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DR. BANISTER'SCKLEBRATED FEVER AGÜE PILLS.- Purcly Vegetabli, A safe, specdy. and sure remedy tor ('ever and aguc, dum azue, chili fevcr, and the bilious diseases peculiar to new countries. These pille nre designed for the affections of the üver and other internal organs which fittend the disenses of the new and miasmatic portionsof our country. The propvietor having iried them in a great variety of cases contidentlybeücves that they are superior to any remedy that has ever heen oftbred to the public for the above disenses. It is purely Vegetable and perfectly harmIes3, and can be taken by anyperson, maleor female wiih perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompaniedwuh full directions. A grent number of certificatcs might be procured in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter has thought fit notto nsert them, n as miicli ns he depends upon the nierils of tho BÜmè for its reputation. The above pill is kept cnstrntly on hand by the prnprietpr and can be hnd nt wholesnle and retail at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders from the country prompily attended to. Ann Arbor. flower town) May 29 1842. 9 L. BECKLEY "ground plaster. PRICE RRDUCKD TO NINE DOLLARS PER TOtf. THE subscribers have now on hand and will continué to keep a good supply of ; GROUJYD PLASTER, in Barrels, al their Slore in Detroit, (123, Jefferson Avenue,) and in Bulk, at their Piaster HU, on ihe River Rood, half way letween Ypsilanti and Ann Arbur. t The above' ie from ihe Séneca Ftrtls and Giand Uiccr Piaster Bedd. both noted for their superiority. ELDRED & CO. Januaryl2, 1843 4(Gm. PAINTIWG, T. LAMBERT, T1EGS loave to infonti the nhnbitants of r Jö Ann Arbnr, and ihe surrounding coun:ry. ihat hnvinglocated himself in the ■ ■r ViUáge; witb the view of earrying on the ibove business in all its branches, (some f which are HOUSE. SIGN. and ORNAMENTAL PAIJYTIJYG, GILDING and GLAZINGj GRAINING, ; mitutioii of all Wooda, MARBLEIZIiNG. rRANSPARENCIES, BANiNERS, &c. espectfully solicits a Bhare of public patrónJge, as bis prices shall be low lo conform to c lbo times and his work done in the best mana ner. ü T. f,. vouldsayto Farmers tbat he is par'" cularly desiroue to attend to their calis, as produce is the best kind of pav. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Marcb 0. 1843. " 45.-1 y . ? _____ r BLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, &c f.r enle at this office.


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