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Tiic Madisonian contains the following maiiif'e.slo of politica! faith : ''.Va Bunk - a Revenue 'Tari ff - no Dis. tribuüon - .no ABOMTIONIsm - a si riet construction o the Consiitution [of ihe United Stnlep,] ui by Jeffrrsun - un económica! admmistration of Public Jljfairs - and universal SDFFRAOB - with UMVKRSAL EDUCA - T10NÜ!" 05 The BuiTalo Commercial snys that the effect of the nilroads and 6team navigation upon capital for trading purposes, is to cnr.ble one dollar to perforui the office of three, i or perhnps five mider the old order of things. Merchants enn now do the same business with les's capital. They purchase less at a time, I and more frequent ly. tET The Whigs of Mnss:ichusetts are discus, siiiii who shnll bc tfieir cnndidaic fcr Govenior.- Briggs, SalstDsn'l. V. B. Gallioun. Abbott Lawrence aml J. Q. Adams, liave bcon men (ioncd. It is siid tfrat Guvernor Davis refuses a reno:nination.O The E nsks: 'Are tliose Chrisiiana who wiihhold the Bible fr om Aincricün aínves, Protestants.? Ordo they. in (a(!t, dstin;uisli liieniselves f rom nll slaveholdeis in ihe world, ly wühholding the religión of the country Oom the slaves of the countiy?'' ff?3 The Phü;inl!iropljist saj's the national lebt of Texis is from ten to Uvelvo millions of dollurs. Tiie frve populalion is about 7 :,- 000, or nut quite ns large as that of tlie First Congres6Íbnal District of Michigan. fX?3 Two daily papers in Cincinnnti, iho Siiquircr, Damücratic, and Clironicle, Whig, mve been disctissinij the reclamation of fugitive slaves. The Clironicle approvcs the Liatitnor Statule of Massacliusetts. QU Flour ir: New York. was eeüing at the atoát dates at $4.50 to $4;b7. Wlieat for 97 ce.nts. O;its were wonh 27 to 29 cents.


Signal of Liberty
Old News