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Peters Pills

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'Tis fun iheyeay to gct wcll wiüi iliem, ALL ninnkind throughout tlieir wide and imniciise circululiun ihai eei uy jlirm coniinuetobuy iliem. Telers' Pilis ;ire purely vegetable; they work no miraclts, nor do tlu-y piol'ess to cure all diseases, because tluy are tlu ácieniific compound oía regular pliys:cinn. wht luis made liis profession the studyol lus lile. Dr. Peters is a gradúale ol Yale College, nlso o! the Massarhusetts Medical College, and lias eon.ewhatdistinguished himsell as a man of sdencc and genius nmong the fnniily of ilie laie Gjv. I Peters; Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple in theii I prepaiatioii. mild in tlieir aciion, tliorough il heír operation. and unrivalled in iheir rcsults.- The town and country are qlike (illed with thci praisc. The palace and ihc poor Kopse i echo with their vinucs. I ti all climntes they wíl retain their wonde: lul pow'efa and exer ! theni unalicred by ogp or siurition. and tlrii the voieeofa grateiul comiminliy proclninied.- Poters' Pilis prevent - keep r ft" cüseases il tiinel tised. ivtid Inive no rival in enting billious lever I fevei atul ngiuvlyspepsia. liver 1 siofc hc.-ulaclic. jiiiusdicc. asthnm.dropsy. liieuma tiam. enlaraeineiH of the eplfien, piles, colie, fe j male ohstiuciion. henrtburh, fum-d Jp'ngue. hoiiI een, diste'ntion ofthe stoinach and bowels. ineipi ent diarrhCDa, ílatulenee, habitual constiveness loss of nppetite. bloehed. or sul luw complexión, j and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, when ] a cathanic or aperient is indicated, producinj. j neither nausea, griping nor (Jel)ility; and Ive reI peat all who buy thein continue to try tliem. The most tiiumphunt success has over utten ded their use and cnough is already known Oi tl. cm ti mmorialize ohd hand ihein down to pos , teri'ty with the improvcnicnis olho age in töed. ical science. Dr. Peters was bred to the hcal! ing art, and in order to supply demmds, he ha oriuinated and cnlled to Iiis aid the only stcan driven machinery in the world (or pill woikingi 'Tis perfec, and its process imparts to the pill esseniial viinie. bccause by being pcrfectly wrouglit, all the puls' bidden virtue is reveaied ; when called inio aciion.andhere also it is Peters 1 excelsall the world and takeaall the preniiunis mcdals and diplomas. So clear the tract for the Engine - Peters' Pilis are coming - a mil lian o witnesses can now be herd for iheni - resistless - do yon hear that! while a liost can testify that they believe they owe their salvjuion froin disease and death to Peters' Pil!, and if calóme andknivesarc getting partially into disusc wc are only mistaken. - This paper could be filled with thein by residents ol" Michigan, by your friénde and neighbors - ask ouragenis. It is now well known that the prople will have Peteis' Pilis, nnd to hinder would betostoj) the rusliing wind. Price 25 or 50 cents per box. TIir resisiless forcé oí these tniths - their universal reception, added to the testimony of miliions. '-keep it before the people'' must and will be henrd ihroughout this íale of tears. Their happy influcnce on }oung ladies whiic sufTenBg under ihe usual changes of life as directed by the laws of nature, they inipnrt a buoynney of heart, feeling and action, an elastic step. velvct cheek, lilly and carnation complexion by their action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in delicatcsituations always admit their power and innocence, and take thnm two or three at a time withon'. in the slightest degree incuiring the íiaznrd of an abortion: which faets are ofthe utmost importance. Pimples; a young lady sent lier love to Dr. Peters, and saysshe feels more gratefu' to him for the restoration of her beauty than ifiiehad sa ved her life. 'Tis fun to get well I with Peters Piils.for they cause the blood tocourse I islimpid and gentle through the veins as a mountain rivulct; 3 or 4 is a common (lose, heneo the patiënt is not coinpclled to niake a nieal. TRO U BLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished Oíd Pluto enmelo New York, 'Hearing Peters had got his Pill Engine at work,) To resign his connnission, his hour glass and scyilie; F have come to deliver them all up lo yon - Sir. my calling is over - my business isthrough: [ have been for three yeare in a terrible stew, And J leaily don't know what on earth J'am to do; - NTot of your n-ighty sire do I come to complain, But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subducd by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yir-ll hitn N. York. sir, if there he would stay; But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for hit sway. While rrrueingin cogncil wlia't coursc to pursue. ] Thnt Engine of Petcrd hroke forth into view. The Kingof terrors looked a while, As iliough his soul was tur' ed to btle, At that unsparing scourge of i lis. By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ot Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters makes, I've hcard him say, Five hundred thousand pills a d;iy; So that the chance is very small Of people Sying thcre at all; For soon the cheeks, so morkèd for doom, Begin likc any ïosc to bloom. Look h;rc! allvtho Iry oontinuc to buy them. For sale as follows, by Metsr?. Beach & Abel, G. Grenville, F. J. J?. Crane, Maynard. & Co.. G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. H. Lund, II. Beoker, Dick.inson !t Cogswell, and S. KJones, Aun Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd fc Son, Dc.xter, Wm. A. L. Shaw. Lima; J. C. Wmans, Sylvan, Halo, &. Siiiith. GrassLake; W. Jackson, Leoni: D. T. Merairían. Jackson; M. A. Sliocmahor. Michigftii Centre; Eroiherson & Co.. L. B. Kicf & Gilliert. iMancliosier; D. S. Ilaywood, Saline; Snow &, Keys. Clinron; J. Scattergood & Co., PlymDUth; Stone. Bnbcock SsCo., nnd Julins, Movius&Co., Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. &. J. IJidsvell, and Dr. Uuderwood, Adrion; Hart &y Mosher, Springville; Harmen & Cook. lirooklyn; Smilh & Co., Joncsville; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and almost every vvhere else. Oct. 1U, 1842 27-lyj


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