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Six Injured In Car-Truck Crash

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Six Injured In Car-Truck Crash

Head-On Collision Occurs On Stadium Blvd.

Six persons were injured about 8:45 last night in a truck-car crash on Stadium Blvd. new S. Main St. None was seriously hurt.

William F. Furman, 28, of 2672 Elmwood St., East Ann Arbor, was driving a tractor-trailer truck east on Stadium Blvd. It crashed head-on into a vehicle driven by Calvin A. Seyfired, 35, of 1803 Baldwin Ave.

Furman was treated by a private physician and later released. Seyfried and his wife, Eleanor, 36, were both admitted to Beyer Memorial Hospital in Ypsilanti for cuts and bruises.

James W. Wilkins, 35 and his wife Dorothy, 36, both passengers in the Seyfried vehicle, were admitted to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital and are being treated for multiple lacerations of the head and face. Mrs. Wilkins also suffered hand injuries.

Another passenger in the Seyfried car, James C. Tibbets, 38, of 1401 Iroquois Place, suffered multiple lacerations of the head and face and an arm injury. He was admitted to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital.

Sheriff's deputies said that the truck apparently crashed into the Seyfried vehicle when the driver turned into the westbound traffic to avoid another car.