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, Tlie attcinpt to suppress the progresa of truth by firc ond fagots, hanging, imprisonment, stiipcp, &c. has bcon made by barbarians in all ! ages. It is very natural for those wlio are i worst ed in inleliectua! encouutors, to t-how iheirangcr by brulc violence upon the pérson i whom tliey feel to be nn nleilectual superior. ij It is reluied of one of the Bisliops of Englund, ■ ! than w.'ien a heretic minister was brnnght be! (ore liim, lie rcasoned with him upon liis error, but finding thnt liis ndversary wns the ; , strongest in arguntont, ho seized liis hand nnd held the end of liis iingcr in theblnze of a caud'e til] it split open. Such a mc'hod of indocuinating truth inlo ttie mind loolts ab surd to us. Yet in one half the republic the principie of resisting spirituul Inilh by jihysical violenc?, ís extensively practised. IIow many abolitionisls have been hung, lynched, whipped, or bunished frem ihe South, because tho slaveliolderi? weie unnble to meet tlieir argutnents in nny other way ! But as they cannot alvvays get hold of the persons of antislavery men, they vent thcir brutality on their books and papers. The robbery of the Post Office is aimost universal in the Slave States. The lost instance is meinioned in the Mobile Ueraldj'hu?: "Right. Almost three huncTred copies of a dirty ifbolition paper, cülled the American and Forcigh Anti -Slavery Reporter, wtfa received at the New Oileans Post ufFice, on Satnrdiiy, and the master made a bonfire of Ihem." The Anti-Slavery Reporter, here referred to, contains au to the Non-slaeholders of the South. For shnme, Gentlemen of the South! - Where is all yoiir boasted chivalry? Why (lid yon not cali on your statesrnen - on your Calhouns, your Clays and McDuflieF, to answer the documents so ably set forth in 'he Reporler? Where nre your ntellectual giants, yourclergymen, your lawyers, your professors in colleges? Could you not meet the arguments of a single abolitionist? You feit you could nol meet theinititellcciually.and yon met them in the ame mean, cowardly way in which error and vice have ever wiihstood truth and virlue - bj' suppreísing the knowledge of those truths which vou were too depraved to receive, and too iinbccile to coi-bat. Your course was a vile one. But it was easy: ft was much iess difïicult to burn them thnn to ansiccr them!


Signal of Liberty
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