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Threshing Machines

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JPJIE uhdersigned would inforñi ihc public JL thut they continue lo manufacture Hohsk Powkkj ;ni(i ThIieShíko M.ini:Ni:s. two mul ;i hall mil es Iroñi t'no villagi: ol' Ann At6o. en the rail-rond. Tiic iloise l'ower is a late anvention by S. W. Foster, and is ckcidedly superior to any othcr ever ofèjred to tlie public, as will appear by the statements of ihosc who have used tliem dtiring tlie l:jst yuar. ]t is light in weight nnd smal! in compasa, being carricd together wilh the Thrcsher, in a coniaion waggon box, and drawn witb ease by iwo horses. It is as hule Hable to break, or yet uní oi repair, as any other Horse Power, ind v.-iil wrk aa ensy nnd thrash rs niueh with four horses attached to it as any other power witli Jlrc liorácí, as will appear from ihe reouninieiKuitioiis below. New patterns have been made for the cast ïron, and nddilional weight and strengthapplied wherever it had appeared to bc uecessary fro.m one year's use ol" the machine. Tlie sabscribers deem it proper to state, that n nuniberof horse powers wcre 90KI last year in the villnge ol Anti Arbor which were beiieved by tlit purchasers to be thoseinvented by S. W. Foster. and tliat most or all of tliem were eilher made materially different, or altered betbre sold, so as to be materially different fröm those mndo and sold by tl;e subseribers. Sucli aitorations being decidtdly j detnmenta' to the uiiüty of the machine. They have good ressort to belicve tliat every one of j thoso retumed tiy ihe purchaseis ns unsatisfac torv were of this elnss. They are not awave that any Power that werft Oom their shop, and was put in uso, as they made it. .has been condemned or laid asideasabad machine. Allwliowish t'ibuvare invited to examine I them and to enqüire of those who have used them. Thère willbe onetbr examination at N. II. Vi.vo's, Dextcr riUnixc; and one at Martin Wili.son's atotchuiti-c in Detroit - both these gentlemen being agents for the sale of theni. The price will be $120 fora four horse power, wilh q threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and .;' 30 ft.r a horse power with a threshing machine wilh an iron bar cylinder. The ;uitniion of the reader is invited to ttie fol'owing recommendations. S. W. FÜSTER&CO. Scio. Ar il 90. 1 4-2. ftECOMiaSiWA T1ONS. This is to certify that wc have used one of S W. Fosier's newly invented Horse Powers foi about five months, and rhrcshed with it about 8300 bushels, and believe it is constructed on bctler principies than üny other Horse Power. One of tho undersigne! has ownedand usedeiylit different kinds of Horse Powers, and we heiieve that four horses will thrash as niuch with this will with any other power with which we are acquainted. H. CASK, S. G. IVES. Scio, January. 12, 1R42. is to inform the public that I have purchased, and have now in use, one of the Horse Powers recently invented by S W. Foster, made by S. VV. Foster, & Co., and believe it be constructed opon better principies, and reqnirc8 lessstrcvgth of horses tiian any oiher power with which 1 ara ac quauued. A. WEEKS. Mount CIemen3, Sopt. 8, 1841. This is to inform tle pnblic that I have purchasedoneof the Horso Powers, recently invenfed by S. W. Fosier. and us"!d it for a numer of months, and believe it is the best power in use. worktng with less strensrth of horses than any other power with which I am acquainted, and bcing sniall in compass, is asily moved from one place to another. I believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power a3 5 will v.-ith any other power. - The plan and the working of this power have been univer3a!Iy approvod of by fermers for whom I have thrash ed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April II. 1R42. SMUT MACHINES. The subscribers make very good SM UT MACHINES which they will sell for $60. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers, who hns had many year's experience in the milling business. We invite those who wish to buy a good machine for a fair price to buy of ns. ït is worth as mirli as mostofilu machines that cost from 150 to $800. 3. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 18, 1343.


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