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Chancery Sale. Absolute, for Cash and to the highcst Bidder FN ü.o cause pending in the Coa i ol Chance.y 1 ior the Second Ccuit of ,11() S,lleo J J gaii, wherein James Abbott s co , ll n nn, Ab.gail Weid,, David Eaton, Gwrw Wcfch ,,.y Weid, 11-rri. Wdch, 11 AugS W èioli, ae delendun a, the sai.l Georgo, Ilfnrv Hi.rriet, and August Icing MLíois, under tl' ae ui tweniy une yoais, - Wliereas, by a decretal order in the abo ac. nmde by bis Honor El.=n fnrnïwonh Ihen Llmncellor oí the Siate of Michigan bear tng date the fourteennday of Jnly. A. D. eight een hiiidn-d and lorty one, il Wfis ordced am fecreed. tliat the above nanicd dei'endants shouh rèdeem cerftiin mortgaged premies in ihe Com p!ain:mt's bili containcd, by tho pnymeiU of th gum ui loiir luuidrcd and iiinciy-ciglu dollars flm iwciiiy-lour coiits, and the in etcèt to acciu thereon, from the fourteenth dry of Ju!y, cight i;cn luuidred nnd lurty une. tl. e date ol o certnh report in snid deprep men'lionad, and also ih costa of"cöinplatnnt to he taxèd. on or befuie tfo iou'rtrehth day of November, in the yenr eighWei hpndrad lid loriy-orie, or iliat in default ihereof the said niortgngod premiecs with the pn'nurtenanees, or Sftjiiuch theruf n8 would be 6ufficien to pny the snid debt and the inio.tst whicli lia accruedi or nnslii fbereafier mcrue with eaic costs, and which rnigh b; sold eepatntilv with out injnry to the partieaor eii'hèc cf them," shoul lc BOd ut public nuction. ai the Couit Mutiee. ii ihe village pf Ann Aibor. in the Cuunty' o Wuahienaw, by and under the diréctioñ oí uñe o ;Jie AI isters ol the enid Cuurt. ilie said A!cs;c lirst pving a!x weeks previons notice uf üie t i tin nnd place oí" sale in some newspnper published il süid Cou.-.ty. as by the said dorren, rclciciu-ele ing tliereimto had. niay moro (V.lly iippear, And wlicrcn?, ihe said p'rómiöss are yet unre ileemed, tfnd the abave stated stnn with inteiest and costs. is yet due and unpaiff. iow, thcierorc. nolice is htrcby given, that ii pursuance. f.f ibe diroctions of the snid deerce nnd by virine of iis authOrity, 1 will, pn the sixreenth day of Mny next. tó'the bour of 7"%e!v( o'clock, at nnon. a, tíie Court Hopse of thi Coiinty of Wnshtennw. in tlie village of Ant Albor, sell to the highest bidder, at public Auctioi1, tbc landa nnd premises in said iltcree men tioned, or to mucb thereof as niay be sufficicn to pay the RÍbresaid siini. interest nnd costs. nr( enn-be sold sepaiately vrithoui injnry to any o tho pnrties in this ennae; which said Innda nH( prenrses are luiown and dctcribcd as folluws. v2 All that certain Crnct or parci I of land sitnate ir the Cdiinty of Washirnaw. nul Sirio o? Michigan, known as ihe Eaaj half of the South Eas quarter oFSection n'jmiber ibiriy-two, in Town ship numher four. South of Range number stv '■n Rast. enntninine eiuhty acifü. Tbc sde will be absolute - without redemptior nnd for cish. G. T. GRÍDLEY. Mnater in Chnncery. C. H. Ptf.waüt. Sul. foi Coniplt. Dated lliis 2pth dny of March, 1843. The ahove snle is adjourned lo t'ie 8ih day of Jttne next, at the time and place above nientioned. G T. GR1DLEY. Moster. Ann Abor, May Jfi. ]P4l. STEAM POÜNDRY (XE AU THE RAIL UOAD LEPOT.J PARTR1ÜGES, KLAT&CO. haveerecied and pui in opeiatiun a ioundry. and a:e ikW prepiïred to furniéh to order moet kinds of Cnsting lor Mills, or other Mat hinery. Sucar and Cauldron Kettles. Putaab CóGJer. mosi kinds 01 [iojlow Ware, Sleiyh Shoes, Piie Dogs, Waj. on nnd Bugjry Boacs, Plouglis and I'lough CaiTtwiii8of the v.irioua kinds used in ibis State, and the most appruved pniterns used in Ohio, all oi which they respeciiully nviie the Public to examine. Thty arp prpared to furnish Parmeri and othera with PLOUGHS as early in the sen. son ns they tifty be wan'et! for use. nnd which will be wirrinted gootl. All C8t ngs marie t.y ihetn will be aold CHEAP, and for RLADY PAY only. JOB WORK, IRON TURNING ANO FINISHING done to order, and on snor' notice, at tho Machine Shop of H. & R. PART RIDGES & GO., next düor-to 'lie Faper MiH. First rriiral IN 1848. In cminection with ihn Póundry and Machine Shop, MARRIS, PARTRJDGLS &. CO. inv iusi opened h well selccted stock of NEW GOODSÜ snch as FJroad Cloths, Sheetlngs, ATerinoj:. Sattnette, ShiftincB, Mi-alinHeLtih Heaver CJpths, Canilfts, Shawl, Keniucky Jeans, Flanncls, Cnlicoe?, AInpaea. Bno'sA Shoes. Cali S!ns S0LEJ1JYD UPPER I.EATHER A good nssortwieiii ol Hardware and (Jioccr ies. all of which will be sold as low for Cash, ca iny other atore in Ann Ardor. II. P. & Co. wül take in exchanse for Good, Hidts, Por;. Larri . Bvttcr, Flax Secd, T.'miift! iSjc, Tul' ow. Sfc. on as favorable telina as ai;v Store here or eUewhere. Any qnantity of WHEAT wnnted, ond th hiphest piiro nnid. L)wer Town, Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 18J3. 42-3m ""LANDS FOIi ALE. TUK undersigned is authorised to sell severo! tracts of land in the couniies of St. Clair. Saeinaw, Sanilnc, WnVhte'naw and Lenawee al their Cash value, and take in pnyment State Scrip and WarrantSA'i par. or tbeïr equivalent in cash: or hé wi)l proporciónate terms on liine. Thccaslv valúe rti'ny be ascenáined. if desired, hy appiaisers chosen by the purchaser and subsciiber. The Washtenaw landa qonaiat of 113 aerea inthe town of Webster, slightl) niproved. of enrly nnd chóice selection, and 214 acies 3 miles below Vpsil.tnti. on ihe River Huron, having rich bottotn nnd opper Inn.ds, pood timber, running waler, corn and-wheat soil, cxceilent sites for build: inrr. surroinded by settlenv nts, goid toads nnii iiiills. Abuut ?0 acres have been under cultiva- tion. Cfl.A'S H. STEWART, 47 if Jefleson Avenue. Detroit. Tgi5iiiícfiy & Brcss íBalíBiig'. Mns. C. BUFFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLV onnounces to tho inhabitaiüs ot Ann Arbor tuxl viciniiy, thnt ■lie hits opmed a .shop, midvvay, betwceii the upper nnd lower villages. wlicre Hic biifiineFS of MILLIJVER? fy DRE88 MAKIJYG will be carricd on, in ttll ils branches, witb ptinctiiality, despatch, and in the best and most lasliionable siylf. Ann Arbor, April 8, 1843. 0 ly POTASH Kettles. Couldrons, Sugar Kcitlef. Po'ash Boilers. Five Pail Kc'tiks. and small llollow Ware, Mili Gearing', WogDn Boxes, Plough Costings, &c. &c. constantly pn hnpd, or made at short notice at the ANN A1113ÜH STEAM FOUNDRY. PARTR1DGES, KENT & CO. March &i, 1843. 49-2n ATTQRIMEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. jarrviKSOU avbwd'É, detroit. 4i)--.f.


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