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CELEBR ATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most rff'ectiwl rnwdy yvl discovend foi Jlluvmntism, ttvr tioiys, fVhtie Sicell. ings, Injluinmulioii in the i-yes, i Swclltd 'J'luoiil in ticarItt l"rcr, (uinsty, r1HE CHEMICaL PLASTER is nn importJL nni remedy lr thosc who nre alüicied wjth clironie mul nflainji ntory Conipluints, by its easug ] ni ii. counteractins itiflanimatio:i, aml givinj; ! spëcily relief by us ac.i.e. strengtlieninu:. ano " il in', (linplioretic and coiinteiirriloiil propeiti. s - 1 an icnicdy lor Chronic nnd lii.ñVinmntoí ry Rlieumatieni, Aguo in iiie Breas, Scnld ' Burne. Binis-cs, Scrolii'a. Ulcera, O1J Soiti of 1 nlmosl every ' deccripüun. Cnnkered and Swelliu 'I liio.-n orisiiip fnim Scnrle.1 Fe ver. Fclons, White Swdlingp, Chilbinins, Ac. Peisons si.fll'ring froinLtxer Complairiti, Pulmonniy disoases. Inflámniotion of the Lurfgs, with pain in the sidr, bnek or limhs. wtll fiivl icüef l'y the use of ihif Plnsier. In all cases il n.ny be tiscd with perfect Büfetyi E. DEAN S CHEMICAL PL ASTER i.put up in boxes at rilty cents ond one dollur eachj with full diridiijna accotnpnnytne' ench lrx. IM.-i t;ti 'hctiii oü and s!d, wht lesnle by II. IÍARRIS fc CO.. Aslitiihuln. Ohio, solo pronricto s. to whoni all orders bIiouIü bo nddrevsed. Sold als-o ly thrir Avenís tliioughout the country. ÏÏÏTA liberal discount made to de;ileis nul physiriíiiis. Kor testimoniáis and ccriiñcntéí from pelsons of the hiirhest respectihiliiy, who hnve u?cd the Chemical Piaster, see column of this paper. For snle by the following Agenta in Michigan: II. W, Rood, ilcs=, J. C. Larriinore. 4i C. Skannhaj), Edwardsburch. Wm. O. Austin, White Piiicon. Is.iac Benham, Jr.. Conntantine. Daiil. Ú. Kuiiberly, Schölcrni't. II. B. Htiston, &AF. March. jr PM Kalmñázbo Jnnies W. Cóthren, P. M. Galesbu gh. T L. Bolkcom, P. M. Bnttie ('reek.' James; M. Parsóns, P. M. Marshall. Paul Riiynior.d. Drugcist, J.-.ckaon. Wm. Jacksop, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Sruith, Grnss Lake. John C. W.innns, Sylvan, J Miljerd & Sor, Dc-ster. Thomas P. Mnv. Jr. Flymouih, Perin & Hnll, N'jrtliville. INha 1 Sr. Mc.C.-irïhy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Franklin,. Juüus Dean, Pontiac, Mack &. Sprngue. Rocluster, James Stephen?, lltica. E, C C;:i'lui. Mt. Ciernen?, G. &.J. G. 11.11. ? n , John O wen & Co. $ UCUoltDr. Tilos. M. Pwieny, Deaibornville, E. Sarnsnn, Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann A bor. CHRIST1AN EBERBACH, ) N OF! CTION. ONE I' H I C E STORE. TUV. Biibscnber still coniiuueu to sell DRY GOODS.anH DRY GROGERÏE'S.'ai'No 5. Huron Block, Lotccr Toki. His Biock o ïach was c;irelully seic-cted and well purebased. which entibies hitn to sell low lor rcarty ptty. As he helieves the money of the Sjinic qunlüj of every person, is of the same valué, he will sol to all lor the same price, and no arnount of Orntory can swervc biin from ihat course. Persons can makejust as pood bargains by sending an a gent, ns to come themselves. In conrcx'o:i with the store is n (hi-t and Plouring Mii.i-, where hé will constan (ly pny Csssïi fop Wheat at the bigheat niarket price. Farmers nnd Wheat buyers can have their Grisíing and Flouring done to order nnd on iIk nost reasonable terms. Thosn who wiah to urchase goode, or üh Wlie:it iioured. wou ld do well to cali andenquire his piices. and trito liif namitr of doing business. DVfGHT KELLOGG. ■nn Arbor, Lower Town, Feb. üb1, 184o. 4."-t. DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AGUK - 1'unli; I eictabh. A safe, specdy. and sure renicdy lor lever ani ague. dum atrne. chili fevcr, and the hilious dis eases peculiar to new commies. These pills nre desifrned ror the uffectións ofthe liver and other interna! organs which nttend tht disenws of the ncw and miaötnatjc portionsofoui couimv. Tlir proprietor having tried theni in a grert variety of cases confiden'ly believes thnt they are superior to ;my remedy that hns ever been oflfeicd to the public for the above diseases. It is pniely Vegetable and perfect ly honnleps, I and can be taken hy any peraon, male or female with perfect snfety. The pills nre prepared in two separate boxes, inarkód No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied with full directions. A irrent number of certificates miaht be procured in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter hns thouüht fit )Ot to insert them. in ris much os hc depends upon the nierils of the same for its reputation. The above pill is kept constontly on hand by the proprieter and can bo had at wholeaole anil rot.nil at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders from the country pronipily attended to. Ann Arbor. (lower town) May2Oih IB42. ÍJ I L. BECKLEY JfSOJTJEY TO SS E MfÊMPE. 1 i 1 H E 8uhscriber would hereby give nolice to JL the farrners of Wasbtenaw, and the ueighboriiig cóunties, that he has an 011 Mili now in ójieraiiön in Ann Arbor, Lower Tówn. where he intends at .II times la buy FLÁX SKED, (and other Seeds used in mak ing OU.) and pny the highest piice, and the best ol pny. - Onk Doi.lak per bushei will be paid for good i clean seed, or, one gallon of Oil givèn for the san:e qnanuiy. F.kmkrs are requesied to try Flnx on theii Slimmer liiLipwfi, and thereby avail themaelves o! two crups insteád of one. Mekchantb are rcqnes:cd to send in their seed and exchnnire for Oil in prefcrence to eendiiig to New Yoikor Boeton for it. and ilms Iteep whnl tpOney we have in our own Siatc. [43- tf.] JOEL R. HIDDEN. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, March 1. 1843.


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