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Plougiis! FIoHg'fes! 03a CJIN'T BE BEAT! „Q Til E subscribcys have constant!)' on hand a largc nsRortmcnt ot' PLOÏÏGHS. of a superior quality. which thcy offer lor sale as CilEAP as can be pnreliasid at any oiher place n tliis County. Thoso wishing to purebase s-iit p f 6a SC cnll nnd examine for tlrcmselvrs. PARTRIDGES. KENT & CO. Ann Aibor, April 20, JS-i:5. 52-tf. "LANDS FÖR SALE. TUK undersigned is authorised to sell severnl tracts of land in tho counties of St.-Clsrir. Saginaw, Sanilac, Wösbtenaw and Lenawee at their cash value. and takein payment State Scrip and Wnrranlsw par. or tlieir equivalent in cash; or lie will proportionate ternis on time. The cash vulun nay be ascertaincd. if . desired. by nppraisnrs cftoVen ly the pnrehaser and subscril)t;r. The WashtctKuv lands consist of 118 aerea in the town of Webster, slighllj improved, oí c:.ily and choico selcction, and 214 acres 3 inilesbclow Ypsilanti. on the River Htiron. hovliig lich bottom and upper lands. good timber, running waier,curn and wheat soil, excoilcnt sites for building, sunotinded hy seltlements, gootl toads nnd milis. Aboitt oU acres have been undcr cultivation. cruTs ir. stewart, ■17 if Jefierson Avenue. Detroit. ]?liüliiiery fc lircss'ülakirtg'i Mns. C. BUFFFINGTON, "O ESPECTFULLY announces to Iho inXX habitants of Ann Arbor anil vicinity, that slie has opened a shop, michvny, bet ween the upper and lower villagcs,vlicre the business of MILLIJYERY f BRESS MAKING will bc earried on, in all its branches, with punctuality, despatch, and in the best and most iashionable style. Aun Arbor, April 8, 1C43. 50 ly POTASÏI Kettles. Cnuldrona. Sugor Kctíícs, Potasli Hoilers. Fivc Pnil Kettleu, nnd small Hollow Ware, Mili Gearing, Wayon Boxee, I'louyh Castings, &c. &c. coiiKlantly on hand, or made at short nb'tíce at the ANN AHBOlt STEAM FOüNJMty. PARTR1DGES, KENT & CO. March28, I ii. 4Ü-2ni " LOST, A VA: UAliLK UMÜRICLLA, cotton cover, which has been left at sonie store or twtlling in ihe village. The iinder ís respectully rctiucstcd to rutura it to ;. 15ECKLEY. "FRSÏS KABÖrT''"' NARCU8 STEVENS SAMUEL ZUG. HAVE tnken the rooms in the lower end oj the White Block, dircctly opposite the Mi higan Exchiuige, wliere thcy will keep an cxensive assortinerit of CÉUurmT w&REi f cvery kind, quality. and description, of thcir vvn niiinufucturing, and warrantcd to beas fash)nable. good, and cheap ys can be had West ol iew York. Purchuseisaic requested to cali and xainino our extensive assortment before buying. Any afiele of Furnituru made to order, and Varrántid to picase. UPHOLSTHKIXG done in all its various ranches, and at the shortcst notico. ' C6Á1RS, LOOKING GLASSES, AND i V!l,l)W WARE; olso, Mahogtmy i Boards nd Ventera - as cheep as the cheapest. j WANTED, In cxnhanire. ('ÏUIIUIY, WALNVT, AND 3 lAPLE LUMBEli, Src. %c. $v. ' STEVENS & ZUG. l Detroit, April 17, 1843. 51-3m CHBESËT" [?OR Sale by L1 C. J. GARLAND. Aun Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. 2 }


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