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XSÏortgage Sale. DRFAíJJUT having been made in tiic payment of a certain suin of money. seeured. (o be paid by inden:ure of, beanng dito the motil djy of May, in the year of our Lord. one tiiuwir.i cijht hundred and tliirty ninc, executed by Miüef linker, of Clinton, Lena wee Courity, Miclwgari, to George West tol I, of Plymouth. in t!u Comiry of W.iync, Michignn, and rccordèd in the Register' B OlFu-e, of the Coaniy of Wasiitenaw, i;i said St.ue. on the 1 1 1 '1 diy of May. A. D. at IwJ o'clock. A. M. in íiber, o. d, page 1 18. opon whjch there ia clatméd to be dne. at the daie of thia notice, the sum of one hun tired and iwelve djlhrs and sixty one cents. JS'otice i; therefore hcreby given. that by virtue of a power of s.-tle in said mortiags contnined, and to the síatutu insuch case mide und provided. wïll be S'!1 at public auction ir vendue, at tiie C.urt House, in the villaire of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washiena-.v. an 1 State of .M c'iiijan, orj Tuesday. the twenty-fifth d iy of July uext. at onc o'clock, in the afternoon o(' that day, the premisos in said mortgage tleseribed, as foüows, to wit: All that certair pieee or pnrcei of hnd. sitúate. íy ing and betng in the ovunty of Washtermv, in the State aforesaid, and ktjown. and deseribeJ as being the soir.hwes! qunrter of eection Ño. thirty-four, in tuwnsnip No. four, eouth of range No. four east, containing'ona hundred an.l sixty acres of land, be the sime moro or less: oxcepting and reservingall thnt certain pirt of aai I tract of land. above described, whicb was lieretófore deeded by Grove Barker and Persia Birker to (aala Currier." Said Mortgnge Inving been given to secare the payment of the pürctiáse inonev uf srxid premises. GEORGE WESTFALL. Mort. Tí. A. NolTKS, Att'y. Datcd. April lOth. 1843. 51-3m TO CI.OTÏ22EB.S AND WOOL CARDERS. TAK Bubsertber wonld respectfully solicit the ' attention of Clothiers and Wool Cardéis, to nn examinatinn of his present Stock of anieles in j iherr line, ossariug them oflbcir superior quaüty, : (wlii,-h wil! be apparent upon exannnation) añd and of the iinusunlly luw rates at vh:ch he is enab!ed to cl! them. Among a variely of articles belonging to the trade may be enumerated: Carda of every description; Shuttles, Steel ileedj 4-4 5-4 wide; Clothiers Jacks: Sattmett Warp: Emery; Tenter ilooks; Worsted Harness: Card Cleaners and pïates; Screws; Copper Kettles; Shearing Machines, Parso Vu, also. j two or thr-e Carding Machines. The stibïcrilver fels hiinself warrnn'ed in assnring the trade that his suppiy of Clothiers I Tooïs, togeiher with urne 12 or ló ton of i ed DYE VVOODS and DYE STUFFS, fonn onc of the larecst and must complete stocks of the kind ever oiTered io the public ei" Mtcbigan. - Owing therefore to the inducements he can ofler to those enííagcd in the CLOTII DRESSING and WOOL CARDING business, of an extensivo stock and low prices, he solicita thetr exanimation of the same before purchasing or making wrarvgements elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggist, 139 Jetterson Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1843. 51-tf. wööïTsm WAIVIFACTORY. THE subscribers would inform the pubiic that ihtey are now manulacturing VVOOLE.N' CliOTH with a degree of successequal to their most snnguine expectations. With the machínery tliey now have, they are ab!e to manufacture from 75 to 100 pouiuls of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last tliree monthsis of the beat qunlity. and that made in luttire wül be similar. They have entirely overeóme the difíiculties of starting an cstat.l.shtnent of ihis kind in a new country. Their terms are 37 ceñís per yard for fdled eloth fíntsbed or half the cloth v:iU inaiie. lfany altemion of the terms should be determined on, public notice will be given. All wool received before such notice is given will bc worked on the above terms. . If h.ny w:sh to have their wool worked without mixing ft witli other wool, it will be done, provided they assort t themselves, and turnïsh it m quantities of 10'J pound3 of one quality o( wool. Jt is much better to sew up wool in sneks tlian to tie it up in blankets; the cioth should be ronj Provisionsof all kinds will be receivnd in payment for manufacturing to the amount required for the consumption of the establishment. Wool sent by railroad to Scio. will be properly attendedto; the number of pounds should bemnrkedon thesack with ink; also the weight of the sack. - Tho wool will be worked in turnnsit conirs in. as nearly as cari' be done with reference to the different qunliiie-!. {TT Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratificaron in consideration of our starting this branehof buairvess. nrhJ marty have encour.naed us by their patronnge durirrg the last year. We now invite all to bring their wool, to the amount of 25,0(0 pounds. and receive the benefit of the vcry reasonnble terms on which we offer to manufacture it. The establishment s 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER. & CO. Scio, April 30. 1843, 1-tf GfóAVE STOË MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, kc. TrïE sub6criber has a large assortment of Murblt, of the best quality, sw;i;il-!e for Gravz Stoxes. Mo.nume.vt?. &.c. vvhioh he will aell ciieap for cash. or èxchange for produce, at his old stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue. Datroit. Persons wishing to buy yiiÜ do weM to coH, Da they will hc sold ir.tvdt cheaper than have ever been aflbrded in this State, and of a Quality that carinot iail to please. Wil. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- ly JA31ES Cf. BIRiEy7 A TT ORNE Y A N D C O UN S E LLOR AT LAW. 8.40ANAW CITr, MICmCAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Lnnd District in which ihta "(Saganaw) County i; he will niake investments for others lands, pay over for non-residents thcir taxea, and give nforination generally to persons interested in this part of the country, or desirousof becomitiSf imvnigranta to ii.


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