr titrlity acir-s. Tbp s:i!.. uill be absolute - wiihont rerleniptiö in il fo.' r ish. G. T. GTUDLKY. ÏVTastcr in Chiticén r. II. Sthvaht. Sol; fm C,„,M'it. Dated iliis 2n'rb dny ol' M.-i H, '843. STEAM FOUNDRY (X11AH THE UMI. ,OA1) DEPOT.) Partriix;ks; ki.:nta-,co. hivt.(:,ce,r and put in openuion a FOumlrif, nnd aie nov .jrepnred io tmnish to order niusi kinds of ('st nyp lor Mills, iir c.ilier &lafliJHL'fy. ,v'i'nr 'auidron Keit'eH. Poinsti CpilesJ most kind t iojh.w U'.-ne. Slcinh fc'hocs. l-'iie Dugp. jig mand Bngty lloxes, Ploulis mul Ploiiyh (st sof the vnrioi.a kinrls used in tliis Siate. ani '!ienksi appryved pntiérns used in Ohio. all o ii -el) thcy irsiieeilully nviie il: e Public t.i ex ruïne. Tbï-y picpnred to fiiriiisfi Farn i-n irid útlier? uith FLijCGIl.S as eaily in ihc sea ;in as tliey rnny bc winteil for nsc. and vl,ie .vill bc icirrnnr.i rood. All Cmt ngs marte h hom wijl be eold.ClIBAP. nnd fut RKAD i'AV nnly. JQB JVO!ÏK, WON TUliXING AM] FiNlSIÏING done to oriler, nnd on s.or no':e it the Mneliirifi Shop of 11. &, R. PART lUDGKS cV: (.'().. next d.ior to ;he Taper Mili. First Arrivaï IN 1843. In conriectio.n with the Föiiniry and Mbcbinl Shop, IIARR1S. PARtRKpGKS & CO. hate ust opeiKHl a wr:ll seleetei) stock nt' NEW GOODSü 3uch as iroad Clothi., SKeetlngs, IVterinoi, 5a.lia.etts, yiiininyV ïMnslin de Lains 3e'aver Clorhs. Canilcis, luiwls entncky Jeans, ri.-inin Is. èalicbcs. Vlnpnca. Bnois& Shoe.s. Cali Slcins SOLEJlD UPPER I.EATHER od assoru.nent of üardwaie mul Gnuc.ves? aJl of wliich uill be sold ris lóvv lor Cash as my other Bióic in Ann Arhor. ?' "VlV "'M Inkc' '" '■1'-"'-c for Co,,,!,Hules, Por!,-. LaM. Bitter, Fltix Setd T -mulii]; Tul'ov. #;. n as favorable teiins as anv Stoio lic're or tlevhere. Any q.t.-mtiiy of WHEAT wantod, and the ntriiesi prica paid, L )cr Tow ii. Ann Arhor, Feb. 1, lp.,'3. 'tl 42-':jn.LANDS FOR SALË TH f: imdersiirned s autlidrised io sell scvernl traeis, of Innd in ilie counties of' St. CJnir Sjpeipaw, Snnihic, Wafhtéo.Rw nnd jjenawi-e at ilieir.c.ish valúe, and takein pnyrqent State Scrip and Wanams at par, or ilieir erju:' valenc in cnsh; or he wij! pioponioiKitc tennsoii time. Thecnsli value rimy !e nsreriáiiiW: if rlesii-ed, by nppraiseis clirtsen ly the plirchnsër nnd subscrilier. Thé WiishttMiruv lahdfi eonsièl nf 118 aerea in 'ho lown of Webster, slitriitlj fniproved. of c.irly .mlchoice selefion. and 2Ñ noes 3 miles below psiliirui. rm (hc Rivet Jfuron. inving iich boltpm nnd upper Innds. pood timlier. running wner. corn and 'lie;it soil. cxcoilent sites for buildin?, surrou-idod by settleint-nts. good ïoads nnd milis. A bout 30 acres have been tinder cultivaron. CfTA'S H. STEWART, 47 tf Jefle'son Avenue. Detroit. .Vliüliiicry êc lircss Vlaking-. Mn?. C. BUFFFINGTON, "OESPECTFULLY announces to the inJ-V, liabitanls of Aon Arbor ond vicinity, that slie has oponed a shop, mrdway, between the upper and Jower villages.where Mie biieinepe of' MILLIJYERY tf. I) RES IS MJ1KIJYG wil] bo rarried on, in al) ifs branches, witlv -iiinctimlify, despatch, and in the best and mosf lasliionublo stylo. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1ÍM3. 50 ly ForaoKYT PlOTASH Kettles. Cauldrons. Sugar Ketiler,Potnsh lioilers. Five Pail Kettles. nnd small' llollow Ware, Mili Genrinjr, Wagon J3oxei, Pfougb Gastinga, &e. &c. consttrntly on hnnd, or Minde at shon notice at the AiN ARBÓR STEAM FülJNDRY. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. March 23, ]4:J. 4y-2m CHARLES hTstiSWART, ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND S0LIC1T0R IN CHANCERY. JEKKERSON -WENUK, DKTH0ÍT. !____ SALARA TFS-rA prime artiele in boxes or barrels, for oole at the loweat prices by Sbj. 24, 1842. ft


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