Industrial Workers Of The World

Community Resource Directory
Industrial Workers of the World
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Southeastern Michigan,
General Membership Branch
42 S. Summit
Ypsilanti, Ml 48197
Statement of Purpose
The I.W.W. Union advocates the ownership and control of all means of production and distribution by the working class. It promotes this purpose through workplace organizing and education. Tactically it differentiates itself from conventional unions through emphasis on direct action rather than reliance on the courts and government to achieve the ends of the working class.
In the snort run, the I.W.W. helps workers organize for increased decision-making power in the workplace as well as improved wages and benefits.
Meetings and Membership
General membership meetings: Second Monday of every month, 6 PM at the offices of the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union, fourth floor of the Michigan Union. Informal working meetings every Monday, same time and place.
Area membership includes the majority of the employees at: American Speedy Printing, 525 E. Jefferson, Detroit; Ann Arbor Tenants' Union, in the Michigan Union; People's Wherehouse, 727 W. Ellsworth; University Cellar, 341 E. Liberty; and several other workers and students who are in agreement with the Union's principles. The I.W.W. has approximately 110 members in this area. The initiation fee is $5. Dues are $5 per month for workers making more than $300 per month, $2 per month for anyone making less than $300 per month.
Organizational Structure
All officers of the I.W.W. are elected annually. Between annual conventions the business of the I.W.W. is conducted by a 7 member board of directors, Its only paid official is the General Secretary-Treasurer. The General Membership Branch is an umbrella group for the Job Shops mentioned about plus members who do not work in IWW Shops. The General Membership Branch has a secretary-treasurer. I.W.W. shops have a lot of flexibility in determining their organizational structures. Most have a Branch secretary-treasurer, delegates who are authorized to sign up new members and collect dues, and stewards who process grievances. Decision making is done through democratic processes.
Community Services
Labor-organizing: members of the I.W.W. are available to advise and assist anyone engaged in organizing which will promote worker control, regardless of whether the organizers ultimately desire affiliation with the I.W.W.
Coming Events
Tuesday, April 29, 7:30 PM: "The Labor Movement in South Africa," Bonile Tuluma, the National Coördinator of Worker Education for the 50,000 member South African Allied Workers Union will speak. Four leaders of Tuluma's Union have been imprisoned for months for their opposition to apartheid. Tuluma is one of the few national officers of the progressive Union who remains free to exposé the conditions suffered by workers under the Botha regime. Tuluma wil also be available for interviews on April 30th. Admission to the speaking engagement is free, but donations to offset Tuluma's travel expenses will be greatly appreciated.
May 1-5: On the 100th anniversary of the Haymarket incident and the campaign for the 8 hour day, the I.W.W. is sponsoring an international conference of progressive Unionists, to be held in Chicago. Unions and rank-and-file activists from Canada, Denmark, England, Japan, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the U.S., and Venezuela are currently expected to participate, with many others expressing strong interest in attending if circumstances and finances permit.
Ann Arbor Tenants Union
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
American Speedy Printing
People's Food Wherehouse
University Cellar
South African Allied Workers Union
Old News
Bonile Tuluma
42 S Summit Ypsilanti
Michigan Union
525 E Jefferson Detroit
727 W Ellsworth
341 E Liberty
South Africa
United States