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It is etatcd tliai the proj;ct of liberating all the slaves in Texas is now openly advoca led, and is Uit grer.t topic of discussiun. The New Orleans papers are alarmed at this. and deprécate the pfluencc of such a step on the Souihern iiistitution. The Cincinnati Gazette says: "The reduced price of cotton arad oflnnds. and the positive expense of slavcry, has occasioncd this change of opinión, but along with t, has 6prung up the moral feeling whicli this evil,whereever it is feit 10 be such, every where excites; and we sliould not be surprised if it were anniliilated there. The populaiion of Texas amounts to one hnndred thousand souls; a fourth of tliCHe (25,000) are slaves; so that probably onc white rnile, out of every fifteen of the white inhabitants is a slave owner! Clcarly. then. if j ry were abolished, ihe interes! of labor, and, indeed, of all classes, the real wealtli of ihe country would be rapidly increased, nnd emigration pour into it so as to make it capnble soon of taking care of itsclf."ffT The New York Tribune says that the j Times, whicli have bee eo long hard, are getling better. The demandfor labor increasee, wages are higher - -the exchanges are low - j business on the Canals augments, ond the Wheat erop is promieing. Tlie class who suflêi most are those indebled for property purchased in speculation times.'" Aínny of these cannot fulfil their engagements at j sent prices of labor and property, and must go into bankruptcy. Plour was sellng in New York on the 17th, at L4 ..50 lo $4.Í)2J. Sonie lots of Genesee as high as $4: 75. Iilinoig wheat brouglit 95 cenis Mee pork s quoied at $p,25 to .-y,27. 0 Tlifi last papers contair. an account of eundry murder, affrays, B:ink robberies, Sic. in the Southern Slateá- about 'Jic usual BUtnber.


Signal of Liberty
Old News